The Mike Church Show

Deranged Order Of Priests Looks To Ordain Dominatrixican Lesbian Sisters And Bumedictine Gay Brothers with Michael Hichborn

today05/16/2023 74

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Michael Hichborn

Founder of the Lepanto Institute

Follow the Institute on Twitter – @LepantoInst

HEADLINE: AUSCP Statement on Homosexual Priests Rejects Church Teaching, Embraces Modernism by Michael Hichborn 

  • The Church has always, from the beginning and in all sources of tradition, including Scripture, the Fathers the Councils and the catechisms taught that homosexual sexual activities are objectively sinful, and that deep-seated homosexual tendencies, while not sinful, are disordered, meaning contrary to a natural end. The human person suffering from homosexuality has a disorder, much like other spiritual or psychological disorders. This human person is a loved creation of God and must be treated with the love due to other men, however in no way can the disorder be called “order,” nor can any sinful acts which follow from it be supported, affirmed, or approved.
  • Hermeneutics = is the theory and methodology of interpretation, especially the interpretation of biblical texts, wisdom literature, as well as philosophical texts. Hermeneutics is more than interpretative principles or methods used when immediate comprehension fails and includes the art of understanding and communication.
  • “We believe that following more modern Biblical scholarship which includes the lens of social science, psychology, and other sciences to assist in interpreting the Bible would be fruitful. It is time for Church leadership to authorize a study of its understanding of natural law to include what the modern sciences have unveiled in the 20th century. The Church should encourage moral theologians in a pursuit of a new Catholic ethic of human sexuality and sexual behavior.”
  • The pattern is to find something not rigid – selectively quote from it.
  • They say I am casting lots of stones.
  • The AUSCP’s document then goes on to equate disordered homosexual tendencies with the self-identification of homosexual priests with claims that: 
  • “…. gay priests are caught between the truth of their identity and experience, and their role as representatives of the Church and its teachings.”
  • “…this leads to an ongoing identity crisis for the gay priest. ‘Do I deny who I am and go on serving God’s people (‘don’t ask, don’t tell’), or do I acknowledge who I am as a human being and Christ’s minister, and let the chips fall where they may?’”
  • “[For bishops] to offer fraternal, pastoral affirmation of their gay priests and their ministry; in other words, to provide a safe environment for them to be who they know themselves to be.”
  • Why should these people want themselves singled out by their sexual proclivities? 
  • This is the sin of pride, nothing more, nothing less.
  • They know this is wrong and yet they continue to do it.
  • They need our help and prayers.
  • Taylor Marshall running for President – 
  • When someone is as publicly Catholic as he is I want him to know the Constitution as well.
  • Healthy system of subsidiarity if we obey it, it is already baked into the Constitution. 
  • When it comes to the SSPX I think faithful Catholics can agree or disagree and move on.

Written by: Justin Redman