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Mandeville, LA – This is the Founders Pass, Members Only, LIVE! Chatroom for the State of The Union address by President Trump. Not a Founder’s Pass member? take 50% off tonight on a one year or one month membership, click here to use the coupon code JOIN2018 and save 50% off regular, Basic memberships!
WATCH the SOTU on CSPAN (the feed is also on The CRUSADE Channel)
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Written by: MikeChurch
1:00 pm - 4:00 pm
The Mike Church Show's 2020 Episodes
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Donna Brazil newest FOXSNEWS darling on now telling lies that illegals pay taxes?
Sales taxes. They will (sometimes) pay payroll taxes. but of course if they do their SSNs are fake.
Pelosi is not happy
When it is said we worship the same God as the Muslims Jews Protestants etc. that can be understood as Catholics being able to discuss Logos with are separated bretheren.
They do no understand Christ as Catholics do.
It was revealing to watch New York King (I mean Governor) CuHomo give a 10th amendment lecture. Yes, tRUMP should not have declared that he has overall authority.
It’s amusing that Governors can suspend their own states constitutions, ordering church goers to be quarantined et al, but as soon as tRUMP tries to become the ultimate authoritarian, they rebel.
Back to my original thought – I was amazed that NY Emperor CuHomo knew that much about Federalism, the 10th amendment, and States Rights.
Even with the Wuhan Plague, U.S. Deaths through March are down 15% from 4 year average:
Wow, fantastic news and a good story find!