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52 Results / Page 6 of 6

Brett R. Smith


Si Qua Virtus – Episode 7: Brett R. Smith, Part. 2

Si Qua Virtus - Episode 7: Brett R. Smith, Part. 2 On Episode 7 of Si Qua Virtus – Creativity and the New Christendom, host Christopher Laurence is happy to welcome the multi-talented artist/designer/ and industry insider Brett R. Smith, to discuss being staunchly conservative while working in the creative industries, how cultural Marxism has encroached on all of popular culture, his work on the bombshell expose Clinton Cash and more. […]

today08/20/2021 118

Brett R. Smith


Si Qua Virtus – Episode 6: Brett R. Smith, Part. 1

Si Qua Virtus - Episode 6: Brett R. Smith, Part. 1 On Episode 6 of Si Qua Virtus - Creativity and the New Christendom, host Christopher Laurence is happy to welcome the multi-talented artist/designer/ and industry insider Brett R. Smith, to discuss being staunchly conservative while working in the creative industries, how cultural Marxism has encroached on all of popular culture, his work on the bombshell expose Clinton Cash and […]

today08/13/2021 77

John Horvat


Si Qua Virtus – Episode 5: The Culture War 101, with John Horvat II

Si Qua Virtus - Episode 5: The Culture War 101, with John Horvat II On Episode 5 of the Si Qua Virtus Show here at the Crusade Channel, host Christopher Laurence is very glad to welcome Mr. John Horvat II; scholar, cultural commentator, and the author of "Return to Order: From a Frenzied Economy to an Organic Christian Society–Where We’ve Been, How We Got Here and Where We Need to […]

today08/06/2021 75

Mark Pellegrini


Si Qua Virtus – Episode 4: Mark Pellegrini

Si Qua Virtus - Episode 4: Mark Pellegrini On the fourth episode of the new Si Qua Virtus Show – Creativity and the New Christendom, host Christopher Laurence speaks to prolific writer and comic creator Mark Pellegrini. Christopher and Mark discuss creativity, facing the cancel culture mob, remaining true to your values while finding success in the current popular culture, Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles fandom, and much more!   Mark […]

today07/30/2021 114

Josef Saunders


Si Qua Virtus – Episode 3: Josef Saunders Pt.2

Si Qua Virtus – Episode 3: Josef Saunders Pt.2 On the third episode of the new Si Qua Virtus Show – Creativity and the New Christendom, host Christopher Laurence again speaks to multi-talented musician, artist, composer and writer Josef Saunders. Christopher and Josef continue their discussion of music, the popular culture and the Faith, and also touch on a popular animated series with very Catholic themes. This is part 2 […]

today07/22/2021 4

Joseph Saunders

Si Qua Virtus

Si Qua Virtus – Episode 2: Josef Saunders Pt.1

Si Qua Virtus - Episode 2: Josef Saunders Pt.1 On the second episode of the new Si Qua Virtus Show - Creativity and the New Christendom, host Christopher Laurence speaks to multi-talented musician, artist, composer and writer Josef Saunders. Christopher and Josef discuss popular music as evangelization tool; how Catholics and Christians should engage with and transform popular culture; musical artists getting it right, and one who has gone very […]

today07/15/2021 11

Doug TenNapel

Si Qua Virtus

Si Qua Virtus Premiere Episode – Doug TenNapel

Si Qua Virtus Premiere Episode - Doug TenNapel On the premiere episode of the NEW SiQuaVirtus Show here at the CRUSADE Channel, host Christopher Laurence sits down with prolific artist, writer, designer and creator Doug TenNapel. Doug is an outspoken Conservative and vocal Christian whose views have made him a repeated target for "woke" cancel culture. But he won't be silenced - he continues to speak out consistently and vociferously […]

today06/30/2021 25