The Mike Church Show

Mike Church Show #2058-SHUT IT DOWN! Vote No On The CR

today12/18/2024 178

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Mike Church Show #2058-SHUT IT DOWN! Vote No On The CR

Time 6:06am cstWE ARE LIVE on 990 WGSO, Our Flagship Syndication Station in New Orleans Louisiana all week from 7am-10am!  Welcome to the Mike Church Show on  Call the show  844-5CRUSADE
 Did you miss yesterday’s LIVE Mike Church Show? Worry not, you can listen to all previously aired shows on
 Caller #5 Christmas Contest – Have Yourself a Mary and Manly Little Christmas 
15mDecember Continuing Resolution 

  • 76 million people voted to stop the debt clock from going up.
  • Here we are w/ our ruling elites discussing adding another $100 billion to it. 
  • What about the DOGE Bros?
  • What the hell is wrong w/ our Republican members?
  • Anyone that votes yes on this bill should be primaried. 
  • Did you know that $330 billion has been added to the debt since November 5th? 
  • It makes me sick to see two members from my home state smirking and talking about how great this CR bill is.
  • I don’t care if the government shuts down.
  • The only people that care if it runs is YOU BASTARDS!
  • We elected you guys to STOP IT, TO SHUT IT DOWN AND TO MOVE ON.
  • Mark my words these spineless Republicans are going to pass this crap sandwich.
  • MAGA people don’t care if the government shuts down.
  • The biggest form of election fraud is when you vote for Republicans and out pops Democrat policy. 


New Jersey Drones

  • Mayor Michael Melham says there was definitely radioactive material that went missing on December 2nd.
  • Where is this material at?
  • The material came through Port Newark was unloaded onto a truck and the container was damaged and when it ‘arrived’ at its destination the container was empty.
  • So what happened to it?
  • Who has it?
  • Geiger Map website –
 School Shooting

HEADLINE: Natalie ‘Samantha’ Rupnow’s potential target revealed as survivor’s mom details how shooter, 15, wore combat boots and pounded energy drinks by Stephen M Lepore

  • Investigators are examining the digital footprint of Rupnow, as well as looking into verifying a possible manifesto that the 15-year-old may have left behind.  
6:35am cstSEGMENT 2


AUDIO/VIDEO: Fox News w/ Speaker Mike Johnson on CR

Article 1 Section 7

  • What is the key part?
  • All bills originate in the HOUSE!
  • It doesn’t matter who has the majority in the Senate.
  • Speaker Zion King is just spineless.
  • He says ‘we will fight really hard in March’.
  • Is Donald Trump going to come out swinging today?
 AUDIO/VIDEO: Flat Eartheres (flerfers?)are dying today because of fellow comrades who flew to Antarctica only to witness that the sun does indeed rotate all around the horizon as if Earth was (shocker) round!




  • How is media really run?
  • Who is the man behind the curtain?
  • You basically can’t make it today in media unless you are willing to make the crossroads deal.
  • Here is something else disturbing. 
  • The same control mechanism doesn’t just exist in secular media.
  • It also exist in Christian media.
  • I will give you several real world examples to flesh this out next hour.
  • I don’t take any solace in telling people these things or even just knowing them.
  • I have been reminded of it very recently. 



HEADLINE: Minnesota and New Hampshire Satanists Face Backlash After Erecting Satanic Holiday Displays on City Property by Debra Heine 

  • TST = Satanic Temple
  • TST members claim to not believe in a supernatural God or devil, but instead view Satan as a literary symbol representing “the eternal rebel” against  authority and social norms. Despite their alleged lack of belief, the Satanic Temple has argued successfully in court that the government cannot pick and choose which religions are sincere and legitimate.
  • Error does not have a right in the public square.
  • But if you run around saying all religions are equal this is what you are going to get.
  • Do away with indifferentism. 
  • The big satan scare in the early 90’s.
  • These satan worshipping places were becoming popular but it was really a small number of people. 
  • Was it an irrational fear back then?
  • I don’t think so.
  • NH State Rep. Ellen Read (D), a self-professed member of the Satanic Temple, told the Catholic News Agency that she came up with the festive Baphomet idea, arguing that a Catholic groups’ Nativity scene should not be the only Christmas decoration there.
  • Without Jesus there is NO CHRISTMAS.
  • It is HIS holiday or holy day.
  • He doesn’t have to share it w/ anyone!
 If you have any issues that need to be resolved, please email Maggie O’Connell directly at [email protected] or Candace her personal email [email protected]
 Did you miss yesterday’s LIVE Mike Church Show? Worry not, you can listen to all previously aired shows at the new CRUSADE MAX –
7:06am cstWelcome back to The Mike Church Show! Call the Crusade Channel at 844-5CRUSADE! Join our FREE LIVE chatroom where you can chat with fellow Crusaders.
 Expired Cards

  • There are over 300 expired credit cards on file right now in our membership program.












TKD Media Story – America Fest

Turning Point USA Interviews

  • This stuff happens folks, it is just the way people are. 
  • Apparently the person has been spreading the word that if anyone schedules an interview w/ me they are out of his club. 
  • What is this mentality of this zero sum game?
  • There are only 1,000 talk radio listeners on Earth and I have them and I want to keep them and they can’t listen to anyone else.
  • If ever someone with talent like me, the Mike Church Show – it is the best radio show on the market.
  • How did they get to own most of this media?
  • Why don’t they allow competition?
  • Why is it even considered competition? 
  • The 3 clans if you will – they can never allow anyone into their sphere that is more talented than them.
  • Can you figure out why?
  • I beat all 3 of them and you know how I know?
  • When it was kinda fair, I beat all 3 of them.
  • How many young kids that want to be the next Mike Church break into media?
  • Answer, you will never hear them b/c they won’t be able to do it.
  • Why isn’t it an actual open free market in radio?
  • Why is there a list to begin with?
  • Why isn’t it just about the talent?
  • We love our listeners.
  • We have super fans.
  • We have listeners that have become family.
  • The Crusader Nation is a family and we wouldn’t change any of that.
  • If we are meant to stay this size, the Lords will be done.
  • We love you all and can’t wait to see you all back in the New Year.
7:33am cstWelcome to the final segment of The Mike Church Show Call 844-5CRUSADE Join our FREE LIVE chatroom at


AUDIO/VIDEO: New Jersey Mayor Michael Melham – Drone Activity – These drones are huge. We’ve had calls of 6ft drones flying over homes. We’re aware of a threat that came in through Port Newark. Maybe that’s radioactive material. There is an alert that’s out right now that radioactive material in New Jersey has gone missing on December 2nd. It was a shipment, it arrived at its destination. The container was damaged and it was empty. It was lost in New Jersey in transit. 

  • This is actually a very transparent interview.
  • Shocking I know but it was informative. 
  • Could it be Ukrainian Nazis here?
  • If the checks stop coming we will detonate in the US?
  • Let’s just think of this scenario for a minute.
  • What would you do about this if you were the incoming President?
  • See what happens in love and war?
  • See why peaceful relations w/ all is the better policy?
  • America first – get out of everywhere and bring the men and women home.
  • They should only be protecting the US and its citizens.




AUDIO/VIDEO: Rep Chip Roy – Swamp’s Gonna Swamp – This is not the way to do business. Since we took over the majority, we are adding $330 billion in unpaid for spending just since November 5th. We’re just fundamentally un-serious about spending. As long as you got a blank check you can’t shrink government. If you can’t shrink government you can’t live free.

Rep Nancy Mace on X: 9 members stating publicly they are a NO vote on this CR

  1. Nancy Mace
  2. Wesley Hunt
  3. Kat Cammack
  4. Andy Biggs
  5. Bob Good
  6. Paul Gosar
  7. Ralph Norman
  8. Tim Burchett
  9. Chip Roy
  • How is this list not longer?
  • Thomas Massie is a no and so is Rand Paul.

AUDIO/VIDEO: Rep Ralph Norman – CR Bill – It’s the opposite of what the DOGE commission is trying to do. So am I voting for it? No I’m not. If we continue to capitulate to the Democrats we will see this again and again. I’m not voting for the CR. 

 8:06am cstSEGMENT 5
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2h12mMAGAmas Song Continues

8. Eight babes a drilling

9. Nine maids raw milking



Media Row Click

  • If you are average and you want people to think you are good, buy people w/ talent and keep them near you.
  • They don’t want independent voices. 
  • Who do you think is in the media row click?
  • Podcasts are suffering.
  • Tune In – not accepting any new streams for radio stations.
  • This is an abject lesson.
  • It is almost impossible, if not impossible to make money in internet radio unless you own the means of transmission. 
  • There may be a way using the Tune In model.
  • 173,000 new podcasts this year alone.
  • There is no one out there doing this.
  • You can list your podcast w/ Apple, it isn’t hard.




  • After Dobbs, however, some pro-life voices began to advocate for that regime on the basis that it was pro-life.[1] Republican lawmakers and Catholic feminists called for paid family leave.[2] Pro-family advocates released “Post-Roe, pro-family” statements calling for affordable childcare.[3] Most striking of all was the sudden replacement of “motherhood” and “fatherhood,” with unisex lexicon of “care” and “parents.” 
  • Catholic social doctrine uses no sexless talk about “care,” nor about the child’s need for two (unspecified) parents—as in a recent book entitled Two-Parent Privilege.[45] It is mothers of young children who must be protected from the need to enter the workforce, thanks to fathers receiving the family wage, or in their absence, mothers receiving other social benefits. 
  • Maternalists thought in embodied terms and were, accordingly, averse to the vague and abstract talk of “equality” prevalent among the first wave feminists of their day, gathered in the National Women’s Party. Maternalists opposed their Equal Rights Amendment (in 1923) and were opposed by the feminists when they worked, hand in hand with the National Association of Manufacturers, to prevent passage of special labor legislation protecting mothers and potential mothers working in factories.[59] Maternalists triumphed for decades, right up until the last day of debate over the Civil Rights Act (1964) when “sex” was added to Title VII. Indeed, these were the same women who filled the US Department of Labor’s Women’s Bureau, which opposed the segregationists’ proposed amendment. After they lost this debate, the Equal Employment Opportunities Commission struck all their labor reforms protecting women from the books.[60] From that point what had been just discrimination between the sexes became unjust discrimination, and vice versa. Sixty years on from this momentous reversal, and we are unable to understand the work of the Maternalists except as internalized cultural misogyny. 
  • The case for (just) sex discrimination has nothing to do with separating mothers from work (in a sealed-off domestic “sphere”). Pregnancy, motherhood, and homemaking are, of course, already work. But it is perfectly natural for women to engage in other economically productive and culturally generative work, paid or not, as has always been the case. It is rather an argument for work that is compatible with proximity to young children. This is what we should be working for. 
8:33am cstSEGMENT 6

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Joshua Charles

About Joshua – A Catholic convert, #1 New York Times bestselling author, former White House speechwriter, historian, scholar, speaker, and classical pianist. I’m passionate about theology, philosophy, and history. I’m an advocate and defender of Christian civilization, and the Catholic Faith to which I intellectually converted in 2018, and formally converted.

Website –

  • How does one as conservative and Catholic as you are how do you keep your sanity living in California?
  • Most of the time I live in a more conservative area.
  • There is very little crime and it is clean and I grew up here and I just love it.
  • If we are going to go through the apocalypse I might as well have good weather.
  • I was a speech writer primarily for the VP but I did write a few things for Trump.
  • The Federalist Papers 
  • I told my friend Mike Parrott that America need men like us.
  • Those of us that can talk about American politics w/ the Catholic formation.
  • We have to get into this fight, we have to be in those rooms.
  • We have to speak from the position of our Catholic faith.
  • Natural meaning in the order of nature.
  • Natural and Supernatural Order
  • On the natural level there is much to admire about the American founding.
  • Not totally theorized about. 
  • Even if you previously sin you won’t lose your place and I wasn’t seeing that in scripture and it just didn’t make sense to me so I started down the Catholic path.
  • No one had the authority to say which is which so I thought I would study in the Bible how they would resolve conflict.
  • I was seeing nothing in the Church fathers that would justify that.
  • There are a lot of open minded Protestants out there.
  • We need to give as much credit as we can to Protestants that are searching.
  • My family wasn’t anti-Catholic but we just never looked into it b/c it was just never in front of us.
  • My mom is converting soon and my father and sister have already converted.
  • Holy Spirit over the water, exit the land of slavery and into the land of freedom.
  • Pilgrimage to the promise land an eternal abode in Heaven.
  • All this is based on topology. 
  • Generally more as a scholar digging into tradition.
  • I’m trying to make all these big books behind me more assessable to the average Catholic.
  • Last year I was doing work in the White House and making a good living but I made a promise to Our Lady. 
  • It isn’t that hard to be formed intellectually b/c there is so much information out there.
  • The writings of the fathers, scripture and so on.
  • I’m not sure how ignorance can be a valid excuse anymore w/ all the technology out there and available to us.
  • That is a sobering truth.
 If you have any issues that need to be resolved, please email Maggie directly at [email protected] or Candace her personal email [email protected] or [email protected]

Written by: candacechurch