The Mike Church Show

Big Easy Evil to Be Met With Prompt Succor Smackdown – The Mike Church Show

today06/13/2019 20

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Time Red Pill Topics & Headlines
11:03am cstWelcome to the Mike Church Show on Call the show            844-5CRUSADE

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HEADLINE: Democratic Candidate Who Had Sex With A Minor Has Plenty Of Company In Virginia by Madeline Osburn

  • QUESTION: What happens when the bad guys invade a space and there are no apostles to take care of them?
  • ANSWER: They set up shop and continue the race to the bottom.



HEADLINE: Top New Orleans chefs, bartenders to host bake sale to support abortion rights by Ann Maloney

  • We just had the CEO’s that listed they were very pro-choice and demanded abortion be permitted for their employees. A very nice list put together by THEMSELVES.
  • What about the rights of the defenseless unborn children?


  • Simply unbelievable that there are 3 companies that support Hogs For The Cause on this list!
  • So they support some children and also support the dismemberment of others?


 AUDIO: Pastor Corey Muskgrave – Pastor Calls on God to Judge Illinois for Sanctioning ‘Destruction of the Innocent Unborn’

  • I’m surprised they allowed him to finish!

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12:05pm cst

Welcome back to The Mike Church Show! Call the Crusade Channel at 844-5CRUSADE! Join our FREE LIVE chatroom where you can chat with fellow Crusaders.

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Special Guest Joe Doyle from Catholic Action League

Catholic Medical Center 

  • 3rd time in 20 years the diocese is trying to merge this hospital w/ another entity that doesn’t respect the sanctity of life.
  • They are the #1 provider of abortion!
  • They do envirtofertilization, chemical abortions, direct sterilizations, transgender reassignment surgeries etc
  • These things go 100% against everything Catholics stand for.
  • Ethical and Religious Directives will be observed according to the Bishop and Diocese of Manchester.
  • This is a fig leaf to provide cover for the hierarchy.
  • We have seen this bait and switch before here in Boston.
  • They cared for the Muslims that were injured, speaking of the Knights. This is where the term hospital came from.
  • Read the Press Release here: Oppose Merger of Catholic Medical Center with Pro-Death Secular Hospital
  • The Catholic Community NEEDS Catholic hospitals!
  • “Extra Ecclesiam nulla salus” – St. Benedict Center
  • So b/c of their Catholic Tradition they are being persecuted. They aren’t going after the Catholic schools that are promoting LGBTQ.
  • I implore you to go to the site and donate today! They need help to fight this battle. They can no longer have their Sunday or daily Masses, they are being deprived of their Catholic rights!
  • The liberal secular media, the anti-Christian Southern Poverty Law Center…this is who the Diocese of Manchester has aligned themselves with, NOT the St. Benedict Center.
  • We need to put an end to some of these usurious actions.
  • Tucker Carlson talked about her the other day. On cultural and moral issues she is on the wrong side.
HEADLINE: 10 ways Catholic bishops are trying to end the clergy abuse scandal by Daniel Burke

Here are the US Catholic bishops’ 10 commitments

  1. To reach out to clergy sex-abuse survivors and their families, helping them find healing and care.
  2. To follow the Pope’s new guidelines on holding bishops accountable to “higher moral standards.”
  3. To publicize information about how people can make accusations of sexual abuse by bishops.
  4. To include lay people in investigating misconduct by bishops.
  5. To amend church codes of conduct to explicitly include bishops and all who work for the church.
  6. To ensure that these codes of conduct clearly explain what constitutes sexual misconduct and harassment of adults.
  7. To live chastely, with no “double” or “secret” lives.
  8. To put the needs of the people making accusations of abuse above institutional concerns, including cooperation with lay experts and civil authorities.
  9. To attend seminars and other church gatherings to learn best practices for dealing with sexual abuse of minors and vulnerable persons.
  10. To recommend to the Vatican only proposed bishops “truly suited for the episcopacy.”
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Do business with those that do business with us. McClure Tables they have been with us since day one of Veritas Radio Network and the Crusade Channel. Everything is handmade in the USA!
1:02pm cstWelcome to the final segment of The Mike Church Show Call 844-5CRUSADE Join our FREE LIVE chatroom at


 President Trump – “I think I’d take the dirt”

  • Boy is the left going crazy over this.


Mike Continues to read the 10 commitments from the USCCB meeting.

  • There is NO mention of homosexuality in any of the 10 things.
  • #7 truly kills me, isn’t celibacy one of the promises made when you are ordained?





HEADLINE: Techno-Addiction and the Gollumizing of Culture by Joseph Pearce 

  • Do you sleep with your cellphone next to the bed?
  • According to a survey, over 60% of Americans do.
  • “A lack of what is now called “social connections” but used to be called the love between neighbors and friends can lead to inflammation and changes to the immune system, the harmful consequences of which means that lonely people are far more likely to die prematurely. Latest research shows that loneliness is considerably more dangerous and potentially deadly than obesity, and about as deadly and dangerous as smoking.” – Joseph Pearce
HEADLINE: Twitter Restricts Project Veritas for Exposé of Pinterest Blacklists by Lucas Nolan


HEADLINE: INSIDER EXPOSÉ: Pinterest labels Live Action content as ‘porn,’ then bans account by Kelli

  • The whistleblower, Eric Cochran has since been fired from Pinterest.
  • Error doesn’t have a right.
  • It is not a censoring of ideas.
  • All religions are NOT equal, sorry. There aren’t a hundred ways to get to heaven. He gave us A teaching, not several.
  • Just like Syndrome from the Incredibles – he wanted to make everyone a superhero so no one would be special.


HEADLINE: Cartoon Network blatantly promotes gay lifestyle to kids by Martin M. Barillas 

  • The demons aren’t even hiding their intentions anymore.
  • They are out loud and proud and recruiting right out in the open.



HEADLINE:  When I Was A Pregnant Teen Sleeping With Older Men, Planned Parenthood Failed Me 

  • So this young girl was raped by an older man and planned parenthood gave her an abortion, took the money and sent her on her way.
2h40mHEADLINE: Federal Spending Tops $3 Trillion Through May for First Time; Deficit Hits $738 Billion by Terence P. Jeffrey
HEADLINE: Texas border town declares itself sanctuary city for the unborn: ‘Here we will no longer murder our babies’ by Caleb Parke
The Democratic Party is the party of Infanticide – 

  • They are out in the open, they have nothing left to hide. 

A Call To Arms: Join Me In The Confraternity of The CRUSADER Knights of The Most Holy Rosary

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Meta-tags for show

 Cartoon Network, Martin Barillas, Kelli, Pinterest, Live Action, Lucas Nolan, Joseph Pearce, USCCB, President Trump, Eric Cochran, Madeline Osburn, ProLife, Ann Maloney, Corey Muskgrave, Ann Maloney, Joseph CJ Doyle, Catholic Action League, St. Benedict Center, Planned Parenthood, abortion, NOLA, #SaveFutureFoodie

Written by: candacechurch

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