The Mike Church Show

The Mike Church Show #2099-The “Glorious” ACB Betrays Trump

today03/06/2025 66

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Time 6:06am cstWE ARE LIVE on 990 WGSO, Our Flagship Syndication Station in New Orleans Louisiana all week from 7am-10am!  Welcome to the Mike Church Show on  Call the show  844-5CRUSADE
 Did you miss yesterday’s LIVE Mike Church Show? Worry not, you can listen to all previously aired shows on

  • Censure Hearing For Al Green
  • Notorious ACB Turns on Trump
  • Sanctuary City Mayor Hearing

  • They have canceled 146,000 credit cards.
  • Each one had $12,000 or more credit limits.
  • They couldn’t tell who the cards belong to but they can verify they are being used and the Federal government is paying for it.
  • 4.7 million credit cards – the Federal government has that many card accounts each w/ a $10,000 or more limit.
  • I don’t want this to become a theatrical show. 
  • You have to cut $4 billion a day to make a difference. 
  • Where can DOGE save more money?
  • I have a big one, the TSA!
  • Should the TSA still exist? 
  • How many TSA people are at an airport at any given time?
6:35am cstSEGMENT 2
























CIA and the FBI

HEADLINE: Elon Musk’s Suggestion Box by Ann Coulter 

  • Please hurry up and zero-out the CIA and TSA.
  • Where was the CIA when Thomas Crooks was donating thousands to Act Blue w/ money he couldn’t possibly have? 
  • What about the other would be assassin of Donald Trump?
  • Did the CIA not know this guy had made several trips to Ukraine?
  • They only seem to be the plots of TV shows.
  • You know how they sell us the CIA?
  • Hollywood makes movies like Jason Bourne.
  • I mean he is no Chuck Norris.
  • What good are we getting out of the CIA? Its defenders claim that we never hear of all the dastardly plots it foiled. So why don’t they tell us? Sorry, that’s “classified.” 
  • Want to be popular? Abolish the TSA. Mostly a full employment program for “body positive” gals who didn’t work out at Target, TSA is doing something that doesn’t need to be done and failing at it.
  • If these airlines want their passengers to be secured, do your own security.
  • The biggest issue is people getting into the cockpit right?
  • Make those doors impenetrable. 
  • What about bombs on the plane?
  • Ever heard of bomb sniffing dogs? 
  • This is all a control mechanism.
  • Do you think most of the TSA employees are capable of saving an aircraft from being hijacked? 
  • Most people would not be able to handle something in the form of a nitroglycerine put into a bag they are carrying into an airport w/o having it detonate. 
  • This stuff that goes into these bombs is typically very unstable.
  • You can’t just manhandle that stuff.
  • Example – William Ayers and Bernadine Dohrn 
  • Of course there are stable explosives but those can be detected w/ dogs right?
  • Every year, Homeland Security agents posing as passengers try to get mock weapons and explosives through TSA screening, and every year, 80% to 95% of the handguns, hacksaws, sticks of dynamite, surface-to-air missiles and other banned items get through. (Luckily, the government took quick action to remedy this catastrophe: It now hides the results. Yes, the TSA’s pass/fail rate is “classified” information.)
  • TSA screening accomplishes nothing except to waste 400 million hours of Americans’ time every year. Four hundred million hours. Over 20 years, that’s 8 billion hours of the government irritating us that could have been spent enjoyably or productively, at the beach, playing with children, curing cancer or colonizing the moon.
  • When will Elon and his DOGE bros tell Trump the TSA is a massive waste?
  • These agencies tend to REACT not PREVENT.
  • Less hearings about Al Green and more hearings about eliminate all funding to the USAID.
  • More hearings about the inefficient TSA.
  • More hearings about these agencies that are leaches of taxpayer dollars.
 If you have any issues that need to be resolved, please email Maggie O’Connell directly at [email protected] or Candace her personal email [email protected]
7:06am cstWelcome back to The Mike Church Show! Call the Crusade Channel at 844-5CRUSADE!

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 AUDIO/VIDEO: DJ Daniel – Message to DemocratsIf you are a Democrat and you are being mean to President Trump, I’m on your bumper.


AUDIO/VIDEO: Rep Ayanna Pressley and Rep James Comer – Entering Articles – 

Pressley – Data from Texas shows that US-born Americans commit more rape and murder than immigrants. 

Former – This trend of you all trying to get thrown out of committee so you can get on MSNBC is gonna end. We’re not gonna put up with it.

  • Are you seeing a pattern here w/ these representatives?
  • This is now becoming a joke.
  • This is mainly women who are perpetrating these silly publicity stunts. 
  • You can enter any information you want about the person that is sitting before you if it is pertinent. 
  • None of it matters to them.
  • This is really just a stunt to get on TV like Comer said.
  • This is just insulting to all the voters and taxpayers in America.
  • Your woman LOST Black Lex Luthor, remember Kamala Harris tried this many times and it just doesn’t go over well w/ the average American voter. 
  • This indignant black woman routine doesn’t play well. 
  • She is trying to say the average white man commits more rape and murder than illegal immigrants.
7:33am cstWelcome to the final segment of The Mike Church Show Call 844-5CRUSADE Join our FREE LIVE chatroom at


Trivia Question – How many Judges must SCOTUS have?

ANSWER: The Constitution says that you can Constitute tribunals inferior to the Supreme Court. 

Article 1 Section 8 

  • There has to be a Supreme Court and a Chief Justice.
  • The Supreme Court, you start w/ a tribunal.
  • There are courts of appeals that have 3 judges and some have 5.
  • You would have 4 at minimum.
  • In 1791 there were only 4. 
  • Can Congress determine the number of SCOTUS judges?
  • Franklin Roosevelt said if the court strikes down FICA we will get it through and then I will pack the court.
  • He wanted to pack the court with 13 Judges. 
  • The Congress, it is a simple majority vote, and then Amy Coney Barrett and Ketanji Brown are off the court. PERIOD.
  • They won’t get back either b/c you have to then nominate NEW Judges for those positions. 
  • If you know the books are cooked and certain judges are ideologically compromised, this is how you do it.


AUDIO/VIDEO: Rep Byron Donalds Sanctuary City Committee – How much did your city spend on immigrants? – Most couldn’t even answer the question. You can either have open borders or a welfare state. 

  • Let’s just have anarchy!
  • If you let this thing run its course #1 you will run out of other peoples resources.
  • #2 you will have states
  • We are not wed to other states forever.
  • Some state, especially the southern states, we can survive w/o them.
  • The states created this entity b/c the states, at the time, thought having a framework for free trade, immunities and military for protection, the Federal government was created for the STATES benefit. 
  • It wasn’t created to serve itself!
  • It exist b/c the STATES choose to allow it to exist.

AUDIO/VIDEO: Rep Anna Paulina Sanctuary City Committee – Referring All Mayors For Criminal Prosecution to the DOJ – Open border policies hurts people on both sides. I don’t think you are bad people but I think you are ideologically misled. You are in direct violation of 8 U.S. Code 1324. I’m all going to be criminally referring you to the Department of Justice for investigation, and as soon as I leave here, these will be going over to Pam Bondi. 

 8:06am cstSEGMENT 5
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Fox News LIVE Report – Jeffery Rath Alberta seeking to become part of the US. 

  • So Alberta is known as the Texas of Canada.
  • Snow Texans…I like it.
  • This is a group of Alberta citizens saying just extend the same offer you extended to Greenland.
  • I think the best thing Alberta can do is to become their own country.
  • Once they secede, then send a trade delegation to DC. 
  • We won’t buy your oil or trees b/c we have our own but there are things you have we need and visa versa. 
  • The American people don’t like being screwed in courtrooms.
  • We don’t like this injustice that is happening in courts all around America.
  • We are tired of having to pay property taxes.
  • We are just tired.




















Mahgdalen Rose

Political Affairs Contributor

Follow her on X – @MahgdalenRose

AUDIO/VIDEO: DJ Daniel – Message to Democrats – If you are a Democrat and you are being mean to President Trump, I’m on your bumper.

  • So is the Democrat party finally over?
  • Has it finally dissolved itself?

AUDIO/VIDEO: Rep Anna Paulina Sanctuary City Committee – Referring All Mayors For Criminal Prosecution to the DOJ – Open border policies hurts people on both sides. I don’t think you are bad people but I think you are ideologically misled. You are in direct violation of 8 U.S. Code 1324. I’m all going to be criminally referring you to the Department of Justice for investigation, and as soon as I leave here, these will be going over to Pam Bondi. 

Sanctuary Cities – 

  • I think one problem the Democrats don’t understand is the people of America have to pay 2nd fiddle to these guys and it is hurting Americans.
  • It enrages especially the youth of all races.
  • It isn’t that we don’t want immigrants its that the Dems are raising the immigrants over the natural citizens.
  • Wealthy Republicans realize they are wealthy and don’t complain.
  • The wealthy Democrats always feel like they are the victim and the average American simply can’t tolerate it anymore. 
  • Americans it comes down to money and economy prosperity.
  • American don’t like Congress.
  • Will the DOGE victories come fast enough to permanently put these guys out of power?
  • After Trump there will be a lack of morale.
  • Whoever is the continuation, they need to not be unhappy about the fact people will always want Donald Trump.
  • The more Elon can cut, the more we can show America can be great.
  • Imagine if we took all that waste and turn that inward to our own country. 
8:33am cstSEGMENT 6

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Brother Andre Marie

Follow Brother on X – @Brother_Andre

Everything you wanted to know about Lent but were afraid to ask!

  • The very early church, the feast of feast for Christians was what we call Easter.
  • The Christian passover, it is THE Christian feast.
  • Lent proper begins on Sunday even though Ash Wednesday is included now. 
  • 40 day fast is what Our Lord did. 
  • He ate and drank absolutely NOTHING.
  • That is when he was tempted by the devil.
  • The 3 sources of temptation. 
  • The devil didn’t know who He was at that time.
  • He became man to glorify God.
  • Everything he did in that account wins grace for us.
  • The temptation to turn stones into bread.
  • The pride of life He is told to leap off.
  • There are those 3 temptations and they hit at the root of all temptations.
  • Flesh, eyes and the pride of life.
  • He conquered the devil and those 3 temptations and makes it possible for us.
  • That is programmatic for us.
  • It tells us what lent is all about.
  • Doing penance, physical mortification and being tempted as a result.
  • Actual love which can be difficult as we all know.
  • Charity requires us to practice the other virtues as well.
  • That is why we have Easter eggs.
  • They used to not eat eggs during Lent.
  • Eggs if you don’t wash them you can keep them for a long time.
  • What did they eat exactly?
  • They ate fruits, some vegetables the things that grew in the Garden of Eden.
  • So the Ancient lenten diet consisted of NO animal products.
  • QUESTION: Usually rosary course – I was told all 7 days you do the sorrowful mysteries. What is the official Church standing on that?
  • ANSWER: The custom I am familiar w/ is the Sunday cycle is replaced w/ the Sorrowful as a custom. This isn’t obligatory. There aren’t rubrics that come w/ the rosary. A lot of people think the focus of Lent is the passion but it is not. Follow the liturgy, it is prayer, fasting and alms giving. Conversion of life, growth in virtue and preparing yourself for Easter. Renewing our Christian commitment. Open your traditional Missals. Everyday during Lent has its own Propers and they are masterpieces. The Church, you can mediate during the Lent on the Passion, but the main focus of Lent is preparing our souls and ridding ourselves of vice and doing more charitable work. 
  • QUESTION: What do you do on Sundays during lent? Continue w/ fasting or is it considered a feast day still?
  • ANSWER: Sundays aren’t recorded as part of the 40 days of the fast which is why if you count the days it is more like 46 days. That covers the Sundays. Sundays you are NOT obliged to have any fasting. Keep in mind that Lent is so wimpy now that you should take that into consideration when you think about Sundays. 1 meal and 2 light collations that don’t equal a full meal. The fact we can’t even do this anymore is sad. If you only give up candy bars and you hog out on them on Sunday well that isn’t much of a fast or penance. 
  • QUESTION: Why is it important to imitate Christ in this way? A non Catholic would possibly respond, God loves you no matter what….right?!
  • ANSWER: The living of the Christian life is the life w/in us. Through Christ the world is crucified. He is the icon of the invisible God. He came to make it possible to be sons of God. On Easter Sunday ‘go tell my brethren I will appear to them in Galilee and I have not yet risen to My God and to your God and my Father and your Father. In all eternity there would be no reason to look at God and call Him Father.


  • That is not what the Apostles say. Saint Paul was very clear once save not always saved. He chastised his body and brought it into subjection. Abstinence is bringing the body into subjection. They have these practices that are built into human antiquity. Fasting by the way is good for you. The benefits to the soul and the body are proven. 
  • Increasing your prayer life – LENT – at


  • Suggestions for a Good Lent 
  • Hitting the High Notes in Lent and in Life
  • This Lent Keep the Big Picture in Mind
  • Knowledge of self, these are progressive, we turn away from the world. 
  • Not to become narcissist but what vices do we need to work on.
  • It isn’t all about just downing yourself. 
  • Stop just saying I am bad, I’m a worm, don’t be self deprecating. 
  • You have to be specific. 
  • In a lot of ways we are worse than worms b/c worms don’t sin.
  • Be very specific. 
  • Like I’m less than a worm b/c a thief, I’m impure, I’m a liar etc.
  • Double down on the loving they neighbor. 
  • You are not supposed to afflict your neighbor!
  • They have their own burdens to carry so don’t make them miserable by giving up caffeine and being a super angry b/c you have a caffeine headache.
  • ReConquest – 458 IVF 
 If you have any issues that need to be resolved, please email Maggie directly at [email protected] or Candace her personal email [email protected] or [email protected]

Written by: candacechurch