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Winchester, VA – In this Celestial Musings, the Huffington Post reported on a “chilling study” which claims that religious theologies which do not affirm queer identities are directly tied to higher rates of suicide in LGBTQ populations. On the flipside, religion was shown to be a protective factor against suicide for heterosexual populations. As other studies have reflected, there was much more suicidal tendency in younger populations than in older. The article suggests that religions need to change their theologies about sexuality to protect the feelings of LGBTQ’s. I have three things to say about all this. First, I’m awaiting the study which reveals suicidal tendencies among the gluttonous, greedy, slothful, wrathful, envious and prideful populations as well, and whether those more affiliated with religious faiths which condemn the other six deadly sins are more prone to suicide. Second, I’m less concerned with the “chilling” effects of this study than I am with the “heating” effects of afterlife consequences when we fail to preach against the seven deadly sins and fight them in our own lives. Third, Nobody wants to admit that are simply mental health consequences associated with being LGBTQ, hence the perennial effort to pin suicidal tendencies on anything BUT the mental condition which effects the disordered tendencies themselves.
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Written by: Jennifer Snow
The longest running radio talk-show in the history of satellite radio. Mike Church offers no-holds barred commentary on the moral & political decay of the modern world but unlike all other hosts, Mike offers solutions!
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