The Mike Church Show

Mike Church Show-Freedom Convoy Has Become An Existential Threat To The Cult Of Death’s Cabal

today02/15/2022 55

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Mike Church Show-Freedom Convoy Has Become An Existential Threat To The Cult Of Death’s Cabal

Time Red Pill Topics & Headlines
6:03am cstWelcome to the Mike Church Show on Call the show            844-5CRUSADE

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 Glory and Shine to the Crusade Channel

  • Russia and Ukraine
  • More on the Freedom Convoy in Canada 









HEADLINE: The mRNA Covid shots are killing teenagers by Alex Berenson 

  • The journal of the College of American Pathologists has a stunning report today on the cases of two teen boys who died following mRNA Covid vaccines.
  • Both boys died in their sleep less than a week after the second dose, and neither had any known health conditions prior to death.
  • Why don’t these parents know the risks associated w/ this vaccine for HEALTHY young men?
  • Is it the fault of the parents?
  • Is it the fault of the government?
  • Is it the fault of the CDC and Big Pharma?

AUDIO/VIDEO: Chrystia Freeland Deputy Prime Minister & Minister of Financechanging our crypto and crowdfunding in Canada – proceeds of crime and terrorist act.

  • This is a direct assault on the citizens of Canada.
  • Will they allow these companies dealing w/ digital currency to continue to do business in Canada? 
  • Why aren’t they going after these companies they claim are harboring these terrorists dollars?
 HEADLINE: Why They’re So Afraid of the Truckers by Adam Mill
 Crusade Channel Teaming Up With Epoch Times (affiliate link)
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7:15am cst

Welcome back to The Mike Church Show! Call the Crusade Channel at 844-5CRUSADE! Join our FREE LIVE chatroom where you can chat with fellow Crusaders.

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AUDIO/VIDEO: FreedomConvoy USA ‘We have a right to resist and we have an obligation to do so!’ – Tricia Lindsay  

  • You took an oath to protect and defend.
  • These are defensive reactions NOT offensive.
  • What if your Sheriff says no to the above statements?
 HEADLINE: Why They’re So Afraid of the Truckers by Adam Mill

  • We were told that the little heroes should stand up to the Evil that was Communism back in the 80’s and 90’s remember?
  • Now we are being told that the Ukrainians, the ‘little guys’ can’t and shouldn’t do anything about Putin. 


 FreedomConvoy USA ‘We have a right to resist and we have an obligation to do so!’ – Tricia Lindsay  

  • Educate yourself so you know how to resist.
  • They are turning our country into one massive slave ship.
  • We need to be comfortable w/ being uncomfortable.

Crusader Monastery – The Veritas Radio Network also have a prayer request line. Send your prayer requests to [email protected]

 Do business with those that do business with us. McClure Tables they have been with us since day one of Veritas Radio Network and the Crusade Channel. Everything is handmade in the USA!
8:13am cstWelcome to the final segment of The Mike Church Show Call 844-5CRUSADE Join our FREE LIVE chatroom at
2h08mAUDIO/VIDEO: Deputy Press Sec Jean-Pierre onPfizer w/drawing its application to the FDA for authorization on COVID vaccinations for young kids.

AUDIO/VIDEO: Chrystia Freeland Deputy Prime Minister & Minister of Finance‘If your truck is being used in these illegal blockades your corporate account will be frozen, the insurance on your vehilcle will be suspended.

 HEADLINE: Special Counsel: Democrats Framed And Spied On Trump While He Was President by Margot Cleveland 
  AUDIO/VIDEO: Justin TrudeauOntario enacted the Emergency Powers, the federal government is ready to use more tools at its disposal to get the situation fully under control.



Founder of the Lepanto Institute

Follow the Lepanto Institute on Twitter: @LepantoInst


Faithful Catholics to Protest Satan Conference – in Scottsdale Arizona

The Saguaro Scottsdale – 

Arizona Rise Up Faithful –  

  • What does ‘lupercalia’ in Scottsdale mean? Lupercalia is a Roman festival held on Feb. 15 in honor of Lupercus, regarded as the god of fertility, in the celebration of which dogs and goats were sacrificed and their skins cut up into thongs, with which the pagan priests ran through the city striking everyone, particularly women.
  • When you sculpt something you have in mind what you are going to sculpt first.
  • So you have the form in mind – 
  • You also look at what each part means.
  • This is the nature of an icon.
  • When was the last time someone had a conversation w/ the Devil and won?
  • Polyamory – this is an unholy Trinity – this is an affront and assault against God.
  • Concubinage = is an interpersonal and sexual relationship between a man and a woman in which the couple does not want, or cannot enter into a full marriage. Concubinage and marriage are often regarded as similar but mutually exclusive.


 AUDIO/VIDEO: Novak Djokovic – Are you prepared to forgo the chance to be the greatest ever tennis player over this vaccine mandate? – I am willing to forgo all of this b/c of the principles of me deciding what goes into my body is solely up to me. The principles of decision making on my body are more important than any title.

AUDIO/VIDEO: SENATOR RON JOHNSON Here’s a simple solution to the Canadian trucker strike. End the pointless and idiotic vaccine mandates. Respect everyone’s freedom and personal health autonomy. 

  BRAVE BROWSER: Now you can support the Crusade Channel without spending a DIME! Simply use the url to download the BRAVE browser and WE get credit: We can earn up to $50,000 for the downloads if our listeners use this browser.
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Meta-tags for show

 Novak Djokovic, Senator Ron Johnson, Venerable Henriette Delille, Michael Hichborn, Lepanto Institute, Satanic Conference, Russia, Ukraine, Joe Biden, Donald Trump, Hillary Clinton, Justin Trudeau, Jean-Pierre, Pfizer, COVID, vaccine mandates, Ottawa, Canada, mRNA, Alex Berenson, CDC, FDA, Adam Mill, Chrystia Freeland, Freedom Convoy, Tricia Lindsay, Margot Cleveland, polyamory

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Written by: LoneRhody

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