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The Mike Church Show-Signing Bombs To Drop On Russians IS An Act Of War

micMike Churchtoday09/24/2024 11

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    The Mike Church Show-Signing Bombs To Drop On Russians IS An Act Of War Mike Church


Time 6:03am cstWE ARE LIVE on The King 1010 WXKG, Our Flagship Syndication Station in Atlanta Georgia, all week from 7am-10am! 6:03am cst.  Welcome to the Mike Church Show on  Call the show  844-5CRUSADE
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Lt Governor Mark Robinson

  • If they really cared about someone calling themselves a Black Nazi they would have arrested other black men long ago.
  • Why do they care about Robinson?
  • They care b/c Donald Trump endorsed him.
  • Yesterday in North Carolina a reporter asked JD Vance if the Trump campaign still endorsed Robinson after the Black Nazi scandal. 
  • That is why CNN is going after Robinson.
  • They want Trump to say yes I made a mistake in endorsing him.
  • Why are they picking on minorities by the way?
  • I can tell you right off the bat he is a black man unlike some others running for political office.
  • This is only September wait until you see what they have for the October surprise! 
24mZelensky and Shaprio Sign Bombs

  • These two men sign these bombs w/ silver Sharpies.
  • The look on their faces is one of such joy.
  • Thank you for keeping the killing machine in business Zelensky!
  • They signed 155mm Artillery shells.
  • If we found out that Russia was firing or about to fire artillery shells into Arizona we would consider that an act of war right?
  • Why would you want to be photographed signing weapons of mass destruction is sick and demented.
  • Let me make an analogy here – What would we think here in the United States, how many of you know someone that was lost to a fentanyl overdose, it would be me assisting someone in the cartel…how would you like it if I was seen autographing bags of fentanyl w/ a cartel member?
  • What would you think?
  • Let’s just say Putin was video taped singing bags of fentanyl that were heading this way?
  • We would be threatening to wipe Russia off the map.
  • We should be thankful Putin isn’t the war monger our MSM makes him out to be.
  • He is showing GREAT restraint in this situation.
  • By the way Governor Shapiro, now Putin knows exactly where the ammunition facility is if he didn’t already know.
  • What happened yesterday is an act of war period, full stop.
6:35am cstSEGMENT 2
 Scranton Army Ammunition Plant

  • That blast, the 155mm, it has a casualty radius of 50 meters.
  • So 175 -195ft it can kill you.
  • This is not a joke folks.


Donald Trump Assassination Attempts 

HEADLINE: Rep. Matt Gaetz Claims There Are 5 Known Assassination Teams in U.S. by Hannah Knudsen 

  • “I am starting to get the impression that we do not have enough force protection of supporting President Trump that we ought to have, given the threat environment,” he said, noting that he recently met with a senior official in the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) who said that there are at least five known assassination teams in the United States, “at least three of which are foreign that are out to kill Trump.”


HEADLINE: Pennsylvania Governor Won’t Send Troops To U.S. Border But Will To Help Ukraine by Beth Brelje 

  • The Russians are not occupying it, they are guests and liberators and defenders.
  • Those people in those territories talk Russian.
  • They specifically asked Putin for years now to help them.
  • The Ukrainian government was bombing the snot out of them. 
  • We made this mess w/ NATO.
  • The agreement with Pennsylvania claims it will help the Zaporizhzhia region rebuild after the war while creating businesses opportunities in Pennsylvania.
  • I didn’t like this when Kemp was doing it with the Chinese.
  • You people in Pennsylvania, how did this guy get elected?
  • Maj Gen. Mark Schindler, Pennsylvania’s adjutant general and head of the Department of Military and Veterans Affairs, said in a statement that training is key to Ukraine’s success on the battlefield.
  • Do you guys have a treason clause in Pennsylvania legislature?
  • President Trump talked about centuries for a state to develop its culture.
  • It can all be destroyed in one decade by an invading force of foreigners.
  • Why are all these elites conspiring to kill cultural centers?
  • I’m surprised they haven’t tried to kill the culture here in Louisiana.
  • Jazz music, Cajun cuisine and much more.
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7:06am cstWelcome back to The Mike Church Show! Call the Crusade Channel at 844-5CRUSADE! Join our FREE LIVE chatroom where you can chat with fellow Crusaders.
1h13mLt Governor Mark Robinson

HEADLINE: ‘I’m a black NAZI!’: NC GOP nominee for governor made dozens of disturbing comments on porn forum by Andrew Kaczynski and Em Steck

  • These ‘journalist’ dug up something he said in a chatroom in 2008 but they couldn’t bother w/ Hunter Biden’s laptop.
  • They couldn’t be bothered to determine Donald Trump wasn’t a Russian spy.
  • They couldn’t be bothered to give you real numbers on COVID deaths.
  • They couldn’t be bothered to research the issues w/ the COVID vaccine.
  • They couldn’t be bothered to find out who is behind all the Trump assassinations.
  • But THIS is what they choose to report on?
1h17mKamala Harris In The Courtroom

  • There isn’t one instance of Kamala Harris being in court prosecuting a case.
  • Did you guys know that?
  • What case did she prosecute a national criminal gang?
  • We know you signed a warrant for David the Planned Parenthood revealer.

AUDIO/VIDEO: FLASHBACK 2018 Kamala Harris at Jussie Smollet Rally  Chanting Up Up with Education, down down w/ deportation.

  • You know how when you watch a TV series or movie and the bad guy is played really well you can’t wait until they ‘get theirs’?


AUDIO/VIDEO: Vani Hair (Blogs and writes as the Food Babe) – Roundtable on American Health & Nutrition – Foods in America vs UK – In the US there are 11 ingredients in the UK there is 3 and salt is optional. In the US domethopolyxolixine is in the US version. It is used as a foaming agent so they don’t have to use as much oil. Now let’s take a look at Skittles and Gatorade. Now take a look at Doritos. 

  • In the EU there are all manner of things banned there that we still use here in the US.
  • How about Glyphosate?!
  • It is in our water table now b/c Americans use so much of it in the form of RoundUp.
  • This stuff has to go folks.

AUDIO/VIDEO: Jason H Karp and Vani Hari – Roundtable on American Health & Nutrition – Kellogg US vs Kellogg Canada – Takes a box of Fruit Loops from both countries, holds them up and compares the amount of additives and food coloring in both.

7:33am cstWelcome to the final segment of The Mike Church Show Call 844-5CRUSADE Join our FREE LIVE chatroom at
























Andy Schectman

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  • Price controls over food and housing.
  • Credit cards – the reason the rates are high is b/c it is an unsecured loan and people don’t always pay them back.
  • Remember when the farmers were killing chickens because it was too costly to raise them to full grown for slaughter?
  • If Donald Trump caps the interest rates, millions of people will lose their credit cards b/c they won’t meet the criteria for them any longer.
  • The Discount Window – Federal Funds Rate
  • It took us 200 years to do the first Trillion.
  • Most people don’t understand how much a trillion is.
  • Trillion seconds ago – 
  • The level of inflation we are creating is off the charts.
  • The BRICS will challenge this system.
  • The BRICS is already challenging this w/ the UNIT.
  • The Laws of Diminishing Returns
  • Stimulating the economy by cutting taxes.
  • You lower taxes in order to stimulate the economy.
  • Higher taxes give the government more money to irresponsibly spend.
  • Goosing the market leading up to the election.
  • We are supposed to believe they want a 2% inflation target but if you look how they used to quote the CPI, just add an 8 to it. 
  • We are 65% away from their target of 2% yet they are going to pivot?
  • No it is a balancing act and they are just repeating the same story over and over again.
  • I say own Gold not to get super wealthy it is to maintain and slowly increase your wealth.
  • They have sold into all of this.
  • Central Banks know this playbook, they know what is coming and the Government knows what is coming.
  • The SAM Rule – 3 month moving average of unemployment, it has predicted a recession 9 times in a row w/ accuracy.
  • We are in a recession and it is about to hit us hard as Americans.
  • If you were going to talk to President Trump and say one thing, what would it be?
  • Cut spending first and foremost, bring the troops home and stimulate the country from within.
  • The worst thing he is doing is talking about the same thing we find each administration. 
  • A weak dollar and low rates is not what this country needs.
  • This is a spending problem at the heart of everything here.
  • We are all anti-war here wether it is Libertarian or Republican b/c it squander resources not just he human life but at the end of the day human life is a resource.
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AUDIO/VIDEO: Donald Trump w/ Larry King Live on Michael Jackson

  • Michael Jackson was a vey complicated figure.
  • I don’t think he was what they claimed he was.
  • His bodyguard came out recently, he hasn’t spoken about any of this until now.
  • He stated there is no way Michael Jackson did what he was accused of.
  • He loved children he would never have harmed one.
  • Donald Trump said the same thing.
  • MJ lived in Trump towers for a long time.
  • Think back to the early 1970’s out of Gary Indiana comes 5 poor black children form this thing called the Jackson 5. 
  • What was happening in 1968?
  • What was happening in 1970?
  • Their first album ABC comes out in 1970.
  • All of this stuff was happening at that time but what came along that helps to calm or quell some of this racial strife? 
  • Did the CIA create this little group b/c they knew America needed an example of a great black family?
  • I’ve never read up on this but I listened to Trad Pat and Mike Parrott on this topic.
  • Isn’t it amazing how all these people are tied together?
  • I had never heard this before until last night.
  • One thing we can say is Trump is loyal.
  • You can hear it in his voice.
  • The fact that Donald Trump, citizen Trump has been waging a war against wrongfully accused and against Kamala since 2003. 
  • That is why the Deep State hates him so much.
8:33am cstSEGMENT 6

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2h38mAUDIO/VIDEO: Candace Owens on Michael Jackson and P DiddyThe disturbing connection between the recent Diddy lawsuit and Michael Jackson’s death will shock you. Plus, Is Sexyy Red an example of black excellence? Kamala Harris and Joe Biden apparently think she is. And, the sad reason actress Erin Moriarty quit social media after conservatives made fun of her “makeover”. 

  • Club ShayShay when Kat Williams was on said it was going to happen all them pedophiles and deviants was going to be exposed.
  • He even said Diddy, all of them it is all coming out this year.
  • How did Kat Williams know this?
  • P Diddy had a 50ft bed in his backyard, did no one think that was a red flag?












Living Here in Allentown – 

AUDIO/VIDEO: Donald Trump in Smithton Pennsylvania – Protect our Food from China – John Deere – I will tell you that I just noticed behind me John Deere tractors, I know a lot about John Deere. I love the company but as you know, they announced a few days ago that they’re gonna move a lot of their manufacturing business to Mexico. I’m just notifying them right now. If you do that, we’re putting a 200% tariff on everything that you wanna sell here in the United States.

  • Regulations, regulations kill industry here in America. 
  • Let the workplace insurance providers do the research.
  • They won’t make plants that will kill people.

AUDIO/VIDEO: Donald Trump Rally in Indiana Pennsylvania – Immigration To States Changes the Culture – It takes centuries to build the unique character of each state. But reckless migration policy can change it quickly and permanently. Just like we’ve seen in London, and Paris and Minneapolis. If Kamala Harris wins this election, she will flood Pennsylvania cities and towns w/ illegal migrants from all over the world and PA will not be PA any longer.

  • It is worth it to ween ourselves off this Chinese made crap.
  • I know people think the plastic bag thing is a joke when I talk about it.
  • What is wrong w/ having a conversation about the side effects of plastic.
  • When you hear Trump say the States are going to compete, that is Reagan stuff. 
  • We should be left free to compete against each other.
  • There is nothing in the Constitution that would stop that.
  • That is how you boost vocations in each state too.
  • That is how you get manufacturing back into these states.
 If you have any issues that need to be resolved, please email Maggie directly at or Candace her personal email or

LIVE Show PodcastsThe Mike Church Show
