
644 Results / Page 52 of 72


The Mike Church Show

How Fake Irish Boston Catholics Ruined Saint Patricks Day & Slandered Saint Patrick with Joe Doyle

Special Guest Joe Doyle -  St. Patrick’s Day Lorica of Saint Patrick - https://www.catholic.org/prayers/prayer.php?p=302 Boston St. Patrick’s Day parade -  Boston has become a 3rd world country with its politics. The mayor of Boston was caught shouting obscenities. [email protected] Catholic Action League  AUDIO/VIDEO: The Leaving of Boston “Leaving of Liverpool”

today03/17/2020 90

The Mike Church Show

New Evidence Shows That CRS Are Actually Helping To Provide Transportation For Teenage Girls TO Abortion Clinics! with Michael Hichborn

 Special Guest Michael Hichborn -  Founder of the Lepanto Institute http://www.lepantoinstitute.org/ Follow Michael Hichborn here: @MichaelHichborn You have people that are WAY over reacting but you also have some that are the polar opposite. We have to look at this situation objectively. There are a lot of unknowns still. HEADLINE: Fear and loathing bloom as American tempers fray in coronavirus crisis by Nick Brown and Brad Brooks   Caller Nino […]

today03/17/2020 6

Carrie Gress 

The Mike Church Show

Women Are Looking For Masculine Heroes Again Because “Feminism” Has Failed Them! Interview with Carrie Gress

Women Are Looking For Masculine Heroes Again Because "Feminism" Has Failed Them! Interview with Carrie Gress  Special Guest Carrie Gress Author of Anti-Mary Expose, The Marian Option, Theology of the Home and much more. Follow Carrie on Twitter here: @CarrieGress Feminism -  This revolution is fueled by humanity. I believe the counter-revolution is finally being sprung. When you came for the kids with the Tranny Mammies and the infanticide issues just […]

today03/12/2020 19

Your Money

True Money

True Money Show-Your Money Should Serve Not Rule interview with Jon and Evelyn Bean

True Money Show-Your Money Should Serve Not Rule interview with Jon and Evelyn Bean Join The True Money Show w/ David Simpson Live Wednesdays during DRIVE TIME, 3 p.m. to 5 p.m. Central (4 p.m. to 6 p.m. EST) on the  Crusade Channel to find out the answer to this question: is your home a retirement asset?  I hope you will join me for the best finance show on the airwaves.  […]

today03/12/2020 16


Exclusive! Listen The New Track “Little Scratch”

When I was in youth group, I was told that the best way to share my faith was to wait for “God conversations,” which occurred when my friends started talking about God, the meaning of life, nature of the afterlife, etc. And that sort of worked, but as time has gone on and I have aged, those conversations happen less and less. Why? According to Kyle Beshears, it’s because more […]

today03/11/2020 24 2

The Mike Church Show

7 Crucial Vocations Episode V

Special Guest G.C. Dilsaver Psychomoralitics: The Soul Deep Science of Human Flourishing! God’s ways are not our ways -  There is a distinction -  True religion - meaning binding to - Catholicism will bind you to God  False religion seeks to bind God to you. Catholics KNOW how to die! memento mori = Remember you must die Incarnation -  Everyone is afraid of dying, if they tell you they aren’t […]

today03/10/2020 12


Can A Catholic Be A Socialist? With Catherine R. Pakaluk

Special Guest Catherine Pakaluk  Author of ‘Can A Catholic Be A Socialist’? co-author Trent Horn Follow her on Twitter @CRPakaluk The average wage - The Church says to apply prudence.  We don’t give everything away so the business shuts down but you pay them an adequate wage. If you pay people too much we all know it causes unemployment. It is dictated by the people and their basic needs and […]

today03/10/2020 7

The Mike Church Show

Wisdom Wednesday-Trying For The Best Lent Ever? Then Listen To Wisdom Wednesday’s Classic Fasting Rules!

Special Guest Brother Andre host of ReConquest Follow Brother Andre Marie here: @Brother_Andre Episode 219 will air tonight Ash Wednesday is part of Lent. Today is the first day of Lent though. The bigger view is this, the Easter part of the calendar the Easter Cycle begins after the completion of the Christmas cycle. Septuagesima - 70 days  The Church wasn’t so precise about the 40 days. FASTING -  Regular […]

today03/04/2020 15