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Sign Up Now Special Guest Catherine Pakaluk
Author of ‘Can A Catholic Be A Socialist’? co-author Trent Horn
Follow her on Twitter @CRPakaluk
- The average wage – The Church says to apply prudence.
- We don’t give everything away so the business shuts down but you pay them an adequate wage.
- If you pay people too much we all know it causes unemployment.
- It is dictated by the people and their basic needs and also the businesses.
- The most common misconception with Millennials and Socialism is –
- It is our obligation to teach them what Socialism truly is.
- When the state controls the means of production – Venezuela (SOCIALISM)
- Patricia Rucker – State Senator from West Virginia
- Rerum Novarum read it here.
- Casti Connubii read it here.
- Nazi Germany –
- We put it in there b/c so many people ask us about it.
- They love the Church and they want to figure this out.
- DISTRIBUTISM – the Church does leave this up to us I believe.
- I adore Chesterton so I take this pretty seriously b/c he was just such a great thinker.
- It isn’t Magisterial Catholic doctrine and we must be open about that.
- The problem I have with it is the name to begin with.
- You think of redistribution when you mention it to the average American.
- I have several more books and I write off and on which is hard to do with the 8 kiddos but I am always writing.
- Congratulations on your 1st book! – FIRST BOOK ALERT
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