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1942 Results / Page 39 of 216



Parrott Talk-Single Women! Aunt Karen Wants You To Join The Demoncrat Army

Biden is down in the polls so its time wheel out the regime's ace in the hole, Hillary Clinton.  Her sole job is to recruit more single women to take on the evil MAGAs.   The former Demoncrat presidential candidate again was out warning about the grave threat to our democracy.  She doubled down on the right wing extremists intend to steal the 2024 election.  So who better to recruit to […]

today01/29/2024 110


Parrott Talk-Vivek and Ann Coulter Missed The Target…Again

Ann Coulter and Vivek Ramaswamy subtly expressed their anti-Catholic sentiment on their social media feeds.  The tweets were about different issues, but in the end it was about a singular focus.  Coulture was tweeting about ACB's part in the latest immigration crisis.  She tweeted that ACB was an "uber papist" and that influenced her decision to rule in favor of Biden.  Vivek again was attacking monarchy as the ancient evil […]

today01/26/2024 122

The Mike Church Show

The Founding Fathers Never Anticipated A Biden Refusal To Protect Muricah’s Borders

SPECIAL GUEST Dr Kevin Gutzman Author and Historian  Thomas Jefferson Revolutionary, James Madison and the Making of America, The Jeffersonians and many more. University of Texas - 3 degrees What do you say about what is happening in Texas right now with the border and Governor Abbott? I’m not surprised he is trying to do something but I’m skeptical it will work. This is because it makes the Federal Government […]

today01/25/2024 160

The Fiorella Files

The Fiorella Files- Butler, Dickens, and Chevalier

Welcome to the Fiorella Files.  This week Fiorella reviews The Force Of Non-Violence by Judith Butler,  David Copperfield by Charles Dickens, and A Single Thread by Tracy Chevalier.  Find out why Fiorella thinks Judith Butler fails to address her problems within her beliefs and why she did not like A Single Thread.   Fiorella also has some great advice for those who have a difficult time reading classics by authors like Dickens.  Listen to this episode of […]

today01/25/2024 57


Parrott Talk-To Understand The Two Dimensional Game Of Politics, You Need To Play In The Third Dimension.

In the game of politics, destabilization is the queen on the board.  This is the key to winning the White House or governorship.  The immigration crisis is one such example of destabilization.  Donald Trump is using this issue as his main issue to attack Biden.  If he is successful, then he will be the next President.  This is why Donald Trump does not want the Republicans to fix immigration before […]

today01/25/2024 62 1

The Mike Church Show

Does The Constitution Say Texas Must Welcome An Invading Army?

SPECIAL GUEST  Laurie Calhoun Author of We Kill Because We Can, War & Delusion and many more Follow Laurie on Twitter - @laurielcalhoun AUDIO/VIDEO: WH Briefing on Supreme Court Decision on Texas Karine Jean-Pierre - We are glad that the Supreme Court made this decision that prevented Border Security from doing their job.  What Texas was doing it was ineffective.  My collection is essays and Tom Woods basically has the […]

today01/24/2024 73


Parrott Talk- It’s Not About Money, It’s About Our Country

"They want you to pause....for two years." said the made man.  "They want you to get out of the race, they're willing to pay you anything you want."  That sounds like the scene of a gangster movie, but it is not.  That was from a leaked conversation between U.S. Senate candidate Kari Lake and Arizona Republican Party Chair Jeff DeWit. The Republican chair is trying to "persuade" Lake to drop […]

today01/24/2024 96


Parrott Talk-ACB May Have Played Into Liberal Hands

All through Amy Coney Barrett's confirmation hearing, she said she would rule by the Constitution.  This is probably why she sided with the Biden Regime on his border dispute with Texas.  Think about this for a moment.  Mike Parrott says put on your liberal lawyer hat, and go down this rabbit hole with him.  If you were  a lawyer representing a regime, wouldn't you present your case in a way […]

today01/23/2024 71 5

The Early Show

The Mid-Day Show-An Inconvenient Activitst

Tyre Extinguishers are deflating tires of s.u.v. across England.  The annoying climate activist group decided to take eco justice in their own hands.  They approach cars that are deemed ecologically unfriendly, and deflate the tires.  While most of the vehicles are s.u.v.s., there has been a few electric vehicles caught up in the mix.  Fiorella reveals why these tactics don't get people to join your cause, and they should consider […]

today01/23/2024 54