The Early Show-Don’t Be A TERF! A What?!
Oxfam made a cartoon which included a woman who looked like J.K. Rowling. In this illustration she is wearing a sticker that says TERF. So what is a TERF? Fiorella explains on this episode of the Early Show.
Oxfam made a cartoon which included a woman who looked like J.K. Rowling. In this illustration she is wearing a sticker that says TERF. So what is a TERF? Fiorella explains on this episode of the Early Show.
The team from South Africa joins us for their weekly episode.
The media and politicians claim Trump violated national security because he had "classified" documents. Mike Parrott dissects these classifications for you.
Time Red Pill Topics & Headlines 6:03am cst Welcome to the Mike Church Show on Call the show 844-5CRUSADE Did you miss yesterday's LIVE Mike Church Show? Worry not, you can listen to all previously aired shows at the new CRUSADE MAX - HEADLINE RUNDOWN 47m 53m Donald Trump Indictment 93% conviction […]
Muslim parents are now joining with Christian parents to defend family values. They are protesting a Maryland School Board's decision to not let children opt out of reading LGBTQ books. We now have more than half of the Abramiac Alliance standing up against the demons, will the Jewish community join? Mike Parrott gives you the answer to this question plus what is the Abramaic Alliance? Check out the latest episode […]
Welcome to the Early Show with Fiorella Nash. A Florida man living underwater has finally surfaced. He lived in an underwater facility for 100 days. His goal was to study the effect of living underwater had on the body. Could you live under water? Fiorella also asks if you are a blood donor and what is your darkest fear on this episode of the Early Show.
SPECIAL GUEST Dr Paul Thigpen Author of Extraterrestrial Intelligence and the Catholic Faith, Manual for Spiritual Warfare, Saints Who Saw Hell, Saints Who Battled Satan and many more. If science can’t figure it out it can’t be real. I believed that for 6 years as a teenager and became an atheist at the age of 12. I encountered some demonic powers then and it shattered my tiny little world view. […]