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1946 Results / Page 69 of 217



Parrott Talk-The Night Of Trump

Donald J. Trump skipped the GOP debate so he could have an interview with Tucker Carlson.  Mike Parrott gives his reaction to the interview. Mike also points out the moments Tucker missed to press Trump on and he give his thoughts on the questions that needed to be asked. 

today08/24/2023 158 4


Parrott Talk-How Dare You Ask The Mayor Where The Children Are Peasant

Government leaders prove their incompetence time and time again. Let's rephrase that, government leaders like the Mayor of Maui show their lack of compassion and their disdain for their citizens time and time again. When asked about how many children died in the fire, the mayor responded with he didn't know. Then he was asked how many children are missing. Again he didn't know. When pressed again, the mayor turned […]

today08/23/2023 93 6


Parrott Talk-The Government Built The Death Star And They Use It To Make It “Rain”

The Death Star is real! Physicists claim they have a laser that can make it rain. All they have to do is point it at the sky and rain clouds appear. Shortly thereafter it will rain.  Mike Parrott and Trad Pat wonder if the reason why the world is on fire is because this Death Star made it "rain?"  This technology has been around for awhile and scientists have been […]

today08/22/2023 88 7

The Mike Church Show

Smoking Premium Cigars Is Freedom And Now There’s An App For That

SPECIAL GUEST  Jas Wil (James Wilroy) UnWrapped  - cigar app www.unwrappdapp.com/download How can we not be doing well on the Feast of the Immaculate Heart?! Section 230 - protects social media companies from user generated content. As long as it’s legal you can put it on the app store. The FDA took it upon themselves to regulate the tobacco cigar industry like they do w/ cigarettes.  The FDA now has […]

today08/22/2023 202 14

Frightening Tales

Frightening Tales Episode 9-Tales From Around The Globe

On this episode, Justin and Tommy pay homage to the old tabloids like Weekly World News with stories from Paranormality magazine.  Stories like this ufo sighting in Tampa. Justin also reviews the movie he supported, Kill Her Goats.  Find out why he called the movie a horror movie without the horror and why he doesn't regret giving money to this film.

today08/21/2023 26 7