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1948 Results / Page 90 of 217



Parrott Talk- Ron Vs Don

Welcome to Parrott Talk.  The Ron  vs Don battle will not be the next "Thrilla In Manilla." Instead, this GOP showdown resembles the Sugar Ray vs Roberto Duran "No Mas" fight.   Trad Pat and Mike Parrott provide commentary on this unforced GOP battle and they analyze what punches DeSantis plans to use. 

today05/26/2023 112 4


Parrott Talk- DeSaster

Welcome to Parrott Talk with Mike Parrott.  Last night, Ron DeSantis announced he wants to be president.  DeSantis chose to announce his decision on Twitter and it was all a complete DeSaster. Listen to the latest episode of Parrot Talk to learn more. 

today05/25/2023 89

The Mike Church Show

LGBTQ+ers Didn’t Win The Culture War Because Modern Catholics Just Surrendered with Joseph Doyle

SPECIAL GUEST  CJ Doyle Catholic Action League  They were the Grand Marshalls in 2016 St Patrick Day Parade in Boston. Grotesque characters of devout religious nuns. Sexualizing Catholic imagery and language. The depraved obsession w/ Catholic ritual and mockery. Condom Savior Mass - condoms are distributed instead of Communion. They have the Hunky Jesus contest on Easter. This isn’t just about ending discrimination. This isn’t just about being accepted.  60 […]

today05/24/2023 100 1

The Mike Church Show

Wisdom Wednesday-Like Marvel Comics, Catholics Have An Origin Story. It’s Called Genesis

Brother Andre Marie Host of The ReConquest show aired only on the Crusade Channel. Follow Brother on GAB and Twitter - @Brother_Andre Pius V -  Beautifying the Sacred Liturgy.  Quo Primum correctly: the Missale Romanum was established as THE Missal for all Christians, as the norm.  He used the existing Missale Romanum. Non-Christian aggression - it has been Islam, they weren’t the first and certainly not the only. Muslims have […]

today05/24/2023 99