The Mike Church Show

The Mike Church Show-Video Has Not Killed The Radio Star! Happy 8th Birthday CRUSADE

today11/10/2023 219

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Time Red Pill Topics & Headlines
6:03am cstWelcome to the Mike Church Show on Call the show  844-5CRUSADE
 Did you miss yesterday’s LIVE Mike Church Show? Worry not, you can listen to all previously aired shows at the new CRUSADE MAX –
 Happy 8th Anniversary to the Crusade Channel

Caller Doug from Chicago – 

  • I have called every single anniversary for the Crusade Channel.
  • I marked it on my phone calendar and I will always call, I love this station and I love your programing. 
  • I remember you guys went off air b/c you had so many people listening. 
  • You busted your own band with. 








Caller Jim Mosher

  • The musical genius that is responsible for all the Mike Church Show band parody songs!
  • I mean under Obama I almost lost my recording studio now under Biden I have to have a 2nd job at the transgender daycare.
  • California Dreaming vs Oval Office Dreaming
  • They only had 4 tracks to work w/ back then when they did California Dreaming.
  • So we did the same thing.
  • I studied all that as a kid, I’d put on headphones and listen and wonder how these things were recorded.
  • What is your favorite parody song?
  • My favorite was Libs on the Run.
  • I slaved over that one. 
  • I did all the keyboard, drums, bass and guitar on that one.
  • I mimicked what was on the original album.
  • Work Like a Mexican – I love the Taco Bell, bell we threw in there for fun to see if anyone would catch it.
  • Your So Vain – That one NEVER gets old, that song still applies today too!
  • I also did the Sherlock Holmes soundtrack. 
  • I actually forgot about that one!
  • I’m sitting here smoking my pipe and that is just a wonderful piece of music right there.
 If you have any issues that need to be resolved, please email Maggie O’Connell directly at [email protected] or Candace her personal email [email protected]
 Do business with those that do business with us. BullDog Kia have been with us since day one of Veritas Radio Network and the Crusade Channel. Get your Kia today from the fine folks at BullDog Kia in Atlanta Georgia.
 Did you miss yesterday’s LIVE Mike Church Show? Worry not, you can listen to all previously aired shows at the new CRUSADE MAX –
7:15am cstWelcome back to The Mike Church Show! Call the Crusade Channel at 844-5CRUSADE! Join our FREE LIVE chatroom where you can chat with fellow Crusaders.













Caller David Simpson

aka Mr Wonderful

  • The host of the True Money Show aired only on the Crusade Channel.
  • Left Sirius/XM – there would be no talk radio on Sirius w/o the Mike Church Show.
  • There was no other daily show.
  • We invented the medium on Sirius/XM.
  • They got your fingers in you at all, you had to tone down what you were talking about b/c it would have been a Sunday show.
  • Over 100 chatters in the chatroom today!
  • Listening records are being broken today too.

HEADLINE: MAGA Outraged as Republicans Give FBI $375 Million by Rachel Dobkin

Matt Gaetz Amendment to stop it – The amendment failed 273-145, with 70 GOP members voting against it.

  • In the push ‘we need to grow’ do you really though?
  • Their depth is shallow – they just don’t understand.
  • It has substance and people are fearful of substance.
  • When you gain the knowledge you then have to do something with that knowledge.
  • It is better to just NOT listen.
  • You won’t be responsible if you don’t listen.

AUDIO/VIDEO: Lindsey Graham on Sean Hannity does a 180 funding Israel and Ukraine:  I will not vote for one dime for any country, including Israel until we secure our own border.

  • It is becoming impossible to avoid the reality of the damage they have done.
  • Prices Americans are paying don’t lie.
  • The prices aren’t because the farmers are racist. 
  • At this point I’ll take the 80’s back!
8:13am cstWelcome to the final segment of The Mike Church Show Call 844-5CRUSADE Join our FREE LIVE chatroom at
 Crusade – Congress For Altar Culture and Trade (are available for purchase)


Caller Richard Barrett

aka The Armed Catholic 

  • Call the 2024 Republican Primary – It is going to 100% be Trump.
  • Who is number 2 for you? – Vivek Ramaswamy
  • There is the populous #2 Vivek Ramaswamy 
  • The political #2 is Nikki Haley
  • She would bomb the moon if Elon Musk colonized it. 
  • You thought once upon a time that DeSantis was the man right?
  • I think we all thought he was perfect but I think he will be studied in political science classes on how NOT to handle the new medium.
  • The whole boot thing – you can’t pull something like that on Trump or Vivek b/c they are too quick witted for that nonsense.
  • Outside of a policy decision he has the charisma of a 2×4.
  • Interpersonal skills just don’t exist. 
  • The ruling elites are terrified of Trump still.
  • That is why they continue to persecute him. 
  • Hillary Clinton on the View – 
  • Trump has that masculine resolve.
  • He has a specific type of lawyer he likes to hire.
  • I didn’t even know there was GOP Presidential debate until after the day it occurred. 
  • Ronna McDaniels is an absolute failure.

Find Mitter Barrett – YouTube, Spiritus and Rumble – The Armed Catholic

 Caller Mitter Mundy

  • 99% of your success has to do w/ Mittus Maggie O’Connell 
  • We all know you couldn’t do this w/o her.
  • I am someone that has been here from the very beginning and you have done such a great job.
  • When we go through all of this, choose only the best of the past.
2h50mCaller Mike Parrott

Rundown on YT, Husband and father, construction company, painting company and is the host of Parrott Talk.

  • Sleep is completely overrated. 
  • Low and slow – 
  • We just broke the single listening numbers this morning.
  • We also broke the chatroom record for the MCS.
  • Today is the Birthday of the Marine Corps also.
  • It is a very personal story that will broadcast from me today on Parrott Talk.
  • The owner of Bulldog KIA is a Marine Special Ops – David Kernall
3h16mCaller Brother Andre Marie

Host of ReConquest

  • In 2014 I had completed the Philosophy course.
  • I said, if I put this chatroom together, and you would be the teacher by being in the chatroom answering questions…we will start w/ 1 going through to 8 would you be interested?
  • That little show, class brought so many back to the faith.
  • We have had many conversions and reversions due to this show.
  • This is something we don’t talk about often and my what a blessing this is.
  • It gave me practice to be on air too!
  • You helped me use this as practice and kept me on point and now we have ReConquest and Wisdom Wednesday.
  • We’ve had reversion, conversion and just amazing things here.
  • Like when I did the show on circumcison – people would ask why and then I’ve had many parents call me and tell me how informative it was and how they didn’t even realize some of those things.
  • What you guys do here at the Crusade Channel is important.
3h33mCaller Mike Ziants

  • You know him as the Big Deep Voice Announcer Man!
  • Used to be John Saint John in Florida.
  • I can’t believe it is 8 years now.
  • We started this whole thing at a Copeland’s!
  • Everybody say cheese – it is b/c it looks like they are smiling.
  • When you are an extra in a movie you just constantly say “peas and carrots, carrots and peas” b/c it makes it look like you are having a conversation. 
  • Jesus tagged you to be a major apostle here in Louisiana. 
  • You have Equalization, Compression, Reverberation – 
  • They tell me audio books have to be so easy right?
  • Sit in a closet, pick any book and read for 4 straight hours and tell me how easy it is.
  • Think of the characters and then you have to make this book interesting even if it really isn’t.
  • Keep the peace brother!
 How Blessed Are We!!!!

  • If the world heard this radio station would they fall in love with radio again?

Mike Parrott, David Simpson, Richard Barrett, Mike Ziants, Brother Andre Marie and Jim Mosher – we couldn’t do it w/o them.

3h57mCaller KV Turley

    • I’ve always been a promoter of you and your show.
    • You guys have created a home for us radio fanatics.
    • I know just how hard you two work to keep this show on the road and to keep everything a float.
    • I listen to a lot of radio but I keep going back to the Crusade Channel b/c there is never a dull moment.
    • Thank you for giving us 8 years of wonderful listening.
    • I love talk radio so much I willed myself into it!
    • Like some of the pop-up radio we have done is b/c I simply wanted to hear it!
    • Like the Shakespeare radio – I just love Shakespeare and there you allowed me to do it and boom, I benefited and you did as well.
    • I actually love listening to the station.
    • The Crusade Channel is bispoke, it is for the consul it is tailor-made for the audience.
  • When people listen, realize they like it, they won’t listen to anything else.
  • Our Lady has done this for us.
  • Radio paints the best pictures.
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Written by: candacechurch