The Catholic Campaign for Human Development has provided grants to the organization called Congregations United to Serve Humanity (CUSH). From 2012-2018, the CCHD provided a total of $202,000 to CUSH, after which time it hadn’t received a grant again until the 2021-2022 grants cycle. The recently published CCHD grants list for 2021-2022 shows that CUSH received a grant of $45,000 for that year.
Egypt represents both evil and hell in the Bible.
Banned Books Drive
Also collected by CUSH is the book, “All Boys Aren’t Blue.” The book contains multiple scenes of homosexual oral sex and anal sex.
They collected these books for kids in middle school!
Bp. Timothy Senior had the gaul to tell me that “I could be guaranteed that no money from the Catholic CCHD was going to this type of stuff”.
That is a damn lie!!!
I have video evidence of this actually happening.
So either he is a liar or he is incompetent.
Despite the platitudes and assurances from Bp. Senior, groups like CUSH continue to receive CCHD funds. And this isn’t entirely surprising, considering CUSH’s relationship with two Catholic parishes in the Milwaukee Archdiocese. According to CUSH’s member congregation page, St. Mary Catholic Church and St. Mark Catholic Church are both members.
Don’t tell someone you love them then vote for someone that will hurt them!
Remember Joe Camel for cigarettes came out and they went crazy over how they were ‘targeting children’ and thus had to be removed?
But THESE books are perfectly fine.
In short, the National CCHD, the Archdiocese of Milwaukee, St. Mark’s, St. Mary’s, and the Sinsinawa Dominican Sisters are all implicated in the collection of pornographic, homosexual books intended for young kids. But this recent action of CUSH is just the tip of the iceberg.
CUSH says that the Rainbow Forward Task Force is “Working to raise the HRC’s Municipal Equality Index Score in the city of Kenosha one issue at a time.”
What is interesting is that Mathewson mentions that he spoke with the Archdiocese of Milwaukee at this time. A few locals in Milwaukee have been assisting the Lepanto Institute in this investigation, and we have received word from multiple sources that CUSH had been receiving a CCHD grant for FY 2022-2023, and was “removed from the list” in May due to concerns about Hawkins’ connection to Planned Parenthood. What this means is that the CCHD maintained funding to CUSH for the past year, and was considering it for another grant for 2023-2024 and only “removed them from the list” after the threat of publicity was brought to the attention of the Archdiocese.
The inside of the Catholic Church as what you and I think the Vatican actually looks like.
The plot is so interesting, I would say Hichborn should watch this and write something about it.
Mike Church offers no-holds barred commentary on the moral & political decay of the modern world but unlike all other hosts, Mike offers solutions to these ills, solutions rooted in the wisdom of the Fathers, founding and Church!