The Mike Church Show

Mike Church Show #2059- America First Kind Of Requires Americans

today01/08/2025 98 1

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Mike Church Show #2059- America First Kind Of Requires Americans

Time 6:06am cstWE ARE LIVE on 990 WGSO, Our Flagship Syndication Station in New Orleans Louisiana all week from 7am-10am!  Welcome to the Mike Church Show on  Call the show  844-5CRUSADE
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New Orleans Tragedy

  • Bourbon Street massacre, we have taken that path several times in my life w/ my wife and family and friends.
  • I have been there w/ people many many times over the years, not sure how many times at 3am but…
  • I have been there, 20 years ago that could have been me.
  • The city of New Orleans remains under Satanic assault. 
  • I am w/ the Attorney General on why has this story been memory holed?!
  • The FBI says the are on the case but does anyone trust the FBI anymore?

AUDIO/VIDEO: ‘Reporter’ Jennie S Taer Walks Through Shamsud Bin Jabbar’s Home 



  • There is a big push from Vivek Ramaswamy and Elon Musk to increase the number of HB1 VISA holder especially from India.
  • Apparently Americans are too stupid to fill all these tech and AI jobs.
  • You know who agrees w/ me on this?
  • Steve Bannon
  • I agree w/ Patrick J Buchanan on this as well. 
  • Suicide of A Super Power – Will America Survive Until 2025?
  • How do you define America?
  • Does it include Greenland?
  • If the citizens of the United States of America do not have it in ourselves to Make America Great Again, then we should just quit.
  • If we have to import from other countries to make this country great, what’s the point?
  • MAGA – you have to be American to do that.
  • What is this the NFL draft? 
  • The first pick for Louisiana is Narayan from India.
  • I’m sure the average American can be taught code.
6:35am cstSEGMENT 2

  • I’m not saying and I’m not for a complete elimination. 
  • That is not the point.
  • Did Musk abuse the H-1B system to come to America?
  • He came in the late 80’s, he went to Pen State and there is a gray area there until he became a US citizen. 
  • You have to be planted in the US and stable for 5 years on a H-1B and such. 


Patrick J Buchanan 

Preface of Suicide of a Superpower – 

  • The US had Joe Biden, the people of the United States said to hell w/ that and made the change.
  • It is legal for Muslim men in the UK to rape and have sex w/ girls and young women.
  • If you complain about it, they will throw YOU in jail.
  • Socially, culturally and morally we have taken on the decadency of a dying nation.
  • When the faith dies the civilization dies.
  • We are in the Indian Summer of our civilization. 
  • I offer this as encouragement. 

AUDIO/VIDEO: Fox News w/ Father Mark-Mary Ames – The Rosary – The rosary is experiencing a new spring time. It is the perfect human prayer. You can do it if you are 6 or 8 or 80 or 90. It resonates w/ everyone and most people are looking for guidance and the rosary gives us that.

 Back to Buchanan 

  • I went through the first chapter of this book and went start to finish. 
  • This is a great book for your permanent library.
  • I am surprised that some things he points out that back then these things he was discussing have reoccured under the Biden Regime times 3. 
  • He is trying to kill this country on his way out.
  • This silly EO that says no offshore drilling.
 If you have any issues that need to be resolved, please email Maggie O’Connell directly at [email protected] or Candace her personal email [email protected]
 Did you miss yesterday’s LIVE Mike Church Show? Worry not, you can listen to all previously aired shows at the new CRUSADE MAX –
7:06am cstWelcome back to The Mike Church Show! Call the Crusade Channel at 844-5CRUSADE! Join our FREE LIVE chatroom where you can chat with fellow Crusaders.
 The Buckshot Bonus 
1h12mCalifornia On Fire

  • Drudge Headlines – Palisades Inferno, Fierce Devil Winds Gain Strength, Race to Escape
  • It is illegal to capture rain water in the state.
  • It is on the coast, surrounded on one side by water right?
  • So why does it catch fire almost yearly?


MAGA vs the Billionaires 

  • I am all for wealth creation.
  • We don’t have to import people from other countries to make our country great.
  • We have great people born here.
  • The probability utility is contained in the mining of H3 and that is about it.
  • We should just call the Union quits if we can’t produce people smart enough to keep it going.
  • The game that is afoot is one of Christian revival. 

HEADLINE: My Advice to Catholic Schools: Double Down on Your Catholicity by Thomas W Carroll

Bishop Barron – Instead of watering down our schools to appease nonbelieving parents, our Catholic schools must plant the seeds for a brighter, more faithful future for the Church and for America.

  • If you are a traditional minded Catholic you probably don’t like Bishop Barron very much.
  • Here lets just replace one word here, replace Catholic w/ Christian.
  • Many Americans have checked out of the public education system.
  • That is one good thing that came from COVID.
  • We Put Our Kindergartner in Catholic School. Uh, We Never Expected She’d Actually Start to Believe,” a nonbelieving parent shared that she was disturbed her daughter “loved the Catholic teachings” she was taught in kindergarten at her local Catholic school. 
  • Now, more than ever, this world needs children who embrace the truths of our Church, who understand that God created man and woman, who believe in the sanctity of life, who see the human dignity of each of God’s children, and who believe in objective Truth.  
  • First, the leader of every Catholic school must not only be Catholic but also be a true witness to the faith, someone who is a role model for children and an evangelist for our faith. 
  • Second, the school’s academic program needs to reflect the full contribution of the Catholic intellectual tradition. One cannot conceive of Western civilization without the existence of the Catholic Church. The Church has made significant contributions as diverse as art, architecture, music, literature, philosophy and science. A Catholic school in which the only Catholic aspect of the curriculum is the daily religion class is treating Catholicism as a mere footnote to the day. This approach doesn’t do justice to the Catholic contribution to culture and to the history of the world. Effectively, these schools are turning over the rest of the day to secularism. 
  • Third, the faculty of the school needs to be comprised of accomplished individuals who represent the faith in their words — but also in the lives they lead. 
  • Fourth, political correctness — which first took hold in our colleges and universities — is now infiltrating elementary and secondary schools. This trend has been openly embraced in public schools across America. In contrast, a truly Catholic school: must embrace truth not relativism; must see individuals as the creation of God and not merely members of identity groups; and must uphold the human dignity of all lives from conception to natural death, regardless of the values of popular culture. 
  • Lastly, the children in our schools need to see vividly that Catholicism is at its core a joyful and optimistic faith.


Speaker of the House

  • The Zion King won the vote and will remain Speaker of the House.
  • He had Trump’s blessing and endorsement.

AUDIO/VIDEO: Donald Trump Press Conference at Palm Beach, FL – Announces DAMAC Properties – We are honored to welcome DAMAC Properties and Hussain Sajwani will invest at least $20 billion into the US to build data centers. I believe he will say he is doing it b/c he was inspired by the election. The investment will support new data centers, very big into AI. First phase in TX, AZ, OK, IN, OH, MI and Louisiana. 

  • How long before the states that have regulated themselves out of the race for any new or returning industry feel they have now no choice but to change or die?
  • Are data centers a necessity at this point?
  • They seem to be our new reality do they not?
7:33am cstWelcome to the final segment of The Mike Church Show Call 844-5CRUSADE Join our FREE LIVE chatroom at


HEADLINE: The Visas Dividing MAGA World Help Power the U.S. Tech Industry by Paul Kiernan and Angel Au-Yeung 

  • Data centers – cooling fans etc those all need to be made in the USA.
  • I think that is the point Trump is trying to make.
  • Divorce yourself from this Libertarian fantasy that the world is a fair place and everyone loves America.
  • They all want what is in your wallet.
  • Some of them want your property and land too.
  • If we have the resources to make something than that product should be tariffed to the max.
  • We don’t want those products from other countries. 
  • Trump understands that, Pat Buchanan understood this.
  • This is the reality.
  • The only trade that raises the boat is when you trade for something you don’t have the ability or resources to make yourself.
  • We have to change the way we think and the way we purchase.
  • We don’t need this cheap Chinese crap.
  • $78.2 billion per month deficit in trade
  • The US trade deficit $971 billion which is basically a trillion last year.
  • Since Buchanan wrote in 2012 the deficit has gone up 35%.
  • What about the VISA’s we were talking about?
  • From December 2010 –
  • The importation needs to stop. 
  • No I’m not saying stop all importation immediately but we have to reevaluate what we produce here in the USA.
 8:06am cstSEGMENT 5
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HEADLINE: We’re Still Waiting For Facebook To Atone For The 11 Times (We Know Of) It Censored The Federalist by Jordan Boyd and Elle Purnell 

  • Zuckerberg claims the change will spur the Big Tech giant to “focus on reducing mistakes, simplifying our policies, and restoring free expression on our platforms,” prompting some to hail the decision as a victory for free speech.
  • We actually deleted the Mike Church Show Fan page on FB b/c they kept giving us strikes and removing content.
  • A return to broadcast journalist ethics – all this would stop.
  • If we got back to making sure we were CORRECT before posting and the research has been read before creating the title this would all stop.
  • If you publish something on X do you use your real name and photo?
  • DC Draino – is really Rogan O’Handley.
  • Thomas Massie on X: Yesterday we exposed paid influencer DC Drainage for misleading the public. It was so blatant that he got community-noted and deleted his post. Some say exposing X grifters is beneath my office, but my constituents deserve to know.
  • His media company was paid $164,000 to promote Amendment in Florida in 2024.
  • His media company also got PPE money.
  • These guys have so many followers on X because they sold their soul.
  • They are taking money from all manner of people to promote x,y, and z and the these companies own them.

SIDE BAR – Story from Phoenix Convention – 2A Watch Company

  • This pay to play has to stop.
  • How many of you are old enough to remember Payola and Plugola? 
  • Payola – is really a violation of the sponsorship identification rule.
  • Plugola – is promoting the non-broadcast activities of the station licensee or an on-air personality on the air. Plugola occurs only when the financial interests are those of persons “responsible for including promotional material in a broadcast.”
  • I work on commission from Mike Lindell, I don’t get paid if I don’t sell pillows for him.
  • He doesn’t pay me directly.
  • If I advertise for a product you can be guaranteed that I personally have tried that product and I like the product.
8:33am cstSEGMENT 6

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AUDIO/VIDEO: Donald Trump Press Conference at Palm Beach, FL – NATO and Ukraine – A big part of the problem was that Russia, long before Putin said to Ukraine, you can never have NATO. And I can understand their feelings about that and when I heard how Biden was negotiating that I knew it was going to end up in a war.

  • This has been the biggest transfer of wealth since the TARP bailouts.

Greenland Acquisition   

  • What is Trump doing w/ that?
  • He is cutting off the route of safe ports.
  • Is it strategic?

AUDIO/VIDEO: Donald Trump Conference at Palm Beach, FL – Panama Canal – No I can’t assure you on either of those two, but I can say this: we need them for economic security. The Panama Canal is vital to our country and it is being operated by China. They have abused that gift. 

  • So what is going on here w/ these talks of Panama Canal and the purchase of Greenland?
  • Trump is a businessman first and has always been, that is who he is.
  • He is signaling to the Chinese, get out of my hemisphere.
  • He talked about Chinese boats being everywhere too.

Mahgdalen Rose

Political Affairs Correspondent 

Follow Mahgdalen on X: @MahgdalenRose

  • I think with the Trump transition Marco Rubio is in the best shape.
  • The person in the most jeopardy is Tulsi Gabbard.
  • She seams to be going into these meetings and is choking w/ both sides.
  • I don’t think she is going to do well in these hearings.
  • Robert F Kennedy Jr is doing great and has the most support on both sides.
  • He will get confirmed. 

AUDIO/VIDEO: Rep John Fetterman on Fox – Immigration – It is really common sense. We have thousands of migrants here that have convicted crimes and who wants to allow them to remain in our nation? It shouldn’t be controversial to want them to go. There are 47 of us in the Senate and if we can’t get 7 out of 47 that is one of the reasons why we lost.

  • He can sway young conservative men.
  • I’m not going to go as far to say he will pull their votes but he will be that person that lulls us into not knocking on doors.
  • It will ultimately hurt the Republican party.
  • He is a massive threat to the Republican party.
  • This guy is a socialist and he wears a hoodie and he will pull some young voters.
  • People don’t ‘fear’ Fetterman and that is the problem.
  • We need to fear this man for that very reason.
  • The conservatives expect drilling on day one.
  • The Keystone pipeline needs to be back up and running yesterday.
  • I don’t we expect DOGE to cut but we expect at minimum a true audit.
  • There are twice as many people working for the government from 2020.
 If you have any issues that need to be resolved, please email Maggie directly at [email protected] or Candace her personal email [email protected] or [email protected]

Written by: candacechurch