Trump To The Deep State: Tell Them I’m Comin’, And Hell’s Comin’ With Me You Hear?!

today11/08/2024 44

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Trump To The Deep State: Tell Them I’m Comin’, And Hell’s Comin’ With Me You Hear?!  

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Time 6:06am cstWE ARE LIVE on 990 WGSO, Our Flagship Syndication Station in New Orleans Louisianaall week from 7am-10am! 

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18mMorning In America

  • What is Trump going to do when he gets into the White House?
  • What will be priority #1?
  • The libs are just devouring themselves.
  • They are in full meltdown and you are witnessing it in real time.
  • From The View to MSNBC and CNN they simply can’t handle this.
  • We played an interview of Halprin w/ Tucker Carlson talking about how these people will need therapy and he was right.
  • They simply can’t handle not winning.


New York

  • Mayor Eric Adams has announced the scam is over!
  • There will be no more payments to illegal migrants for housing and food.
  • What will happen to these people when you take away their $1,800 a month?
  • They will turn to crime.
  • And that is telling of the character of the people that came here illegally.
  • Their first act was to break the law so how could you expect them to do anything different once here?
6:35am cstSEGMENT 2


HEADLINE: Trump Names Susan Wiles as White House Chief of Staff by Tom Ozimek 

  • This is a family affair.
  • This is hiring w/in your OWN circle.
  • This is how you guarantee no infiltrators. 
  • Don Jr – My job is to protect my father from invaders and to ensure we stay on course w/ what my father promised the American people.
  • Wiles, daughter of the late NFL broadcaster Pat Summerall and a veteran Florida political strategist, is one of Trump’s most enduring advisers. After playing a key role in securing Florida for Trump in 2020, she effectively acted as his chief of staff during his post-presidency and led his campaign throughout the entire 2024 race for the White House.


Kamala Harris Concession Speech

  • Don’t let her anywhere near your transition team Donald.
  • She is a snake in the grass.
  • The Democrats are out there saying that it was a messaging issue.
  • They still think there is nothing wrong w/ their policies.
  • So those asking if they learned anything from the loss, you can resounding state, NO, no they did not.

















HEADLINE: After Trump’s Victory, There Can Be No Unity Without A Reckoning by John Daniel Davidson 

  • Those in the news media who spent years calling Trump a fascist and comparing him to Hitler, claiming he represents a threat to democracy and that he’ll use his presidential powers to go after his enemies, should not be forgiven. Their lies and nonstop propaganda should not be forgotten. No one should ever take them seriously again. When they try to engage the public square, they should either be ignored entirely or met with a wall of mockery and derision. They are enemies of the American people, whom they openly despise, and there can be no real unity with them no matter what they might say in the future.
  • Not all these MSM companies should have an FCC license.
  • They have proved they can’t be trusted.
  • They need to have rules and regulations and they need to abide by them.
  • This is open rebellion, they are broadcasting rebellion.
  • The men and women of Gen X showed up and ruled the day.
  • That is the demo that Trump won and he won the woman vote.
  • I don’t know what kind of crack the men of America are smoking, we were rescued by WOMEN!
  • Did you believe any of the polls?
  • I talked about this daily.
  • Don’t believe the MSM polls, believe what you see w/ your own eyes.
  • Watch the Town Halls, watch the rallies and look around your neighborhood. 
  • If Trump loses Judge Merchan would have thrown him in jail!
  • Why should Nancy Pelosi insider stock trading be spared?
  • We have to start playing by the same rules the Democrats play by.
  • They had NO ISSUE w/ attempting to jail a former president.
  • Donald Trump refrained from putting Hillary Clinton through that.
  • He shouldn’t do that this go around.
  • He should seek the rule of law and ‘no one is above the law’ phrases that the left love so dearly. 


  • SCOTUS Judge Sotomayor – they are telling her to step down so they can appoint Kamala Harris to that seat.
  • Would that be something the left could do w/ Harris?
  • Chuck Schumer is no Mitch McConnell.
  • The Shape was campaigning to kill the filibuster.
  • Even if Biden did, that is a 1 for 1 wash.


 If you have any issues that need to be resolved, please email Maggie O’Connell directly at or Candace her personal email
 Did you miss yesterday’s LIVE Mike Church Show? Worry not, you can listen to all previously aired shows at the new CRUSADE MAX –
7:06am cstWelcome back to The Mike Church Show! Call the Crusade Channel at 844-5CRUSADE! Join our FREE LIVE chatroom where you can chat with fellow Crusaders.
 Ukraine and The United States

  • What happens now in Ukraine?
  • Trump isn’t going to send any money there so what is Zelensky going to do?
  • That conflict will be settled.
  • The Donbass region will be secure and safe in the hands of the Russian Federation.


AUDIO/VIDEO: Donald Trump Plan To Dismantle the Deep State – 10 Bullet Points

  1. “Immediately reissue my 2020 executive order, restoring the President’s authority to remove rogue bureaucrats.”
  2. “Clean out all of the corrupt actors in our national security and intelligence apparatus.”
  3. “Totally reform FISA courts which are so corrupt that the judges seemingly do not care when they’re lied to in warrant applications.”
  4. “Expose the hoaxes and abuses of power that have been tearing our country apart.”
  5. “Launch a major crackdown on government leakers who collude with the fake news to deliberately we false narratives and to subvert our government and our democracy.”
  6. “Make every Inspector General’s office independent and physically separated from the departments they oversee so they do not become the protectors of the deep state.”
  7. “Ask Congress to establish an independent auditing system to continually monitor our intelligence agencies to ensure they are not spying on our citizens or running disinformation campaigns against the American people, or that they are not spying on someone’s campaign like they spied on my campaign.”
  8. “Continue the effort launched by the Trump administration to move parts of the sprawling federal bureaucracy to new locations outside the Washington Swamp.”
  9. “Work to ban federal bureaucrats from taking jobs at the companies they deal with and that they regulate.”
  10. “Push a constitutional amendment to oppose term limits on members of Congress.”
 AUDIO/VIDEO: Tombstone: You Tell Em I’m Comin’ And Hells Comin’ With Me!
7:33am cstWelcome to the final segment of The Mike Church Show Call 844-5CRUSADE Join our FREE LIVE chatroom at
1h37mYes Men For Trump

  • We were asked on X yesterday if we were just going to be ‘yes men’ for Trump now that he has been elected.
  • Of course not.
  • We have always called out where Donald Trump has issues. 
  • We called him out on IVF, we called him out on Operation Warp Speed and many others.
  • Why would we all the sudden change?
 AUDIO/VIDEO: Benny Johnson w/ Trump’s Lawyer Mike DavisI dare you to try and continue your law fair against Trump, listen here sweetheart we aren’t playing around this time. We will put your fat ass in prison. 

  • Americans haven’t always been unhappy victims of their own government.


CALLER KEVIN from GA (Northwest GA)

  • I got the message yesterday we don’t want to pee on our parade, I voted for Trump and I am optimistic…but…
  • Is Trump not just the next politician down the pipe line?
  • Here is what I have to say to that..
  • The short answer is yes I do think he is different.
  • I called it Mordor this morning.
  • It still is a menace and a beast.
  • Federalist Papers #62 Section V – The internal effects of a mutable policy are still more calamitous. It poisons the blessing of liberty itself. It will be of little avail to the people, that the laws are made by men of their own choice, if the laws be so voluminous that they cannot be read, or so incoherent that they cannot be understood; if they be repealed or revised before they are promulgated, or undergo such incessant changes that no man, who knows what the law is to-day, can guess what it will be to-morrow. Law is defined to be a rule of action; but how can that be a rule, which is little known, and less fixed?
  • Can it be repaired and reformed?
  • I think we should give it the old college try.
  • Use the reprieve that you will get with Trump to keep working hard to ensure the safety and security of your own home state.
  • On my part I am going to my first PTA meeting this week!
  • In 1939 before WWII, John T, Gatto book on education, there were over 118,000 school board members across the US. They were being managed by parents w/ trustworthy teachers. 
  • Now we have about one quarter of that.
  • They need to be broken up and power divested back to the localities. 

  • Sarah Palin remember her?
  • Trump was talking to the Tea Party back in the day.
  • Ted Cruz was there Steve Bannon was there, this isn’t somebody the Tea Party would have supported but when he spoke and answered the questions, I believe he will do everything he said he was going to do.
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2h15mPatrick Buchanan 

Free Trade – it is a myth.

  • The Libertarians and Austrians love it but it simply isn’t true.
  • This is where President Trump is right.
  • If we can make it here, there is no reason to resource it out and buy it from other countries.
  • We shouldn’t be reliant upon other countries for things we need and use.



  • Used to be trucker Rob now I’m teacher Rob.
  • Here’s the killer we are finishing the Federalist period.
  • I am teaching 8th grade History right now.
  • I had a kid yesterday that asked Mr White am I going back to slavery?
  • I had another kid ask am I going to be deported tomorrow?
  • 84% Hispanic, 20% Black, 1 white and 3 Asians – school population.
  • I always tell them I’m mixed race b/c I’m Irish/German. 
  • We don’t even do handheld physical handbooks anymore. 
  • Everything is on a digital pad.
  • This isn’t rocket science.
  • History is a love affair for me.
  • Full disclosure – 
  • John Adams Movie – 
8:33am cstSEGMENT 6

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AUDIO/VIDEO: Robert F Kennedy Jr w/ Tucker CarlsonWhen I was on the plane the other day w/ President Trump and he took a piece of paper and drew a map of the Middle East w/ all the nations on it. Then he wrote in each county the troop strength. He was looking at the border b/w Syria and Turkey and asking questions about the men to his generals. 

  • This is for all of you out there stating Trump is an idiot he doens’t know anything about the Middle East.
  • Why would he risk his life, his families fortune if he didn’t really love this country?
  • Why would he want it so bad he would put all of that on the line if he truly had a love of this country and its people?
  • Even Andy Schectman said that yesterday, you need the American people to love their country and themselves enough to do this.
  • To make the tough decisions. 




Transition Political Affairs Correspondent

Follow Mahgdalen on X – @MahgdalenRose

  • This transition is OUTSIDE of Mordor.
  • Trump is paying for it all out of pocket.
  • That means coming in day one, he will hit the ground running.
  • They mean business.
  • There is a massive trend on TikTok praising Melania Trump and praising her return to the White House.
  • I think the Trump world can capitalize on this, the fact America wants to see beauty and fashion back in the White House and the First Lady.
  • We don’t even want her to have a cause, we just want her to be back and be beautiful, make the White House stylish and beautiful again.
  • You could see that when she made the White House actually look stunning and beautiful.
  • When Jill Biden was in there it looked like a teacher on a budget decorated for Christmas.
  • Hell they didn’t even hang a stocking for their grandchild.


Cultural Affairs Correspondent 

  • It will take some time but we will have to go down this road again in another 4 years but we hopefully will be heading in the right direction.
  • Making America more like Florida again!
  • GOP Governors outnumber Democratic Governors so he has a near veto proof majority of states.
  • They could probably get that Term Limit Amendment through. 
  • I thought the 10 point attack on the Deep State was great, and that is why they tried to kill him.
  • What you are seeing now is the wrestling for the top seats.
 If you have any issues that need to be resolved, please email Maggie directly at or Candace her personal email or

Written by: candacechurch