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Tuesday-Manuel Went Down To Georgia…And Trump Deported Him-The Winning Argument On Illegal Aliens

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    Tuesday-Manuel Went Down To Georgia…And Trump Deported Him-The Winning Argument On Illegal Aliens LoneRhody

Time  Red Pill Topics & Headlines
6:03am cst Welcome to the Mike Church Show on Call the show            844-5CRUSADE

Make Canon212 your first place to get news each day. Canon212 – News of the Church and the World.


  • Hillary Clinton 
  • Ukraine, the Bidens and Burisma
  • President Trump in New Hampshire
  HEADLINE: Clinton Stumbles And Falls, Escorted Into Van After Abruptly Leaving 9/11 Memorial by Ian Schwartz

AUDIO/VIDEO: Hillary Clinton Sep. 11, 2016 

  If you have any issues that need to be resolved, please email Maggie O’Connell directly at or Candace her personal email




 HEADLINE: Buttigieg: No Room for Compromise With Pro-Life Democratic Voters by Graham Piro

AUDIO/VIDEO: No Room For Compromise with Pro-Life

  • So these old school democrats have no place to go.
  • The Democrats is telling them if you believe in the sanctity of life, we have no place for you, we don’t want you.
  • This woman is like James Carville.
  • James Carville on the news pulling a Greta Thunberg, “I shouldn’t be here, I should be retired.”

HEADLINE: Census Records: Pete Buttigieg’s Ancestor Owned Slaves On Native American-Ceded Land by Kyle Sammin

  • He is going to have one heck of a time next time he gets on the stage with Pocahontas.
  • “You’re family stole my peoples land.”
   JAMES WOODS ON TWITTER: Predictions  are a sure fire way to wind up with egg on your face, but I’m convinced she’s going to run. Democrats befouling their own journey to the Convention is clearly a scam. She’s been deprived of “her turn” since the last millennium, and nothing will stop her. #SatanWaits
  HEADLINE: Our Lady of Lourdes (1858) by Slaves of the Immaculate Heart of Mary 
  HEADLINE: This Whistleblower Really Was a Hero by James Freeman

  • The Whistleblower on the coronavirus has died.

HEADLINE: While Americans pine for ‘Medicare for all,’ Canadians look for US-style private insurance by Sally Pipes

  • Wall Street Journal writing editorial after editorial on universal healthcare and socialized medicine.

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7:15am cst

Welcome back to The Mike Church Show! Call the Crusade Channel at 844-5CRUSADE! Join our FREE LIVE chatroom where you can chat with fellow Crusaders.




























 Special Guest Denise McAllister

Writer at The Stream and author of “What Men Want To Say To Women, But Can’t”

  • There isn’t another Republican that could have survived the last 3 years without folding and apologizing.
  • Politics is downstream from culture.
  • Culture is downstream from relationships.
  • Most important relationship is with God.
  • THEN it is our relationship w/ men and women.
  • We need strong men. 
  • “When you weaken men, you weaken the society.”
  • “One feminist wave after another has beaten against masculinity under the weight of female demands.”
  • Feminism has caused so much damage to relationships.
  • #NeverGillette Studios
  • Traditional Masculinity isn’t toxic.
  • This book is kinda’ a personal story is it not?
  • Who are you?
  • Are you self-created or other-created?
  • Chapter 9 is very philosophical – what does it mean to have an identity?
  • America is going through an identity crisis.
  • NOT as a country but as human beings, individuals.
  • We have objected reality!
  • When yo get into subjectivism you are going to have chaos.
  • Imposing your own truth onto others.
  • My truth is real to me therefore you must accept my truth.
  • All these “truths” are fighting to be THE truth!
  • We need more women like Denise out there championing for feminism being proud of being feminine but not fearing and suppressing men and masculinity. 
  • We must understand WHY things are happening.
  • What is the purpose of your sexual relationship?
  • I wish more Protestants would read more Catholic authors because they are so rich and full.
  • I look at all the boys that come around my 22 year old twins, nothing but soyboys.
  • Pray – we need to be better prayer warriors. Our Lord is KING of this world.
  • He can bring change through us. 
  • You almost had an abortion, can you talk about this?
  • My church actually took away my children and excommunicated me b/c I was an adulterer. 
  • I decided to go back to my husband but I was pregnant.
  • As a mother it is hard to give them up. At the beginning of your pregnancy it doesn’t sink in just yet it is in-fact a baby.
  • Abortion Clinic – I was there and in the parking lot and I chose Life. 
  • I named her GRACE.
  • Children are blessings no matter HOW they come into this world. 
  • The first thing they want to throw up is his “grab women by the..” and the fact he has been married before several times – he is a person just like us.
  The Founders Tradin’ Post now offers “group discounts”. Do you have a Latin Mass Society or Bible study group? Contact the store manager and she will get you a discount code specifically for YOUR group

Crusader Monastery – The Veritas Radio Network also have a prayer request line. Send your prayer requests to

  Do business with those that do business with us. McClure Tables they have been with us since day one of Veritas Radio Network and the Crusade Channel. Everything is handmade in the USA!
8:13am cst Welcome to the final segment of The Mike Church Show Call 844-5CRUSADE Join our FREE LIVE chatroom at
   HEADLINE: Bigger than Vindman: Trump scrubs 70 Obama holdovers from NSC by Paul Bedard

  • Joe Biden okay we can understand that.
  • Hunter Biden is a private citizen. This wouldn’t carry over to him.



















Special Guest Michael Hichborn – 

Founder of the Lepanto Institute

Follow Mr. Hichborn here: @MichaelHichborn @LepantoInst

  • Claims to be Catholic, used to teach at a Catholic University…someone who used to have a regular Catholic column, good friends w/ Mark Shea & Simcha Fisher so there you go.
  • No medical condition that killing the baby would have saved the mother. – Paul
  • It doesn’t happen but the left uses this all the time.
  • We have to have abortion to protect the life of the mother.
  • They want total cooperation and annihilation. 
  • They want you to endorse what they are doing.
  • The LGBTQ cult – they will never be satisfied w/ what they say they currently want.
  • 80’ s acceptance
  • 90’s same sex unions
  • 2000’s we want civil unions
  • 2015: same sex marriage – Obergefell v. Hodges
  • They just keep pushing the finish line further and further down.
  • Our Lady of Lourdes – 
  • Franz Werfel – author of The Song of Bernadette
  • Charles Darwin – origin of species
  • Then Our Lady says – I Am THE Immaculate Conception
  • So she lets us know Adam and Eve couldn’t have been immaculately conceived.
  • The serpent tempted Eve with transitioning into more of a God.
  • It wasn’t because she was hungry, she had all she could eat. 
  • Adam and Eve were the FIRST transitioners. 
  • It is the story of our origin all over again.
  • CRUSADERS STADIUM: “Because Our Lady is THE Immaculate Conception, Adam and Eve could not have been born through conception.” 
  • Adam and Eve were not conceived…they were CREATED!
  • ******* You cannot understand the passion and death of Our Lord outside of a literal interpretation b/c He was undoing what was done in the garden. ******
  • Ordination of the female Bishop – 

HEADLINE: Rhode Island priest denies communion to legislators who support abortion by Associated Press  (Father Richard Bucci)

  • Argentina Republic President Alberto Fernandez and mistress Fabiola Yanez 
  Crusader Monastery Prayer List

Please in your charity remember the following people in your prayers – 

Christopher Jude Pigg – is still intubated, the doctors cannot figure out why his little lungs are not developing for him to be taken off the vent.

Richard – who continues to battle sepsis.
Caleb – who has down syndrome and was just diagnosed w/ Crone’s disease. 

Lizzie Reezay – that she grow in her faith and not lead devout Catholics astray.

Father Harkins – who committed suicide.

Stacey Cohen – fell off a horse and broke her tibia, for a speedy recovery.

Rush Limbaugh – stage IV lung cancer, pray for his conversion to the One True Faith.

Tara Carroll Gates – for her conversation to Catholicism. 

Denise McAllister – for her conversation to Catholicism.

Michael Ecker – for his heart to soften to at least be open to discussing the faith.

Addison Matte – this little 8 year old has both the flu and strep throat. Prayers for a quick recovery.


   BRAVE BROWSER: Now you can support the Crusade Channel without spending a DIME! Simply use the url to download the BRAVE browser and WE get credit: We can earn up to $50,000 for the downloads if our listeners use this browser.
  Sign-up for the Daily [r] Newsletter and we will give you $10 to use in our store. Who doesn’t like FREE money?! Shop the Founders Tradin’ Post today for items such as The Marian Option, The Catholic Quest for the Holy Grail, Small is Still Beautiful, Humility of Heart, Dressing with Dignity and much more.

Meta-tags for show

Joe Biden, Burisma, Hunter Biden, Hillary Clinton, Ian Schwartz, Graham Piro, Pete Buttigieg, Pro-Life, abortion, James Carville, Greta Thunberg, Kyle Sammin, James Wood, Our Lady of Lourdes, James Freeman, coronavirus, Sally Pipes, private insurance, socialized medicine, Denise McAllister, feminist, #NeverGillette, Paul Bedard, Vindman, President Trump, Charles Darwin, Immaculate Conception, Michael Hichborn, Lepanto Institute, Franz Werfel, Obergefell v. Hodges, LGBTQ, Father Richard Bucci, Adam, Eve, Genesis, Mark Shea, Simcha Fisher, President Alberto Fernandez, Fabiola Yanez, Pope Francis

Written by: LoneRhody

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