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The Mike Church Show-The Traitorous Biden Regime Admitted 13,000 Convicted Murderers Into The U.S.

micMike Churchtoday09/30/2024 6

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    The Mike Church Show-The Traitorous Biden Regime Admitted 13,000 Convicted Murderers Into The U.S. Mike Church


Time 6:03am cstWE ARE LIVE on The King 1010 WXKG, Our Flagship Syndication Station in Atlanta Georgia, all week from 7am-10am! 6:03am cst.  Welcome to the Mike Church Show on  Call the show  844-5CRUSADE
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Border Numbers

  • Rep Tony Gonzales asked ICE for the information of their catch and release program.
  • The order of the day is fear, caution and awareness. 
  • There are 663,000 criminals in this country illegally.
  • No matter your politics, these new numbers are shocking. Of the 7 million migrants that ICE released while their cases are being processed, 663,000 have criminal histories, 13,000 were convicted of homicide, 16,000 of sexual assault, and 1,845 face homicide charges.
  • So where do we go from here fellow Americans?
  • Looking at these numbers why would you want to stay in a ‘union’ with people that allowed this to happen?
  • Why would you want this?
  • How does this benefit you and your family?
  • Treason – 
  • Article III Section 3 – Treason against the United States, shall consist only in levying War against them, or in adhering to their Enemies, giving them Aid and Comfort. No Person shall be convicted of Treason unless on the testimony of two Witnesses to the same overt Act, or on Confession in open Court.
  • Rosenbergs were convicted of treason and were hanged. 
  • In June 1953, Julius and Ethel Rosenberg were executed for conspiracy to commit espionage under the U.S. Espionage Act of 1917. Members of the communist party, the Rosenbergs were convicted of passing secret information about the atomic bomb to the Soviet Union in 1945.
  • Who else was hanged for committing treason or charged w/ treason?
  • Treason is about as high as it gets.
  • You remember the American Taliban? 
  • John Walker Lindh he was sentenced to 20 years in 2002 and he was released in 2019.
6:35am cstSEGMENT 2





Foreign Aid to Ukraine

  • Half a trillion dollars has been sent to Ukraine.
  • That means there are interest payments on that.
  • I keep coming up with the same conundrum, men are lazy.
  • George Washington was the eldest there.
  • These guys were founding a country, a country that is still working today and they were in their mid to late 20’s or 30’s…what the hell have you done?
  • We have a generation of young me that are absolutely worthless.
  • There is some hope b/c there are many out there that aren’t but who is going to rebuild Asheville, NC?
  • What kind of town is Asheville?
  • Who is going to rebuild these towns and cities?
  • If your Governor says he/she needs FEMA help…you as a resident are screwed.
  • Once the emergency declaration comes down, they take over and they are NOT GOOD AT IT!
  • These clean up crews are told by FEMA where to go, what towns they can start repairing. 
  • Who will rebuild the homes and businesses? 
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7:06am cstWelcome back to The Mike Church Show! Call the Crusade Channel at 844-5CRUSADE! Join our FREE LIVE chatroom where you can chat with fellow Crusaders.


AUDIO/VIDEO: Joe Biden on Hurricane and FloodingThis is tragic we are trying to get the exact numbers. We have FEMA on the ground right now. We have given them all that we have. We are working hard. We have preplanned and gave them all we have. 

  • Knowing how terribly the government handles everything, why would we hand over an emergency response to them?
  • They are the ones that coordinate w/ the local electrical repair trucks and linemen. 
  • FEMA should be a back up plan w/ the states plan can’t be finished or there are resources missing.
  • If this was left to the states, it would force the states to have readiness plans for natural disasters.
  • It would force states to stockpile money for just such an event.
  • Almost all flood claims will be paid for through FEMA.
  • Even if you have flood insurance.
  • How many people were living high off the hog after they got their FEMA checks. 
  • People do abuse it.
  • We saw it after Hurricane Katrina.
  • You would think we have these flood plans all laid out.
  • You would know where the flood waters would go in the mountains due to pathways.
  • I’m sure there are but I don’t know what kind.
 Vice Presidential Candidate Debate

  • We will have it live here tomorrow on the Crusade Radio Network.
  • The coverage will also be on our Roku channel and YT and X as well.


AUDIO/VIDEO: John Kerry World Economic Forum – One the 1st Amendment – We have these social media platforms that allows people to kinda of self censor. They can select whatever outlet they want and it could be filled w/ misinformation. We kinda of need to hammer out the 1st amendment on things like this. 

  • Hammer out of existence the 1st Amendment?
  • Is this guy for real?
  • Kerry wants to hammer and sickle out freedom here in America.
  • Communism is always great for the leaders. 
  • The answer to people like Kerry is decentralization.
  • To make sure they don’t have the POWER to do something like that.
7:33am cstWelcome to the final segment of The Mike Church Show Call 844-5CRUSADE Join our FREE LIVE chatroom at
1h33mJD Vance in Pennsylvania 

  • Went to Primanti Bros in North Versailles, Pennsylvania and was turned away by the manger there.
  • All the people cancelled their orders and walked out.
  • JD Vance paid for all the food and gave a generous tip none the less.


HEADLINE: Up In Smote by Mike Church 

  • Don’t think, just going off what I know about Asheville, NC it is a hive for liberals and liberal policies.

Bad Hombre on X: Asheville, NC is a leftist college city with Dems in every elected position. Yet all you see is MAGA asking how they can send help.

When Helene hit FL and TN, Dems on here mocked people in red states with “Republicans now want socialism” or “ that’s what you get for being climate change deniers.”

Who is the party of joy?

  • Hurricane Katrina set the record for millibars.
  • Is Asheville the Sodom of the Carolinas?
  • New Port Royal – 
  • I’m not saying the entire state or all those hit by this aren’t bad.
  • The Biblical Flood – that is the phrase they are using right now.
  • My point is sometimes chastisements happen.
  • Some made that case for Katrina in New Orleans.
  • Is there a case to be made about the destruction?
  • Did you guys see that Donald Trump tweeted out the entire Saint Michael prayer on the Feast day?

Donald Trump on X: Saint Michael the Archangel, defend us in battle. Be our defense against the wickedness and snares of the Devil. May God rebuke him, we humbly pray, and do thou, O Prince of the heavenly hosts, by the power of God, cast into hell Satan, and all the evil spirits, who prowl about the world seeking the ruin of souls. Amen.

  • Pompeii and nearby Herculaneum were the Sodom & Gomorrah of Rome. Even surpassing the debauchery found elsewhere, Pompeii is the only part of the empire where archaeologists have unearthed graphic depictions of lesbian activity.They also uncovered numerous images of threesomes, foursomes, pedophilia, bestiality, and male homosexual encounters. A town of 12,000 inhabitants, Pompeii had at least 25 brothels. Other Roman cities had prostitutes and explicit art, but none more debased than those discovered in Pompeii.
  • God will not continue to be mocked like this.
  • The child sex trafficking and the transgender issues God will not allow this to continue to His children. 
 AUDIO/VIDEO: Vice President of Border Patrol Union Art Del Cueto – Kamala’s Border Visit – Vice President Harris went down there and she spoke to 2 members of management. She didn’t speak to agents and she was there for 20 minutes for a photo op. President Trump went to some of the most porous places and stayed for hours speaking to agents. This was her Hail Mary before the election.
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 Hurricane Sandy

October 22, 2012 – November 2, 2012

233 were killed, it cost $65 billion in damages and it was the 4th costliest hurricane in US history.



Elon Musk and Starlink

  • Where does Starlink ultimately help people?
  • Out in rural areas.
  • The Biden Regime is doing all it can to stop Starlink and Space X.
  • You may remember a few days ago when Elon said we could have already provided high speed internet in these rural areas for 1/2 the prices of what Biden said he would do it.
  • And NO ONE has high speed and won’t until 2030 according to their own plans.

Natalie Danelishen on X: This is a good time to remind you all that the FCC revoked a billion dollar grant to Starlink that was going to connect rural areas of America. Today not a single dime of that money has connected any rural areas and people are now independently using Starlink to connect rural disaster zones from #HurricaneHelene. 50 plus people are dead but how many could have been saved if they were already connected to Starlink?




AUDIO/VIDEO: Hillary Clinton at Clinton Global Foundation – Trump is an Authoritarian

Reporter – It’s had to imagine our democracy transforming into authoritarianism. Is it actually existentixal? 

Hillary – I think it is existential and I say that based on what Trump says.

Donald Trump didn’t go after you Hillary!

He said it would have been ‘bad for the country’. 

He SAVED you Hillary and yet you are still out there bashing him claiming he is going to go after all of you.

AUDIO/VIDEO: Hillary Clinton at Clinton Global FoundationMost Americans were introduced to Trump as a television star. As the character he played and that macho appearance, people bought that and believed that. I don’t think Trump believes anything except his own grandiose view of himself. He has been played by everybody from Putin to people in this county.

  • She got beat by Trump and she still isn’t over it.
  • She is acting like a scorned lover.
  • Biden opened 4 investigations on former President Trump, where were you?
  • Why didn’t you talk about the inequity then?
  • The Clinton Global Initiative SHOULD be investigated!
  • It took in $124 million WHILE you were Secretary fo State.
  • Why was this foundation getting millions thrown at it?
  • They were buying favors and Obama looked the other way. 
  • Few people will tell you this folks.
8:33am cstSEGMENT 6

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AUDIO/VIDEO: Hillary Clinton at Clinton Global FoundationThe press isn’t supporting Trump blatantly. The press needs a consistent narrative about the danger that Trump poses. Because people may still look at the danger and say I don’t care. People need to be woken up about the facts of what he is saying and what he would do. I am expecting something to happen in October, it always does. Look at where people get their information from. It is largely though social media. There will be a full court press in October. 

  • There is a global initiative to bring free speech to an end.
  • From John Rambo Kerry to Hillay Clinton, they don’t want you to be able to read and do research for yourself. 

HEADLINE: Envy And Fear Behind Totalitarian Plot To Censor The Planet by Michael Shellenberger 

  • No one said YOU, Hillary Clinton was running a child sex ring in the pizza place basement.
  • They said Podesta who was in your cabinet was making many visit there.
  • There is code language, or was, we now know about the whole cheese pizza and things.
  • PizzaGate was real!
 AUDIO/VIDEO: Joy Reid on MSNBC – Migrant Crime – Most of us here today come from a family of immigrants. Now we have Donald Tump, he makes fear mongering his entire platform. Border crossings are down and violent crime is down. Everything you hear in the right wing media is a lie. 


AUDIO/VIDEO: Jesse Watters on The Five – ICE Report – This new report revealed that the Biden administration intentionally released illegal migrant convicted killers, sex offenders into the US after being detained. I didn’t know we were catching and releasing killers.


Israeli Bombings

  • They have moved on to bombing power plants in Yemen.
  • They are claiming Yemen lobbed a rocket at the Iron Dome.
  • Is there anyone to stop this destruction?
  • Whatever happened to war crimes?
  • This is what the neo-cons want.
  • Total war, that is what they want.
 If you have any issues that need to be resolved, please email Maggie directly at or Candace her personal email or

LIVE Show PodcastsThe Mike Church Show
