The Mike Church Show- Why Patrick Mahomes And Andy Reid Are Great Americans

today05/23/2024 237

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Time 6:03am cstWE ARE LIVE on The King 1010 WXKG, Our Flagship Syndication Station in Atlanta Georgia, all week from 7am-10am! 6:03am cst.  Welcome to the Mike Church Show on  Call the show  844-5CRUSADE
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 Charlamagne the God and Joe Biden

  • Remember he was the interview that Biden claimed “If you don’t vote for me you ain’t black.” 
  • Joe Biden is losing his base.
  • When you start losing the black vote in such massive numbers.



Joe Biden College Debt

  • He has been told by SCOTUS he doens’t have the authority to discharge student loan debt.
  • So why is he out there STILL cancelling student loan debt?
  • If Trump can be arrested, so can Biden.
  • TKD example: Bookie 
  • Judge Merchan just did it to Trump!
  • He had a gag order and held him in contempt of court.
  • The authority to do this is clear.
  • So would the SCOTUS then issue a bench warrant for POTUS?
  • He is disobeying their direct order.
  • Who else could stop this?
  • If he continues to sink in the polls, what’s next?
  • POTUS paying off car loans?
  • POTUS paying off mortgages?
  • Federal Home Loan Incorporation 
  • Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac are the two entities. 
  • FHA loans, VA loans – most of these are federalized loans.
  • How long seriously before mortgages get paid off by the government?
  • In February of 2009, the paint was still fresh on the Obama Regime, there was TARP, it was making its way through Congress, it was to bail out people that took our 2nd mortgages.
  • This ultimately caused the subprime mortgage crisis. 
  • This then caused CNBC financial contributor, Rick Santelli, to throw a fit on the floor of the commodities exchange. 
  • He coined this statement “How many of you want to pay for your neighbor’s mortgage who has an extra bathroom and can’t pay their bills?”
25mHarrison Butker Commencement Speech

  • Patrick Mahomes – he refused to throw his fellow teammate under the bus at the latest press conference and he refused.
  • Andy Reid the head coach of the Chiefs also refused to throw his star kicker under the bus.
  • They did exactly what they should have done when under fire.
  • They backed their friend up.
  • Instead of going along w/ the woke crowd, they both stood tall and firm w/ their friend and teammate.
  • This is how you lead.
  • Some of you will say I’m over reacting and that isn’t how far they went to defend him but in this day and age, this is huge.
  • Who hasn’t seen a Jake from State Farm commercials with Reid and Mahomes and not laughed out loud?
  • Remember during the stupid bowl Travis got all up in Reid’s face?
  • I think this is huge and when we see the Good, True and Beautiful in action, we should acknowledge it.
 Donald Trump Visits the Bronx

  • The last time a Presidential candidate campaigned in the Bronx was Ronald Wilson Reagan.
  • He campaigned for the vote of the people in the Bronx.
6:35am cstSEGMENT 2


















HEADLINE: Diddy’s Key To NYC Under Review For Revocation By Mayor Eric Adams by Ime Expo 

HEADLINE: In reversal, Virginia school board votes to restore Confederate names to 2 schools by Matthew Barakat 

  • Today women are STILL the minority in so many things.
  • Especially w/ the LGBTQ communities.
  • You are all thinking there is no way TKD, not in the LGBTQ community.
  • Well look at what is happening to young girls w/ transgenders in sports.
  • This is all just hatred of women.
  • A Virginia school board voted Friday to restore the names of Confederate military leaders to a high school and an elementary school, four years after the names were removed amid nationwide protests calling for a reckoning over racial injustice.
  • In a reversal experts believe was the first of its kind, Shenandoah County’s school board voted 5-1 to rename Mountain View High School as Stonewall Jackson High School and Honey Run Elementary as Ashby Lee Elementary.
  • Stonewall Jackson was a well respected, well mannered Southern military gentleman. 
  • There was no one Confederate, Union, it didn’t matter they all admired his character.
  • He is also prized at West Point at being one of the greatest military minds.
  • He was a military genius.
  • The Southern Poverty Law Center’s Intelligence Project, which maintains a database of more than 2,000 Confederate memorials nationwide, is not aware of another case of a school system restoring a Confederate name that was removed, said senior research analyst Rivka Maizlish.
  • The Southern Poverty Law Center is filled w/ Communist quacks!
  • They haven’t lifted a single soul out of poverty.
  • Conservatives need to stop giving up ground.
  • You have a great way to make a stand here w/ Pride Month coming up.
  • Celebrate the opposite of it, Humility.
  • June is the Sacred Heart of Jesus, has always been so.
  • There is pushback on this all over though which gives us hope.
  • I think we have reached peak homo.
  • I told you the other day about the Target stores.
  • They are getting rid of their TUCK children clothes. 
  • School board members who voted to restore the Confederate names said the previous board ignored popular sentiment and due process when the names were stripped.
  • Thomas J. “Stonewall” Jackson was a Confederate general from Virginia who gained fame at the First Battle of Bull Run near Manassas in 1861 and died in 1863 after he was shot and had his arm amputated. Jackson’s name was also removed from another high school in Virginia’s Prince William County in 2020 that is now known as Unity Reed High School.
  • “while there’s no evidence other jurisdictions have restored Confederate names or monuments, she is “always concerned about people who work to continue to promote Lost Cause propaganda.” – Maizlish from the Southern Poverty Law Center
  • Propaganda?
  • He was a real man, he was a real military leader so where is the propaganda at here?


HEADLINE: Diddy’s Key To NYC Under Review For Revocation By Mayor Eric Adams by Ime Expo 

  • If Diddy was a white guy and did this, would there need to be a committee hearing on whether or not the key should be removed?
  • Do you think Harrison Butker wouldn’t already be kicked off the Chiefs team?
  • Would you want your daughters to be treated this way?
  • He drugs young girls at this parties.
  • Where has Diddy gone by the way?
  • Do the right thing and take the key to the city back.
 If you have any issues that need to be resolved, please email Maggie O’Connell directly at or Candace her personal email
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7:06am cstWelcome back to The Mike Church Show! Call the Crusade Channel at 844-5CRUSADE! Join our FREE LIVE chatroom where you can chat with fellow Crusaders.
 Elon Musk on X

  • If X were to create an X phone, would you get rid of your iPhone?
  • Expand the question here for a moment, if anyone came out w/ one of these phones that isn’t connected to one of the big ones that doesn’t sell and store your data would you buy it?






HEADLINE: The Big Green Transmission Coup by The Editorial Board 

  • Whether you want solar panel electricity or not, you are going to get it.
  • Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer must have uncorked some vintage champagne last week after the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission finalized a 1,363-page transmission rule to accelerate the green-energy buildout. Now Democrats can bypass Congress on permitting reform.
  • As Mr. Schumer suggests, tens of thousands of miles of new transmission are needed to reach the climate lobby’s net-zero nirvana. But this won’t be quick or cheap. Princeton researchers in 2021 estimated the grid buildout will cost $3.5 trillion by 2050—and inflation has further run up costs for everything from copper wire to transformers.
  • Why should I obtain something I use all the time and rely on it to run my business, why should I obtain it 700-1,000 miles away?
  • I won’t bore you w/ the details but none of this would have happened w/o Roosevelt. 
  • This is the simplest problem of all to solve.
  • If we wanted to solve the ‘energy crisis’ you would simply need to advance something called Molten Salt Reactors. 
  • MSR = Molten Salt Reactors
  • Initially developed in the 1950s, molten salt reactors have benefits in higher efficiencies and lower waste generation. Some designs do not require solid fuel, which eliminates the need for manufacturing and disposing of it. In recent years, growing interest in this technology has led to renewed development activities. 
  • MSRs also generate less high-level waste, and their design does not require solid fuel, eliminating the need for building and disposing of it. These reactors can adapt to a variety of nuclear fuel cycles (such as Uranium-Plutonium and Thorium-Uranium cycles), which allow for the extension of fuel resources. They can also be designed as nuclear waste “burners” or breeders. The high-temperature heat generated by MSRs can then be used for electricity generation and for other high-temperature process heat applications.
  • We need to start repealing all of this as soon as we can.
1h26mAUDIO/VIDEO: Patrick Mahomes Responds to Harrison Butker’s Controversial Commencement SpeechI judge him by his character for the last 7 years. 

AUDIO/VIDEO: Coach Andy Reid Kansas City Chiefs– Harrison Butker Speech – He has his opinions and we all respect that. I let you guys in here everyday and you all have your opinions I don’t like. Everyone has their own opinions and that is what makes this country so great. 

  • You can make your own decisions on these things.
  • I think Reid, Mahomes and Butker are great citizens and Americans.

HEADLINE: Kansas City Chiefs Coach Andy Reid and Quarterback Patrick Mahomes Defend Butker’s Right To Free Speech by Debra Heine 

  • If I were Harrison I would want my teammates and coach to say just what they said.
7:33am cstWelcome to the final segment of The Mike Church Show Call 844-5CRUSADE Join our FREE LIVE chatroom at




AUDIO/VIDEO: Bill Melugin in Jacumba, CA – Border Crisis – For the first time since the 90’s, the San Diego sector is being the most illegal crossings. Masses of men from the Middle East & Asia are pouring in, they aren’t from Mexico.

  • If they are burning and shredding their documentation when they get here, one must ask why?
  • 9 million got aways
  • That is a factor times 10 of any documented border crossings.
  • This is why you should support us and why live talk radio needs to survive and needs your help – we have been on this story from the very beginning just like the COVID virus and lockdowns.
  • This was to support the government line that they only want to protect you always.
  • How many remember during that dreadful year I would purposefully go into stores and NOT stand on the COVID circle?
  • I was told once by some useful idiot to back off b/c of social distancing.
  • They did it for sick sadistic pleasure to see if they could get away with it.
  • They wanted to see how many people would do it w/o being forced to do it.
  • This was only 3 years ago folks! 
  • This is the same government allowing all these military aged men to enter YOUR country.
  • These men don’t want what’s best for YOU.
  • They don’t want to assimilate to the American way.
 Gas Prices 

HEADLINE: Biden to Release 1 Million Barrels of Gasoline From Northeast Reserve to Lower Summer Gas Prices by Debra Heine 

1h54mAUDIO/VIDEO: AOC on MSNBC – Donald Trump In South Bronx – New York is blue. Brooklyn’s blue. Queens is blue. The Bronx is blue and he’s got no where to go, he’s broke, business people in in order to get those donations so that he can funnel them to his legal fees is kind of his business right now. 

  • First this is confirmation that he is on trial to keep him from campaigning.
  • They had no idea he would actually have a crowd to campaign to in the Bronx.
  • Like I said earlier in the show, Ronald Reagan campaigned in the Bronx.
  • He told them “I’m not the one that did this to you, Carter did.”
  • He said vote for me and I’ll fix it.
  • He won New York in 1980 and again in 1984.
 4th Annual Radio and War Movie Classics (Memorial Day)

  • We will play The Great Escape and others on the airwaves.
  • Also the interview w/ Charlie Daniels.


HEADLINE: Saints behind on payments for share of Caesars Superdome renovations, commission says by Ashlyn Brothers 

  • This is the LaToya the DeStroya – city destroying Democrat excuse for a Mayor, this is her trying to fleece the Saints organization.
  • NOLA was once the Crown Jewel City of the South.
  • Today it is an unmitigated disaster. 
 AUDIO/VIDEO: City of Yakima WA – LGBTQ Pride Month DeclarationOne councilman asks ‘why are we honoring this’ and the vote fails 5-2.
2h26mHEADLINE: Why All Christians Should Care About The Left’s Latin Mass Phobia by Angela Lill

  • Sara Haines from “The View” last week when she forcefully distinguished between “devout Catholics” and “someone who is practicing … the Latin Mass.” The latter, she explained, is “cult-like and extremist, like some religions in the Middle East and Asia.” 
  • God does not find favor w/ LGBTQ lifestyles.
  • Hate the sin, love the sinner.
  • What makes Harrison such an extremist?
  • Here is some of what he said: He warned against gender ideology. He criticized Biden for proudly proclaiming to be Catholic while publicly supporting abortion. He lamented that church leaders let people die alone during Covid regulations. He warned of the tyranny of diversity, equity, and inclusion over free speech.
  • Judeo-Christian – 
  • The good parts of the Old Testament that were Judeo were incorporated into Christianity. 
  • Christianity didn’t discard any of the good, true and beautiful.
  • This is the profound point everyone needs to know and understand.
  • It is Christianity – CHRIST LIKE!
  • If He wanted to incorporate and separate the Judeo part He would have told the Apostles to do it.
  • It is easy to attack Latin Mass Catholics because they are so distinct. They might wear lace or funny hats. They pray in a dead language, and some make an awful lot of noise on Twitter. More importantly, they’re considerably more likely to adhere to biblical morality. Consider that 99 percent of Latin Mass Catholics attend Mass weekly, only 2 percent approve of same-sex marriage, and 1 percent approve of abortion.
  • In contrast, a mere 28 percent of Catholics generally attend Mass weekly. It is misleading to point to the ”majority of Catholics,” as Haines did, for Catholic norms when a whopping 72 percent aren’t even practicing their faith by fulfilling their Sunday obligation. Of the small number of Catholics generally who do attend Mass weekly, 56 percent approve of same-sex marriage, and 26 percent approve of abortion in most cases. These numbers reveal that Latin Mass Catholics are steadfast, and so a threat to our godless elite.
  • Saint Ann’s Catholic Church in Charlotte NC – 
8:33am cstSEGMENT 6
 BACK TO Angela Lill

  • Pro-abortion Catholic politicians, such as Biden and Pelosi, are portrayed as ordinary, devout, or even “deeply Catholic” Catholics, as if belief in the sanctity of life were somehow optional for a Catholic. Meanwhile, pro-life Catholics are dismissed as traditionalists, that is, extremists. 
  • Most of the public is all for the free speech of Catholics, just not Catholics like Butker. Only we need not even discuss the moral issues, now it is enough to invoke the Latin Mass. It distracts people from what they are actually criticizing.
  • We’re all together in the battle for the soul of the West, and if we learn only one thing from the Butker debacle, let it be to take heart: A little bit of courage to speak the truth has the power to make our opponents completely lose their minds. 
 AUDIO/VIDEO: Megyn Kelly Show w/ Bill Maher – Hillary Clinton Calls Donald Trump Illegitimate – Megyn fact checks Bill Maher, Hillary Clinton was the OG election denier.

AUDIO/VIDEO: FLASHBACK – Hillary Clinton on Good Morning AmericaI believe he knows he is an illegitimate president. It’s like applying for a job and getting 66 million letters of recommendation and then losing out to a human tornado. I know that he knows this wasn’t on the level. Of course he is obsessed w/ me. 

AUDIO/VIDEO: FLASHBACK – Hillary Clinton in Inglewood CAI think it’s also critical to understand, you can run the best campaign, you can even become the nominee and you can have the election stolen from you.













Mahgdalen Rose

Political Correspondent 

  • Donald Trump not going to drain the swamp if he keeps appointing and promoting the bad guys.
  • It wasn’t until Riley Gaines posted to Twitter and showed the names of the Republicans in pink and that is what turned the tide.
  • We know Trump is a capitalist but on the social issues he is more moderate. 
  • It isn’t as much or as important as the economy but these issues matter to young conservatives.
  • If he can’t say a man is a man and a woman is a woman, what else can’t he define?
  • This is how he could solidify the young voter base.
  • The gender confusion and gender ideology is how he can do that.
  • This stuff isn’t hard to figure out.
  • Trump will do something correct today and that is campaign in the Bronx.
  • He CAN leave the state, he doesn’t have to campaign in the Bronx.

AUDIO/VIDEO: Donald Trump Supporters in the BronxAOC said Donald Trump wouldn’t get any support in the Bronx, here are a few that say they would absolutely attend a Donald Trump rally in the Bronx.

  • It is dangerous to walk around now. 
  • That isn’t a racial issue that is a government issue and the average voter knows this.
  • Black people don’t like the ‘black democrat plantation’.
  • They want safer communities, they may not all love the police but they know police and law and order is necessary for their children and wives to be able to walk around the city.
  • Biden’s PR people seem to think he is in big trouble.
  • People I think know Biden can’t be president anymore and they may vote for Trump but the rest of the ballot they might vote for the Democrat candidates.
  • I think the Trump campaign knows this and they aren’t that concerned about carrying the entire Republican party. 
 If you have any issues that need to be resolved, please email Maggie directly at or Candace her personal email or

Written by: candacechurch
