Advent Music & Mystery

Advent Mystery & Music December 2nd With Mike Church

today12/02/2019 19

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Advent Mystery & Music INTRO – ANNUNCIATION by Kevin & Rachel McCormick 2016 – 3:08

INTRO & welcome – Mike Church followed by 

SONG – AVE MARIA By Andrea Bocelli – Live from the Coliseum in Rome recorded 17 May, 2012

MIKE CHURCH talk – recommend the pamphlet Family Advent Customs by Helen McLoughlin

WE AWAIT A SAVIOR from Family Advent Customs

Advent is the beginning of the new liturgical year. It is a season of spiritual preparation, marked by eager longing for the coming of the Saviour through grace at Christmas, and for His second and final coming. It is also an ideal time to establish in our homes liturgical customs which will restore our children to Christ.[1]

In our family we use these age-old Advent practices to help our children live closer to Christ and His Church during the pre- Christmas season. Time-tested and proven, the customs teach the doctrines of redemption and develop a generosity with God and a coordination of the family’s spiritual efforts as effectively now as they did for our forebears. Their strong and living faith will be the heritage of our children if family religious practices, centered in the Liturgy, “the normal school of sanctity for the laity,” become established in our homes.

Secularism has invaded our households. The Bishops of the United States have warned us that “the Christian must make his home holy–the Christian must realize the Christian ideal.” Father Edgar Schmiedler, O.S.B., in his three excellent pamphlets, “Your Home a Church in Miniature,” says of family customs and blessings: “They are a relatively simple, but highly important, means of union between altar and home. They are a media for channeling from one great spiritual reservoir, given into the Church’s keeping by Christ, the living and transforming waters of grace from the Saviour’s fountain.”

SONG – Alma Redemptoris MaterBenedictine Sisters of Our Lady of Ephesus

advent music from Ephesus sistersSONG –


Advent Mystery & Music REJOIN SONG – IN DULCIS JUBILO Kevin & Rachel McCormick


SONG – Maria Went Through a Thorn Forest by Freiburger Spielleyt at the Augustine Museum

MIKE CHURCH talk – where to send requests

SONG – O Come O’ Come Emmanuel – Benedictine Sisters of Our Lady of Ephesus

FINALE SONG – Conditor Alme Siderum (February 2015), Creator of The Stars by the Compline Choir Alumni under the direction of Kevin Siegfried


Written by: MikeChurch

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