How To Fight Social Media Suppression of The Good, True & Beautiful – The Mike Church Show

today09/18/2019 21

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How To Fight Social Media Suppression of The Good, True & Beautiful

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6:03am cstWelcome to the Mike Church Show on Call the show            844-5CRUSADE

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 If you have any issues that need to be resolved, please email Maggie directly at [email protected] or Candace her personal email [email protected]

Please in your charity, continue to pray for little Ida, the 4 year old that was involved in a tragic horse accident the other day. She is in critical condition and fighting for her life.


  • How do you go from Bree A. Dail’s peice on the Amazon Synod to suspension from Twitter for being a Anti-Semite?
  • Catholic Twitter has shown zero actual Catholic charity in the last 48 hours.



HEADLINE: Fetus-Collecting Abortionist Connected To Unlicensed Abortion Facility In Buttigieg’s Town by Margot Cleveland

  • Sleepy Joe Biden – (listen to the interview w/ Joe Doyle on Monday) he is responsible for thousands of abortions just like Buttigieg.
  • 1990 George Bush 41, nominated the most over qualified and brilliant jurist in the US, Judge Robert Bork who was going to replace Justice Powell.
  • Buttigieg vetoed a bill, the South Bend council was trying to do the right thing, they rezone this area around the abortion clinic so this pro-life facility could move next to them. Buttigieg VETOED that bill!


 HEADLINE: ACR-99 Civil rights: lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, or queer people.

  • MAGGIE: I thought they didn’t like being called Queer?
  • They don’t mind being called Queer, it is the “f” word they don’t like.
37mHEADLINE: How Oregon Built A Transgender Medical-Industrial Complex On Junk Science by Katherine Kirkpatrick 

  • The effect on Oregon’s regulatory atmosphere is palpable. Oregon law now considers anyone over 15 an adult for the purpose of consenting to medical gender intervention without parental knowledge (14 when the intervention happens in a mental health setting); and health providers are immune from liability for acting against parents’ objections “in good faith.”
  • Errors just create more errors. You MUST correct the original error.









Special Guest Bree A. Dail writer at One Peter Five and National Catholic Register

Twitter Timeout

EWTN – Father Matthew Mary

Watch the FULL video of the Mass and Homily here:

Rosary Coast to Coast – we had a million from India alone!

About Fr. Matthew Mary EWTN Pilgrimage Director  Fr. Matthew Mary, MFVA lived in Delaware before entering religious life.  During his high school years he was in the marching band.  After high school he attended community college and earned an associates degree in Chemistry.  After receiving instruction in the Catholic Faith, he entered the Church when he was twenty-one years old.  In October 2007 he entered the Franciscan Missionaries of the Eternal Word.  Brother received his habit in 2008 and made his first profession of vows in August 2009.  He made his perpetual vows on August 11, 2014.  Brother was ordained to the priesthood on June 2, 2018.  He currently serves at the EWTN Pilgrimage Director.

  • Yes we will join in prayer and fasting and the response from this person was vitriol. 
  • This woman claims to be Catholic as well! 
  • Dawn Eden Goldstein on Twitter : @DawnofMercy

HEADLINE: Dawn Eden: from “rock historian” to Grand Inquisitor by Austin Ruse

  • Articles like the NYTimes piece against Kavanaugh, they ended up retracting it but the damage has been done.
  • People are tired of the talking heads who don’t provide the substance behind their arguments.
  • The centric you see this movement to use NEW media b/c the MSM has failed the public.
  • I don’t know her personally so I try not to argue on social media with people I don’t know personally. 
  • She lost her teaching job in April at the University she taught theology at.
  • This too shall pass…

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7:33am cst

Welcome back to The Mike Church Show! Call the Crusade Channel at 844-5CRUSADE! Join our FREE LIVE chatroom where you can chat with fellow Crusaders.


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1h33m HEADLINE: The Petty Cruelty of Hawks by Daniel Larison

  • MFN = Most Favored Nation
  • Solomon Islands
  • We would be better off making our own trade deals regionally.
  • “It is also a good example of how many hawks view the sovereignty and independence of small states. As long as small states take the “right” foreign policy positions, the hawks say they have every right to make their own foreign policy without interference, but as soon as they do something that hawks don’t like they will be targeted for punishment.” – Daniel Larison
 HEADLINE: This Wasn’t How Trump’s War on Iran Was Supposed to Go by David C. Hendrickson

  • Yemen – the United States wanted to be the biggest in the UN room and has been swinging this club against the Iranians for years! This is an act of war, plain and simple.
  • QUESTION: Why did Pearl Harbor happen? 
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 Do business with those that do business with us. McClure Tables they have been with us since day one of Veritas Radio Network and the Crusade Channel. Everything is handmade in the USA!
8:15am cstWelcome to the final segment of The Mike Church Show Call 844-5CRUSADE Join our FREE LIVE chatroom at






















Special Guest Brother Andre Marie host of ReConquest

Follow Brother Andre Marie here: @Brother_Andre 

  • Simcha Fisher under a different name Ms. Dawn Eden Goldstein
  • The Kabul small group of conspiratorial fomenters. The Jewish agnostic writings. A secret cult or religion.
  • Mammon = riches
  • He wasn’t referring to an ancient deity. 
  • The god of riches or stuff.
  • Our economy is driven by ridiculous overspending. Enticing them into buying something they don’t really need.
  • He told too much of what they did, the infanticide, the barbaric things that they did. They are a barbaric people.
  • They had this crazy idea of the noble savage so this reporting totally went against everything they thought and they refused to accept it.
  • This Frenchman ends up marrying a 12 year old of the tribe and became a complete apologist for them.
  • Primitive People – the idea they respect nature and we don’t, cannot and is not on an equal playing field. 
  • The dangers of industrialism – the fact is if you aren’t industrialize you don’t and can’t be a threat to nature. They are certainly not vegans, they kill their food, they kill other tribes they kill their own babies when they want.
  • They move from place to place in the jungle b/c they have to get away from their own human waste. This isn’t the Disney jungle we think about.
  • Pius X used this word in his condemnation of modernism. 
  • Innate religious sense that imminence of this God within me, my idea of it.
  • The modernist didn’t believe in it as such, Devine revelation.

HEADLINE: Amazonians: The Vatican’s Beloved Specimens, Preserved in Amber by Maureen Mullarkey

  • Anthropology is a valid science but it isn’t as important as being a missionary.
  • Being somewhat of an anthropologist is important when being a missionary.


  • St. John Vianney – The Cure of Ars
  • Padre Pio was a Capuchin 
  • The Flying Monk – principle when he offered Mass is when he would levitate. He was taken up into an ecstasy. God saw fit to work a miracle through him. 
 Cross Talk with Richard Barrett – host of The Barrett Brief 

A Call To Arms: Join Me In The Confraternity of The CRUSADER Knights of The Most Holy Rosary

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Meta-tags for show

 Brother Andre Marie, Maureen Mullarkey, flying monk, Amazon Synod, Kabul, Pope Francis, Joe Doyle, Margot Cleveland, ACR-99, Pete Buttigieg, Joe Biden, abortion, Katherine Kirkpatrick, LGBTQ, transgender, Disney, Cure of Ars, St. John Vianney, ReConquest, Fr. Matthew Mary, Austin Ruse, Dawn Eden Goldstein, Daniel Larison, David C. Hendrickson, Solomon Islands, Marco Rubio

Written by: Corey Clark

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