The Mike Church Show

Mike Church Show-The CoronaVaxxx™ Must Be Mandatory To Insure The Longevity of The Delta Scariant™

today07/27/2021 142

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    Mike Church Show-The CoronaVaxxx™ Must Be Mandatory To Insure The Longevity of The Delta Scariant™ LoneRhody

Time Red Pill Topics & Headlines
6:03am cstWelcome to the Mike Church Show on Call the show            844-5CRUSADE

Make Canon212 your first place to get news each day. Canon212 – News of the Church and the World.

Alex Berenson Twitter Thread:  HOLD ON HERE FOLKS 

What if they’re not vaccines? I don’t mean in the conspiracy sense. I mean LEGALLY. If they’re therapeutics, no one can be forced to take them. Not without an individual court order and finding of incompetency. AND THESE MRNAs LOOK LESS LIKE VACCINES EVERY DAY. They don’t act mechanistically like other vaccines. They don’t confer lifetime or long-term immunity like nearly all other vaccines. They don’t appear to reduce transmission significantly like nearly all other vaccines. At best they reduce disease severity. THAT’S WHAT THERAPEUTICS DO. So how are they – legally – vaccines? Because they use your immune system to attack disease? That’s how half of new cancer drugs work. AND IF THEY’RE NOT VACCINES YOU DON’T – EVER – HAVE TO TAKE THEM.

COVID-19 Shots/Vaccines

Yesterday world renowned Dr Peter McCoullough on the show said this is NOT a vaccine and that the vaccine is over b/c of this new variant, it simply doesn’t fight against the virus anymore.

34mHEADLINE: Urgent Plea by Doctors to India’s PM: “Halt Roll-Out of COVID-19 Vaccines Now” by Colin Todhunter 

  • 9 people in the hospital here in St Tammany parish w/ what they call COVID and now our parish President has put us back in the Covid-Watch.
  • Masks are required for all government building. 

HEADLINE:  Majority Of Hospitalized Covid Patients In UK Only Tested Positive After Admission: Leaked NHS Data

IN THE UK: The majority of cases were not detected until patients underwent standard Covid tests, carried out on everyone admitted to hospital for any reason.

HEADLINE: The cardboard beds at the Olympics aren’t meant to prevent sex — here’s the truth by Jae C Hong 
Crusade Channel Teaming Up With Epoch Times (affiliate link)
If you have any issues that need to be resolved, please email Maggie O’Connell directly at [email protected] or Candace her personal email [email protected]

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7:15am cst

Welcome back to The Mike Church Show! Call the Crusade Channel at 844-5CRUSADE! Join our FREE LIVE chatroom where you can chat with fellow Crusaders.

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 HEADLINE: Veterans Affairs To Employees: Get Vaccinated Or You’re Fired by Maggie Hroncich 

  • The VA currently employs 115,000 people.
  • They are expected to have ALL workers vaccinated in 8 weeks.
  • They are being told that you must get the experimental shot or you will be fired.
1h26m AUDIO/VIDEO: NY Gov Cuomo“We have to knock on those doors, and we have to convince people, put them in a cars & drive them to get that vaccine in their arm. That is the mission.”
HEADLINE: America’s Veterans Are Killing Themselves at an Alarming Rate: Report by Ken Silva 

  • What a wonderful thing it is to be enlisted and sent to places to kill and maim women and children all in the name of FREEDOM.
  • We were never meant to be in a perpetual state of war.
  • War is evil.
  • War is death and carnage at every turn.
  • You cannot be ordered to kill and come back home ‘normal’.
HEADLINE: TikTok’s Hottest Trend Is As Old As Demonic Possession by Joy Pullmann

AUDIO/VIDEO: Split Official Trailer 

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Do business with those that do business with us. McClure Tables they have been with us since day one of Veritas Radio Network and the Crusade Channel. Everything is handmade in the USA!
8:13am cstWelcome to the final segment of The Mike Church Show Call 844-5CRUSADE Join our FREE LIVE chatroom at
2h17mVoter Fraud Presidential Election 

  • Don’t ever forget that we did election night coverage when the state of GA was out to be called, the ‘busted water pipe’ came in.
  • We were told all election workers were told to go home…but they didn’t.
  • It was to make way for boxes hidden under tables filled w/ Biden ballots to be counted.
  • A mail in ballot has to be folded b/c it gets….MAILED.
  • NONE of these were creased in any way.
  • The only governments getting this right are purias. 
  • Florida, Sweden and a few others.
2h28mBACK TO HEADLINE – Joy Pullmann

  • First it started off with we want to have the same rights as the men.
  • Then it became we don’t need men at all.
  • Now it is men can be women.
  • This is a warning of how NOT to run a movement. 
  • We now have 2 decades of this “men are all evil” and this is where we are.
  • God put this hierarchy or Patriarchy into place.
  • This is how things are meant to run.
HEADLINE: Urgent Plea by Doctors to India’s PM: “Halt Roll-Out of COVID-19 Vaccines Now” by Colin Todhunter

  • Governor Ron DeSantis –
  • Encouraging people to get the COVID shot is a diabolical thing.
  • It isn’t a vaccine so it starts off being untruthful.
  • What people are principally upset about is people are looking for heroes to tell them what is true and what is false.
3h01m AUDIO/VIDEO: BRUCE ALMIGHTY – Jim Carrey meets God

HEADLINE: Facebook Wants You to Connect With God. On Facebook. by DNYUZ

  • Facebook passed $1TRILLION this past year.
  • How did Jesus ever become popular without Mark Zuckerberg?
  • How did the Gospel get from the Holy Land to Spain or the US w/o Zuckerberg?
  • War of the Worlds on EPIX – 
  • SPOILER ALERT  WAR OF THE WORLDS– come to find out it is one young man and one young woman that are responsible for the entire world of the world.
  • Sasha and Elizabeth are the Adam and Eve – 
  • Why is Facebook recruiting Faith Groups?
  • Most of the faith groups I know have been kicked off of PrideBook.
 AUDIO/VIDEO: US Capitol Police officer Aquilino Gonell – “The physical violence we experienced was horrific and devastating. My fellow officers and I were punched, kicked, shoved, sprayed with chemical irritants …”
 BRAVE BROWSER: Now you can support the Crusade Channel without spending a DIME! Simply use the url to download the BRAVE browser and WE get credit: We can earn up to $50,000 for the downloads if our listeners use this browser.
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Meta-tags for show

Aquilino Gonell, Facebook, US Capitol Hearing, Bruce Almighty, Jim Carrey, Colin Todhunter, COVID, vaccines, Alex Berenson, NHS, Jae C Hong, Governor Cuomo, Joy Pullmann, India’s PM, Governor DeSantis, Olympics, Veterans Affairs, Maggie Hronich, Ken Silva, Joe Biden, Presidential election, Donald Trump, Marc Zuckerberg, TikTok

Written by: LoneRhody

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