The Mike Church Show

Wisdom Wednesday-What Really Happened On Spy Wednesday And Other Holy Week Mysteries Revealed

today04/05/2023 87 1

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Brother Andre Marie 

Host of ReConquest aired only on the Crusade Channel

Follow Brother on GAB and Twitter – @Brother_Andre

HEADLINE: Saint Vincent Ferrer 1419 by The Slaves of the Immaculate Heart of Mary 

    • 40 thousand miracles have been attributed to him.
    • He was one of the greatest saints of the Dominican Order. He was a Spaniard and was born at Valencia. He was one of the main forces that ended the Great Western Schism, a hardship of the Catholic Church, which lasted from 1378 to 1417, when two, and eventually three, cardinals, one at Rome, one at Avignon and one at Pisa, were all claiming to be Pope. Saint Vincent Ferrer had the gift of tongues. Speaking in his own language, all who listened to him could understand him in theirs. Saint Vincent Ferrer raised forty persons from the dead. He cured thousands of the blind, the lame, the deaf and the dumb. He extinguished a fire with one blow of his breath. A laborer at Valencia, who had fallen from a staging, was suspended by Saint Vincent Ferrer in mid-air until he brought him safely and slowly to the ground. A swarm of butterflies flew into Saint Vincent Ferrer’s room as he was dying. A great number of angels assembled there to take his soul to God. He was in his sixty-third year when he died.
    • He would preach in Catalon which was his native language and whatever the language those in the audience spoke, they could hear him in their native language. 
    • The Church of The Holy Innocents in New York City
  • In Spanish the rr is a distinct letter.
  • He preached these mission and he just converted everyone in there.
  • Glossolalia = The Gift of the Tongue
  • Tonights ReConquest Episode 370: Dramatis Personae Hebdomodae Sanctae
  • Jesus rode a beast that had never been ridden before.
  • If something is used for a spiritual purpose you don’t ever turn it into something for daily or normal use.
  • You couldn’t take that think and repurpose it. 
  • It has to be set aside for the sacred use.
  • That is why Joseph lived a chaste life.
  • Mary housed the Word Incarnate therefore her body couldn’t be used for any other ‘regular’ purpose. 
  • The 1st coming is the one that already happened and the 2nd is what we pray in the Creed.
  • What makes this night different from any other night?
  • The oldest boy, at a Passover meal, they have to tell their children about this night – what makes this night different than all other nights. The father tells the story of the Exodus. 
  • In Mel Gibson The Passion – 
  • Mary wakes up and Mary Magdalen is there and then you get the ‘jump scare’. 
  • At that point What Makes This Night Different Than Any Other Night? is spoken by mary Magdalen. 
  • Quick version of moving Missal from right to left is – 
  • To the left is North the Gospel is chanted facing where the Barbarians where. 
  • North is the liturgical symbol for the world.
  • East is the land of the sunrise and holy.
  • West is the land of the sunset which is evil. (West is where the sun goes to die.)
  • The Barbarian threat was real and it was evil.
  • If you look at where the Missal is for the low Mass, on the Epistle side it is square…when it is the time for the Gospel it is tilted slightly so the Priest is facing NORTH while reading it.
  • Psalm 21 – Our Lord facing Rome, back to Jerusalem – It begins w/ My God My God why hast thou abandoned me?
  • He is talking about the Gentile Church.
  • Doctor Robert Hickson – in your charity pray for him he is dying, he used to be a major part of the SBC Conferences. 

Written by: Justin Redman
