Mike Church Show The Vaccine Establishment’s War On Truth And Until Proven Otherwise with Dr. Peter McCullough

today11/07/2022 67

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Mike Church Show The Vaccine Establishment’s War On Truth And Until Proven Otherwise with Dr. Peter McCullough

HEADLINE: Community COVID-19 Respiratory Illness is Not Associated with Myopericarditis by Dr Peter McCullough 

  • When heart damage sets in, people don’t feel this.
  • Everyone can check these citations, it is clear now COVID vaccine causes Sudden Adult Death Syndrome.

AUDIO/VIDEO: “Until Proven Otherwise” —Two of the Top Cardiologists in the World by Vaccine Safety Research Foundation 

  • They die typically in 2 different scenarios – in their sleep or on the athletic playing field.
  • The video shows people dying while doing athletic things.
    • There is a young man doing sit-ups and he just drops dead.
    • There is a young male referee that drops dead while refereeing a game.
    • The state of Kansas under the leadership of Mark Stephan – they have pulled all the ads for the COVID vaccine b/c they are not safe.
    • Multiple European countries have declared no vaccine mandates due to these health risks.
    • The old flu vaccine only had 16% efficacy. 
    • Why take a chance on this vaccine now either?
    • Sigma Factors – 
    • Sigma 9 Factor – The shortcoming of these reports is they aren’t keeping close track on those that took the vaccine.
    • Why are people dying late? 18 months after the vaccine had blood clots in their lungs.
    • It isn’t PROVEN yet but the spike protein could be cancer promoting, this is our theory now.
    • Finland

    HEADLINE: SHOCKING – Finnish covid deaths OVER REPORTED by 62% by Peter Imanuelsen 

    • Months later after getting COVID you still test positive and the hospitals are still listing as a COVID death even if you come in due to a gunshot to the chest!
    • There is a monetary incentive for hospitals to code the death this way.
    • Pregnant Women and the COVID shot – they should NEVER TAKE experimental genetic shot?
    • You don’t know anything about this!
    • The messenger mRNA is in-fact going through breast milk.
    • John Leek – true crime novel written 
    • Truth Police – trying to influence and shape what is going on.

    The Wellness Company –


Written by: Justin Redman