The Mike Church Show

The Mike Church Show-The WEF Came For The Ribeyes And I Said Bollocks!

today11/14/2023 168

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Time Red Pill Topics & Headlines
6:03am cstWelcome to the Mike Church Show on Call the show  844-5CRUSADE
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  HEADLINE: FLASHBACK 2015: I Was The FIRST Cancellation Of Cancel Culture For Being “Too Catholic For Satellite Radio” by Mike Church 

  • As Mike put it in on his hugely popular talk show, he had swallowed the “red pill of enlightenment” and unplugged himself from “the Matrix” of our “pluralist” society. His eyes had been opened to the reality that the inevitable end of “pluralist” social order is that only error has rights and that the truth will be driven into hiding by howls of derision and banishment from public life.  And that is exactly what we now see happening in our country, and indeed throughout the Western world.
  • As a Catholic, if you’ve ever felt hopeless before the seemingly inevitable collapse of our civil society, know that the Mike Church Show represents the only voice in the mainstream media with a real solution: restoring the social reign of Christ The King. By supporting the Mike Church Show you will be joining a movement for what we all know is a desperately needed spiritual revolution in this country. That is why Mike calls this undertaking a Crusade. 



HEADLINE: Bishop Strickland Becomes a Victim for the Church He Loves by Kevin Wells 

  • The removal of Bishop Joseph Strickland is the culmination of a process that began on a cold morning in Baltimore five years ago today.
  • I want to reiterate what our Priest told us yesterday in his homily.
  • The release of the document that states transgenders can be Godparents.
  • The teachings of the Church have not changed.
  • If someone comes here in that state and asks me to Baptize them, I can’t, I won’t.
  • They aren’t asking to become Catholic.
  • As a Catholic, we deal w/ reality and truth.
  • If you show up in a dress but you are a biological male, you aren’t living in reality. 
  • The tragedy of it all is they aren’t making anyone holy.
  • The people that were already doing this, didn’t need this piece of paper.
  • The people that weren’t doing this still won’t do this b/c it isn’t truth based. 
  • What if the devout Catholics say, you know what Big Frank, you can keep your big buildings.
  • We are perfectly happy having Mass in the field. 
  • Who is behind all of this?
  • They think they will get you to stop praying for the intentions of the Holy Father.
  • Don’t stop, you must continue to pray for the Holy Father.
  • We are after all part of the Church Militant not the Church Comfortable. 
 GOP Presidential Race

  • Senator Tim Scott is now out as of yesterday.
  • So we have left, Nikki Haley, Ron DeSantis, Vivek Ramaswamy and Donald Trump if we are correct.
  • There are two that are war hungry and two that are not.
 If you have any issues that need to be resolved, please email Maggie O’Connell directly at [email protected] or Candace her personal email [email protected]
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 Did you miss yesterday’s LIVE Mike Church Show? Worry not, you can listen to all previously aired shows at the new CRUSADE MAX –
7:15am cstWelcome back to The Mike Church Show! Call the Crusade Channel at 844-5CRUSADE! Join our FREE LIVE chatroom where you can chat with fellow Crusaders.
 HEADLINE: Stop Drinking the Political Kool-Aid, America: Voting Will Not Save Us by John Whitehead


HEADLINE: EXCLUSIVE More than 100 veterans died at New York home after one of ‘worst covid outbreaks in the state’, claims lawsuit from distraught families who ‘weren’t even told that their relatives were ill’ by Lewis Pennock 

  • More than 100 veterans died at a housing facility in New York City after a devastating covid outbreak which was not contained by bosses, according to a lawsuit from families who claim they weren’t even told their loved ones had caught the virus.
  • A civil case filed on November 4 and reviewed by alleges ‘at least 350’ veterans and staff who lived at the facility were infected. Critically-ill veterans, many of whom were elderly and had other illnesses, were not given proper treatment or taken to hospital despite their condition, it is claimed. 
  • ‘Because of the defendant’s deliberate indifference, palpable through their shocking actions and glaring omissions, the NYS-VH became an infection hotspot for its veterans/residents who were unnecessarily exposed to, and infected with, [covid], and ultimately became a death sentence for 100 of our nation’s veterans.’


HEADLINE: Back to the hotel! Furious migrants REFUSE to stay in tent shelter after being bused to Brooklyn and head back to plush Manhattan accommodation by Stephen Lepore

  • A group of asylum seekers were seen being bused to Floyd Bennett Field in Brooklyn on Sunday. The site, part of a national park located in southeast of the New York City borough, is expected to hold 2,000 people.
  • The city has signed over $5 billion in nearly 200 contracts for migrant services since last year when he declared a state of emergency. Adams has said the crisis will cost the city $12billion over three years, and has warned New Yorkers will see their services affected by budget cuts to deal with the situation. 
  • Here’s a question if Trump is to make good on his promise to do mass deportation, what is going to happen w/ all the kids that have been enrolled in public schools all over this country? 
  • This will cause thousands more people to leave NYC and move out to the burbs.
  • NY is being destroyed from within. 
  • There is $1 trillion or so that passes through the market there so the entire island can’t be given up.
  • The City of Chicago, forget it, its over it is finished.
 AUDIO/VIDEO: Senator Tim Scott on Fox suspending his presidential campaignWe should all be proud of this country. I’m the kid…nearly failed out of high school as a freshman, and here I am, was running for president a few minutes ago. 
1h58mHEADLINE: Scientists Want Meat Slapped With ‘Cigarette-Style’ Warning Labels About Climate Change. Here’s Why It’s Completely Asinine by Tristan Justice and Evita Duffy-Alfonso 

  • Just b/c you wear a white lab coat doesn’t mean you have all the answers.
  • The ‘scientist’ got COVID wrong.
  • The ‘scientist’ got butter and eggs wrong.
  • These people are just anti-joy.
  • Everything that is good or fun the left seeks to do away with it.
  • Remember eggs were going to drive your cholesterol through the roof?
  • Remember butter was terrible for you but margarine was good for you?  
 HEADLINE: Secret Service agents protecting Biden’s granddaughter open fire when 3 people try to break into SUV by Michael Balsamo 

  • The agents, assigned to protect Naomi  Naomi Biden, were out with her in the Georgetown neighborhood late Sunday night when they saw the three people breaking a window of the parked and unoccupied SUV, the official said. The official could not discuss details of the investigation publicly and spoke to the AP on Monday on the condition of anonymity.
  • It states that no one was hit with any bullets, so where they not trying to hit them or are they that terrible of a shot?
 AUDIO/VIDEO: World Economic Forum Mariana MazzucatoOur attempt to vaccinate the entire planet failed, climate change is too abstract for people to understand but the coming water crisis is something that everyone will get on board with.
8:13am cstWelcome to the final segment of The Mike Church Show Call 844-5CRUSADE Join our FREE LIVE chatroom at
 Crusade – Congress For Altar Culture and Trade (are available for purchase)
 True Crime 

  • We have a murder industry in the United States.
  • They kill for passion, they kill for money, they kill for jealousy…this is the Pagan World we live in now.

HEADLINE: Horrific moment boy is punched to the ground after trying to save friend Jonathan Lewis, 17, who was ‘beaten to death’ by a pack of bullies in Las Vegas trying to defend another student by Mackenzie Tatananni and James Gordon 

  • It will be easy to find these kids b/c they recorded themselves killing this young man.
  • Footage appears to show Jonathan throwing a punch before being swarmed by up to 15 youths who are seen hitting and kicking him repeatedly as he lies on the ground.
  • Footage appears to show Jonathan throwing a punch before being swarmed by up to 15 youths who are seen hitting and kicking him repeatedly as he lies on the ground.
  • A separate melee breaks out away from where Jonathan is being mobbed and the boy who tried to intervene is punched to the ground. Up to five other teens surround him and start hitting him.
 HEADLINE: Trump Says He Might Investigate Political Opponents If He Wins in 2024 by Tom Ozimek 

  • “Well, he’s unleashed something that everybody, we’ve all known about this for a hundred years,” President Trump said, presumably referring to President Joe Biden and his administration.
  • Many Republicans contend that the DOJ has failed to fully probe the allegations against President Biden’s son, Hunter Biden, who faces federal tax and gun charges.
2h43mAUDIO/VIDEO: Rep Jamie Raskin on Inside w/ Jen on Trump 2nd termHe wants to destroy his political enemies so what would a 2nd term look like? It would look a lot like Vladimir Putin, Russia. It would look a lot like Viktor Orban in Hungary. They don’t accept elections that don’t go there way and that is the hallmark of an authoritarian leader. 

  • So what is wrong w/ Viktor Orban?
  • They elected him…democratically. 
  • The parliament they elected voted to ban abortion.
  • They voted to ban transgender surgeries for minors.
  • So what Raskin means is they don’t practice HIS VISION of democracy so he is just like Putin now.

Joe Clovis from London

  • The MSM lies that simply come out of the left pundits. 
  • They project all the time. 
  • They decry the right is doing it but in all honestly it is something they are doing.
  • As we speak live on air they are praying the rosary at the Global Headquarters.
  • Munich and in London at noon they also pray the rosary. 
  • A rare image of Our Lady appeared in the glass on the Monstrance. 

AUDIO/VIDEO: Our Lady in the Eucharist! – Appeared before hundreds during Fr Alar retreat in California October 13, 2023

  • The children that had been ‘gassed’ he interviewed them.
  • John McCain wanted Obama to start bombing Syria.












Caller Aiiaconus from the Chatroom 

On the topic of Bishop Strickland – 

  • We need all of us to really fast and pray.
  • I’m not sure of the exact situation but it depends on what they do with him.
  • He can’t stop being a Bishop that is on his soul.
  • Lets go through the steps here – 
  • Clerical State 
  • All these guys have titles – name in name or area.
  • At this point, once you are given that power you can assist in a Diocese.
  • When he is removed like this the worst possible thing is Rome laicizing him.
  • After that he can’t even say Mass.
  • The big question is do they have the authority to do this b/c Rome doesn’t have power to just arbitrarily do something like that w/o cause.
  • The Holy Fathers power isn’t supreme.
  • Pope Francis has to have cause to laicize someone.
  • He doesn’t change dogma, his job is to protect the truth.
  • It’s on HIM to become a Saint, that is on him.
  • He is the teacher but he has to respect the Bishops in their Diocese b/c they are the ‘pope’ of their Diocese. 
  • That Bishop also doesn’t have the authority to rule things into his Diocese if they don’t fall in line w/ the truth and the Catholic Church.
  • He may be laicized and he could just act like a monk at that point.
  • He could join an order for fasting and prayer etc.
  • But the care of the souls underneath him comes first.  
  • The Code of Canon Law identifies four ways diocesan bishops can lose their office: death, transfer, resignation, or criminal penalty.
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Meta-tags for showBishop Strickland, Catholicism, Pope Francis, Vatican, Rome, Our Lady of Akita, Joe Clovis, UK, Far Alar, Vladimir Putin, Viktor Orban, Rep Jamie Raskin, Donald Trump, Jen Psaki, Father Isaac, Canon Law, Tyler Texas, Kevin Wells, Senator Tom Scott, Nikki Haley, Governor Ron DeSantis, Vivek Ramaswamy, Michael Lesher, John Whitehead, Israel, Benjamin Netanyahu, Dana Bash, Tom Ozimek, Jonathan Lewis, Mackenzie Tatananni, James Gordon, Las Vegas, COVID, Michael Balsamo, Naomi Biden, Secret Service, Michael Balsamo, Mariana Mazzucato, World Economic Forum

Written by: candacechurch