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The Mike Church Show-Why Does The Regime Hate Americans?

micMike Churchtoday10/03/2024 28

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    The Mike Church Show-Why Does The Regime Hate Americans? Mike Church


Time 6:03am cstWE ARE LIVE on The King 1010 WXKG, Our Flagship Syndication Station in Atlanta Georgia, all week from 7am-10am! 6:03am cst.  Welcome to the Mike Church Show on  Call the show  844-5CRUSADE
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  • The people of North Carolina, Tennessee, and Georgia are being told by FEMA you take the $750 and wait 3 weeks for other help.
  • This kinda seems like how the people of Hawaii were treated.
  • Kamala Harris was in Augusta GA yesterday where she announced they would get $750 from FEMA.
  • Her little speech certainly didn’t make me feel comfortable or taken care of.
  • Biden decides he wants to fly over and survey the damage yesterday.
  • There is a problem w/ that.
  • You can’t have any flights in the same airspace as Air Force One. 
  • That halted all rescue flights, all flights with water and food.
  • What would have happened if they would have told Trump the rescue and aid would have to stop for him to do a flyover?
  • He wouldn’t put the aid and rescue at risk.
  • Search and Rescue is still going on!
  • This government truly hates us.
  • This is something that can’t be fixed w/ a law or an act.
  • Charity begins in the home right?
  • You can’t make someone perform charity. 
  • Until yesterday Lloyd Austin didn’t issue any kind of assistance from Fort Bragg.
  • This is the best our government can do.
  • Why do we feel compelled to continue this?
  • You have Alejandro Mayorkas holding a press conference saying FEMA is broke!
  • More money is flowing out of the US to NATO countries than to our own at this point unless you are an illegal immigrant.

HEADLINE: Mayorkas warns FEMA doesn’t have enough funding to last through hurricane season by Kevin Freking and Colleen Long

  • Hurricane season, it is rare you get them in October. 
  • The Federal Emergency Management Agency can meet immediate needs but does not have enough funding to make it through the hurricane season, Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas told reporters Wednesday.
  • Do you know how much they issued during COVID in the form of stimulus checks?
  • Every adult member got a $2,000 direct deposit after Hurricane Katrina. 
  • I can still remember Obama going on the Sunday talk shows and talking about the aftermath of Katrina and how Bush didn’t like black people. 

HEADLINE: Oikophobia And The Hurricane by Rod Dreher 

  • They spent $641 million on illegal migrants! This, even though we have hurricanes every year.
  • They appropriated FEMA funds for illegals.
  • This is the definition of treason!
6:35am cstSEGMENT 2



  • San Diego County Supervisors approve $20M from FEMA fo migrant welcome center. 
  • That money is gone now so it can’t be used to assist those AMERICANS effected by Helene.
  • CPB 1 App – they weren’t even screened. 
  • They were allowed to import their own information too!

AUDIO/VIDEO: Kamala Harris in 2022 Disaster resources should be based on equity.

This is completely and totally unaceptable. 

AUDIO/VIDEO: Rep Mike Waltz FLThere is a military base nearby Fort Bragg and it has dozens of helicopters, field hospitals, water trucks, ready for humanitarian relief but the Pentagon hasn’t told them to go help. We have people stranded in places only accessible by helicopters. 

AUDIO/VIDEO: QueenCity News Report Pilot Jordan Siedhom and SonLake Lure NC Fire Chief threatening to arrest people for rescuing stranded Helene victims. “you are interfering with my operation”

  • This isn’t someone who has never flown before.
  • He was ex-military, he has his own helicopter and was offering to rescue.
  • They forced him to leave the husband on the mountain!
  • They forced him to separate a husband from his wife.

AUDIO/VIDEO: Tennessee ResidentFEMA sending out text messages telling everyone not to help neighbors. If you think you’re gonna come here and bark orders at us, and them expect the people just to give you the money and us trust that you’re gonna try to take care of us you are wrong.

  • You can’t just set up a command post and expect people to be able to get to you.
  • That isn’t how this works.
  • What about those that can’t get to you?
  • What about those that are in homes that the only access out has been destroyed?
 If you have any issues that need to be resolved, please email Maggie O’Connell directly at or Candace her personal email
 Did you miss yesterday’s LIVE Mike Church Show? Worry not, you can listen to all previously aired shows at the new CRUSADE MAX –
7:06am cstWelcome back to The Mike Church Show! Call the Crusade Channel at 844-5CRUSADE! Join our FREE LIVE chatroom where you can chat with fellow Crusaders.
1h15mILA Strike

  • It is now coming out about how much they actually make.
  • $81,000 is starting pay for a man off the street w/ no education, no certificates or training.
  • Did you know they are allowed to have all the overtime they want.
  • The businesses offered them 50% and the longshoreman told them to go pound sand.
  • With a 77% pay increase that would make the average man just starting out making $90/hour.
  • The contract stated they can’t use any automation at these ports.
  • They made it that way so they could or would have job security. 
  • Why shouldn’t the improvement happen?
  • If automation improves production and saves money wouldn’t that be good for every American?
  • Who doesn’t want COGS to go down? 
  • Economics in 1 Easy Lessons – by Henry Hazlitt


AUDIO/VIDEO: Kamala Harris in AugustaThe federal relief and assistance we have provided has been FEMA handing out $750 for folks who need immediate needs to be met.

  • That is the amount they gave people in Hawaii.

AUDIO/VIDEO: Kamala Harris in AugustaToday I am also announcing that the President has approved the governors request for 100% federal reimbursement of local costs. The burden to local government is pretty immense. By doing this we can get relief to people as quickly as possible. This will help w/ the emergency services too. We are here for the long haul, there is a lot of work that needs to happen. 

  • There is no sincerity in her voice.
  • Why don’t these towns have ‘rainy day’ funds set aside?
  • A small town allocating resources would be best instead of something massive like FEMA.
  • The state of Louisiana used to have millions set aside until Bel Edwards squandered it all.
 HEADLINE: Macho Christianity is flexing its muscles, We fear the return of demons by Mary Harrington 

  • Beneath all the internet showboating, a deeper vibe shift is under way in the relation between men and religion. For a long time, this relation has been shaky, with the “feminisation of Christianity” a longstanding complaint and amid a deluge of books on why men are quitting church. Now, if St Michael is triggering controversy on Trump’s X account, this is part of a larger picture: the return of Christianity in a masculine key. And it isn’t just celebs and politicians: last week, The New York Times reported that young men are turning to the Christian faith in markedly greater numbers than young women, who are more likely to embrace the fluffier doctrines of progressivism.
  • Why is this happening?
  • A return of young men to Christianity, why would that be?
7:33am cstWelcome to the final segment of The Mike Church Show Call 844-5CRUSADE Join our FREE LIVE chatroom at



  • What is happening? Is this just another aspect of the more widespread politicised sex war? Perhaps this contributes, but I think it goes deeper. Two interlocking patterns are contributing to the new macho Christianity: firstly, that the world in general is growing more disorienting, extreme, and uncanny. This is spurring a widespread sense of existential spiritual conflict, in which post-war Christianity simply doesn’t cut it any more. And, secondly, young men conditioned by video gaming to pour all their energy into dematerialised battles have responded to this new disorientation, by extending their interest in ideational war beyond gaming to the fabric of reality itself.
  • It was Friedrich Nietzsche who kick-started the modern backlash against Christianity, claiming in Beyond Good and Evil (1886) that it was a creed of slaves which exerted a stifling, feminising downward pressure on individuality, energy, and self-confidence.
  • And I suspect it’s returning for a straightforward reason: secularism as such is collapsing and everyone — even the avowed secularists — are already behaving as though we’re in a spiritual war.
 Caller Kurt Wallace from Georgia 

  • A real man is in service to his family and others in his community.
  • What are your thoughts on what happened w/ Walz.
  • He was very vulnerable in that debate.
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Founder of the Lepanto Institute

CRS – Catholic Relief Services

  • Self demolition – 
  • What do some of this information mean?
  • Some of the Bishops are saying we want to shift focus to Catholic education. 
  • Right now I am working on a report so people know which organizations would be good to donate to.
  • There are military personal being threatened w/ arrest if they go out on their own to rescue people.
  • When Biden flew over he stopped all the relief b/c it created a no fly zone.
  • 170 dead that they know how many missing they estimate over 1,000.
  • Remember they were supposed to roll out high speed internet to rural areas in America?
  • They had $90 billion w/ a B handed to her and you know how many connections were made so far?
  • Wealthy Catholic Donations – 
  • We started w/ 150,000 data points and boiled that down b/ it was just too much data.
  • We wanted to limit to the 7 larges Catholic charities.
  • They are sending money to left leaning organizations.
  • The only one that stood out in the other direction was the Knights of Columbus.
  • Their money was going to the Republican platform.
  • 52% of Catholics identify as Republican. 
  • You should see that split in donations but that is not the case.
  • The majority of what we found was 95 to 100% in one direction and that is the left, the Democrat party.
  • That cannot happen by accident.
  • Looking for donations you are looking in the wrong pot if you are Catholic.
  • Doing good works while getting paid isn’t charity it is a job.
  • You don’t look for payment you just do it for love of your neighbor.
  • When we are being charitable you want to draw that soul to Christ. 
  • CRS doesn’t do that.
  • We need to revert the idea of charity back to what it has always been, the salvation of souls.
  • They have destroyed the definition of charities. 
  • I think Donald Trump for a man with faults is still a man of good will.
  • Millions of people in this country are praying for him.
  • That helps, prayers work!
8:33am cstSEGMENT 6

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  • Joyce Kilmer
  • You can’t co-opt an archangel.
  • That is a demon playing an archangel. 


Political Affairs Correspondent 

Follow Mahgdalen on X – @MahgdalenRose

  • Kamala Harris has joined forces w/ Liz Cheney.
  • She believes it will help join ‘those Republicans that feel left behind’ by the party.
  • No one thinks this is a good idea.
  • It is a weird strategy.
  • Why would you spend time in Wyoming?
  • In October why is she in Wyoming?
  • Wyoming has 3 electoral votes.
  • What I have seen is there are people stuck in their homes in NC talking about how individuals can’t help they are being turned away and threatened w/ arrest and instead of Kamala going there to help or assist she is having sit down chats w/ people in coffee shops w/ Liz Cheney.
  • None of this is being run well. 
  • This relief effort.
  • What was her reasoning for flying to Augusta GA to read a FEMA press release? 
  • What was the point to that?
  • In Florida what happens when a hurricane happens?
  • Everything runs smoothly after a disaster.
  • Both public and government relief comes in and gets distributed. 
  • The people get everything they need as quickly as they can.
  • DeSantis sent relief to NC and his state got hit by the same hurricane!
  • You have to have someone in charge of all of this.
 If you have any issues that need to be resolved, please email Maggie directly at or Candace her personal email or

LIVE Show PodcastsThe Mike Church Show
