The Cult of Death’s War Against The Russians Has Run Out Of OPM

today03/16/2023 282 1

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Time Red Pill Topics & Headlines
6:03am cstWelcome to the Mike Church Show on Call the show  844-5CRUSADE
 Glory and Shine to the Crusade Channel
 HEADLINE: Credit Suisse Shares Rebound After Bank Secures Loan by Colin Barr 

  • Credit Suisse’s stock was recently up 24% in Swiss trading, a day after tumbling Wednesday to close over 20% lower. Other European banks also rallied Thursday, with shares of UBS, Credit Suisse’s crosstown rival, up 3.9%.
  • The Stoxx Europe 600 index, a regional benchmark, rose more than 1%. An index of bank stocks rose 3%. Credit Suisse bonds shot up in value, though they didn’t regain all the lost ground from the previous day’s plunge. 
  • When is this financial bubble going to burst?
  • This is unsustainable.
  • They have all made horrible financial decisions with their PPE ‘free’ money.
  • Will any of them see any consequences?
  • Who gets 
25mAUDIO/VIDEO: US Drone FootageThe US military has released footage of the mid-air encounter between a Russian fighter jet and a US drone that was forced down over the Black Sea.

  • Yesterday seemed to be the US Military doing and about face on our stance w/ Ukraine.
  • We are out of other peoples money.
  • We don’t have much more we can send them.
  • Russia was prepared for this.
  • The United States was not, is not and will ultimately pull back.
  • You have trains crashing all over, banks failing all over, a debt ceiling coming up here, a Southern border that is WIDE OPEN, 15 million souls here that don’t belong here….we aren’t a super power any longer folks.
  • We have major American cities that citizens can’t travel in w/o dying. 
  • They are going to burn this mother down!
  • Why are they sending the old man out there every day to scream at people?
  • So is he Fetterman out of the hospital.
  • I think they are using Biden to burn the system then they will come out and say they had no idea he was that mentally unstable or compromised. 
  • You won’t be able to say anything about what he did b/c then YOU will be the bad guy for calling out someone w/ dementia. 


Back To Financial Crisis

  • The Swiss banks used to be prized by US billionaires, why was that?
  • Because the Swiss backed all their currency by precious medals.
  • 10 years ago they decided they wanted to play in the cesspool like the US and devalued their currency.
  • It is STILL worth more than the dollar. 
  • In order to save the Swiss bank they are now saying they are us and will debase their currency.
  • There are 43 cantons or counties and national votes are RARE.
  • What one canton does, doesn’t apply to neighboring cantons.
  • If they are panicking maybe we should be a little more terrified. 
 GOLDEN TRUTH TICKET – Be caller #9 Today, for your chance to win 1 tickets for a brand new KIA Seltos from Bulldog KIA
 Crusade Channel Teaming Up With Epoch Times (affiliate link)
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 Do business with those that do business with us. BullDog Kia have been with us since day one of Veritas Radio Network and the Crusade Channel. Get your Kia today from the fine folks at BullDog Kia in Atlanta Georgia.
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7:15am cstWelcome back to The Mike Church Show! Call the Crusade Channel at 844-5CRUSADE! Join our FREE LIVE chatroom where you can chat with fellow Crusaders.


HEADLINE: Overschooled and Undereducated by Anthony Esolen 

  • The which is not the same as education—is to encourage people to express confident platitudes, which they are pleased to call their opinions, about things they know nothing of. This is far worse than ignorance. I am trying to imagine my grandfather expressing an opinion about the Middle Ages. It is impossible. I cannot do it. He would have been as likely to put forth dogma regarding green men from Mars. 
  • I am taken back by people who know no more about meteorology than I do, and less about the mathematics of functions with more than two or three variables, and a lot less about history and geography, but who are so certain of some meteorological prediction, they are ready to call you a knave, an idiot, or a perfect madman if you decline to agree.
  • We live in a society where everyone has an opinion on everything from religion to weather to how and what you are supposed to eat.
  • Is it your opinion and did someone solicit it?
  • Those that say our Catholic Church is oppressive to women – 
  • No one can possibly say that Christianity didn’t level the playing field for women.
  • Women had zero respect before Christ.
  • Not everybody is so. But most people are—I mean, most people who know little about the Church. The first task, I’m afraid, is not to teach them about the Church but to show them that, in one area after another, they have no knowledge, that most of the coins and bills are worthless, and that if they do seek knowledge, they should expect to be lonesome at parties, and to be delayed or thwarted when they seek gainful employment.
 Crusader Congress

GUEST SPEAKER added – Michael Kurek

1h41mAUDIO/VIDEO: Gen Mark Milley on droneAs far as an act of war goes, I’m not gonna’ go there. Incident happen, clearly we do not seek armed conflict w/ Russia.

AUDIO/VIDEO: Defense Sec Llyod AustinUkraine matters, it matters not to just Ukraine or the US it matters to the world. It’s about on country’s ability to war up one day & change the borders of its neighbor.

AUDIO/VIDEO: Chuck Schumer AUMFAmericans are tired of endless wars. We are beginning the process to end the legal authority that started the Iraq war.

  • If they repeal the AUMF, will this regime still be allowed 

AUDIO/VIDEO: Tucker Carlson w/ Retired Army Col Douglas MacgregorLindsey Graham and his peers in Washington, they’r not channeling Ronald Reagan, they’re channeling the 3 Stooges.

  • Remember when Ron Paul was called a traitor?
  • Ron Paul was agains the war and Tom Woods & Kevin Gutzman wrote a piece to Jeffery Lord and at this juncture enter Mark Levin.
  • Mark Levin jumped into the frame b/c he was friends w/ Jeffery Lord, called Woods and Gutzman back benchers.
 Crusader Monastery – The Veritas Radio Network also have a prayer request line. Send your prayer requests to
 Do business with those that do business with us. McClure Tables they have been with us since day one of Veritas Radio Network and the Crusade Channel. Everything is handmade in the USA!
8:13am cstWelcome to the final segment of The Mike Church Show Call 844-5CRUSADE Join our FREE LIVE chatroom at















Paul MacAree from Ireland

EWTN – Celtic Connections in Walsingham 

Saint Patrick – 

  • He fell away from the faith as a boy at the age of 16 he came back and used many years of his life in prayer.
  • This is 1,500 years after Saint Patrick and we will still celebrate him tomorrow.
  • One of those Feast in the calendar and his is remembered the world over.
  • They either have Irish blood in them or they have a devotion to him or they just like to celebrate anything.
  • Saint Patrick was a very strong, masculine man.
  • He wasn’t an effeminate type.
  • He was captured at 15-16 years old we don’t know where he was captured from but it was Irish Pirates and sold as a slave.
  • He tended sheep there for 6 years.
  • St Patrick believed he was suffering b/c he wasn’t saying enough prayers.
  • He then said he prayed 100 times a day.
  • He would go out into the snow and pray.
  • This is when he had his major conversion. 
  • The Lord told him how to escape and he did, then he managed to get on a boat to France.
  • This is all described in his manuscripts. 
  • He then felt the calling to be a Priest, then became a Bishop.
  • An angel from Ireland appeared to him – Come Back Holy Youth come back to us. 
  • He went back to Ireland and then he fell in love w/ Ireland.
  • 1600 years the hospitality of the Irish – 
  • Pope Saint Celestine – 
  • Let’s go to the topic of abortion in Ireland – 
  • Read Saint Patricks Confessions – 
3h21mHEADLINE: The War With China Has Already Begun . . . and We’re Losing by Jared Knott 
3h26mHEADLINE: In the money! Ryan Reynolds and Blake Lively seen out together in NYC after actor’s $300M windfall from T-Mobile’s $1.35 BILLION acquisition of Mint Mobile by Adam S Levy 

  • This sell is everything that is wrong w/ this country.
  • You build the company claiming it is an escape to get away from the BIG phone companies only to sell it to the BIG phone companies once you convince millions to swap to Mint.
 BRAVE BROWSER: Now you can support the Crusade Channel without spending a DIME! Simply use the url to download the BRAVE browser and WE get credit: We can earn up to $50,000 for the downloads if our listeners use this browser.
Meta-tags for showAdam S Levy, Jared Knott, Ryan Reynolds, Mint Mobile, Aviator Gin, Saint Patrick, Paul MacAree, Celtic Connections, Ron Paul, Mark Levin, Dr Kevin Gutzman, Defense Sec Lloyd Austin, Tucker Carlson, Jeffery Lloyd, Gen Mark Milley, Russia, Ukraine, Ireland, pro-life, abortion, Scottland, Lindsey Graham, Vladimir Putin, Joe Biden, Credit Suisse, inflation, FDIC, Colin Barr, Stoxx Europe, PPE, Anthony Esolen, Michael Kurek, Golden Truth Ticket, Chuck Schumer

Written by: candacechurch