
644 Results / Page 67 of 72


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Mike Church’s New Book-The English Reformation-Pre-Order For Founder’s Pass Members Only

Mandeville, LA - Your bonus for being a Founder's Pass Member is an unbeatable deal on my new book: The English Reformation by Father Gerard Culkin. Be one of the first 100 to Pre-order and you'll receive the eBook edition, tonight, absolutely FREE (don't cost nuthin'). Use the password: 1776 to view/pre-order the book and the coupon code: henry8 to get your FREE eBook edition. Hurry, this offer is exclusive for you and 99 […]


Veritas All Stars

Ilana Mercer-Paleolibetarian The Way It Should Be

Mandeville, LA - The Veritas Radio Network welcomes weekly contributor Ilana Mercer, author of The Trump Revolution and of the Into The Cannibal’s Pot: Lessons for America From Post-Apartheid South Africa. Ilana appears every Friday on The CRUSADE Channel's Mike Church Show. Her weekly column also appears here on the Veritas Radio Network site and at the Mike Church Show site. Visit Ilana's site and catch up on all her writings […]

today09/23/2016 52


Testimonial-Veritas Radio Network Represents Hope For All

Mandeville, LA - Hey King Dude just had a wonderful lady from Argentina stop into my wife's shop and bring the following picture by. I was awed by the work she put in by hand. This picture I'm told represents The Lady of Hope in Catholicism and I believe it was worth sending as a message saying "thanks for being one guy who takes to radio each day with a message […]

today09/22/2016 24

Our Resources

Resources The Way They Should Be-How The Veritas Radio Network Is Built

Mandeville, LA -  Building a world class radio station, entertainment company website is hard but the task is made easier by using the world's most advanced site development platform: WordPress. Most Veritas members will not be familiar with Wordpress but we want you to get to know it so you build your own CRUSADES site to promote and post your stories, opinions, pictures and advance your own CRUSADE. To get […]

today09/19/2016 22

How To - Tech Help

How Do I Keep Veritas Playing Without Interruption While Surfing The Site?

Mandeville, LA - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Subject: Can't navigate web pages and listen to show Status: Open Category: General ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Description: I am using Chrome to listen to the show on veritasradionetwork.com. I am a member. When I listed to the show, and I try to navigate to other pages on the web site, the radio show turns off. I have to click the Play button each time I switch pages. Is that […]

today09/08/2016 13

How To - Tech Help

Help! How Do I Fund The Gift Membership I Purchased?

Mandeville, LA - Member Candy R. writes: Subject: Can't find the page with my gift purchase link! I am lost..looked through the pages but cant locate my account info..Need some help!Thanks !!   Dear Candy, We are here to assist! Click Members/My Account: Then scroll down to “Gifts Purchased”: The click the “show gift link”: And you send that link to your friend!

today08/13/2016 28

Veritas Newsroom

The Answer To Trump-Hating Media Tyrants: Broadcast Without Filters & Let Voters Decide

Mandeville, LA - On Monday, August 15, The The Veritas Radio Network's Crusade Channel will begin airing all Donald Trump campaign stops in their entirety and will even feature commentary from hosts Mike Church and Mark Kreslins. CRUSADE is working to identify sources for the feeds free of "you peasants must not be allowed to support Trump" bias. CRUSADE will also carry full coverage of the 3 "debates." CRUSADE founder Mike […]

today08/12/2016 17

Veritas Radio Ad Campaign: Radio The Way It Should Be

Donald Trump, Stopping Hillary The Way It Should Be

The Veritas Radio Network, The "Radio The Way It Should Be" company, presents Donald Trump: Stopping Hillary The Way It Should Be. [huge_it_gallery id="1"] Mandeville, LA - The Veritas Radio Network is pleased to release our latest "Radio The Way It Should Be" advertisement featuring the Presidential Candidate Donald Trump. In his first campaign appearance after winning the Republican Party's nomination, Trump said of Hillary: "I'm taking the gloves off. I've […]

today08/11/2016 25