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Mike Church Show-Holy Week: Gentlemen, Time To Double Down On Penance, The World Needs Us!

today03/30/2021 34

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    Mike Church Show-Holy Week: Gentlemen, Time To Double Down On Penance, The World Needs Us! LoneRhody

Time Red Pill Topics & Headlines
6:03am cstWelcome to the Mike Church Show on Call the show            844-5CRUSADE

Make Canon212 your first place to get news each day. Canon212 – News of the Church and the World.


  • DeSantis refuses to enforce a vaccine passport in Florida
  • President Trump rolls out his private website
  • WH Press Briefing – Jen Psaki continues to ‘stretch the facts’
  • Steve Bannon – podcast show



 AUDIO/VIDEO: Nancy Pelosi – Speaker Pelosi says it is her “right as Speaker” to seat or unseat any member of Congress she wants even if the election is certified

  • So the speaker of the House doesn’t have any power or authority built in to the position.
  • It doesn’t say ‘shall have the speaker’ in the Constitution.
  • Pennsylvania – Natural Born Citizen clause, specifically and explicitly a charge a rule that Kamala Harris breaks every day she shows up in the White House.
  • If Mitch McConnell would say there is a question of her eligibility it would HAVE to be heard!
  • If Pelosi can unseat people in the House of Representatives why can’t McConnell remove the VP?
 NEW AUDIO: TKD imitating Alex Jones (Homos in the comic books they turn the freakin’ kids gay)


 CDC – 

AUDIO/VIDEO: CDC Director Rochelle Walensky – “We have so much to look forward to, so much potential of where we are in so much reason for hope, but right now I am scared. We are almost there but not quite yet, just hold on a little longer so all of these people we love will still be here when this ends.”

VP Pence had an opportunity to say…no. The election results are not certified and Trump reclaims the office.

  • All they did was order another vote.

AUDIO: OAN President Trump never trusted Dr. Birx or Dr. Fauci

If you have any issues that need to be resolved, please email Maggie O’Connell directly at [email protected] or Candace her personal email [email protected]

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7:15am cst

Welcome back to The Mike Church Show! Call the Crusade Channel at 844-5CRUSADE! Join our FREE LIVE chatroom where you can chat with fellow Crusaders.

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President Trump on Dr Birx and Dr Fauci

  • The outrage addiction will hit fever pitch today over this vaccine originator thing.
  • If Trump continues on this course he will go down in history as one of the biggest losers when it comes to the cult of death.









 AUDIO/VIDEO: Gov DeSantis – “We are not going to support any type of ‘vaccine passport’ here in Florida. We will provide it for all but mandate it for none. We advise to take the vaccine if you are vulnerable but that is it. It is completely unacceptable for the government or private sector to make you prove vaccination to participate in your daily activities. This has HUGE privacy issues.”

Full Audio/Video HERE

  • How did the Bubonic Plague end?
  • Herd Immunity that is how!

HEADLINE: Vaccine Passports, Weeping CDC Lady & More! — Coronavirus Update LIX by William Briggs

AUDIO/VIDEO: CDC Director Rochelle Walensky – “We have so much to look forward to, so much potential of where we are in so much reason for hope, but right now I am scared. We are almost there but not quite yet, just hold on a little longer so all of these people we love will still be here when this ends.”


  • What light shines brightest in time of tragedy?
  • The light of a SAINT!
  • Men, don’t wear a mask, smile at people, show you are a strong independent man and lead the way!
The Founders Tradin’ Post now offers “group discounts”. Do you have a Latin Mass Society or Bible study group? Contact the store manager [email protected] and she will get you a discount code specifically for YOUR group

Crusader Monastery – The Veritas Radio Network also have a prayer request line. Send your prayer requests to [email protected]

Do business with those that do business with us. McClure Tables they have been with us since day one of Veritas Radio Network and the Crusade Channel. Everything is handmade in the USA!
8:13am cstWelcome to the final segment of The Mike Church Show Call 844-5CRUSADE Join our FREE LIVE chatroom at
Solar Panel Farm Florida – Columbia County

Acreage: 953

Number of Panels: 330,000

Megawatts: 74.5 














 SPECIAL GUEST – Kennedy Hall

Author of Terror of Demons and Family Be Damned

Follow Kennedy Hall on Twitter – @kennedyhall

  • Christ was crucified and we have Catholics complaining about the length of the reading on Palm Sunday!
  • THIS is where we are folks.
  • Explains crucifixion and how painful it was.
  • Symbolism in crucifixion – pull up by either yanking on palm/wrist nails or the feet nails. Which one do you choose? It was absolutely mental torture too.
  • “Rugby exists because football players need heroes too!” – Hall
  • Some demons can only be conquered through prayer and fasting.
  • This is why this is so important!
  • The temptation is always there.
  • The man of the house should always fast. For the betterment of his family and for whatever other intentions you may have.
  • You can go a day w/o food no problem!
  • You have the reserves, it is all mental.
  • Eating oil, salts an herbs – during Lent they wouldn’t eat until noon or 1pm.
  • They made bread, covered in oil, herbs and rock salt just for Lent.
  • Always incorporate your wife into your Lenten plans. You don’t want to create MORE work for your wife during Lent b/c you want to stop eating X or start eating X.
  • “I can’t eat those Brussel sprouts dad I’m fasting” -from his kiddos
  • Hold on by your fingertips – you will acquire heroic virtue.
 AUDIO/VIDEO: WH Press Briefing – Reporter – the government is telling Americans not to travel unless it is absolutely essential, will this effect the travel of Biden and Kamala?

Jen Psaki – the President and VP fly on private jets they don’t travel on commercial airlines. I think most Americans recognize the difference.

TAKE AWAY – they don’t travel like commoners…shut up peasant. 

3h11m AUDIO: song teaching kids to wear a mask “Wear wear wear a mask…”
HEADLINE: Bottom Line: Democrats are Afraid of You by Christopher Chantrill

  • There is no such thing as a liberal anymore.
  • There are misguided Catholics.
  • There are Communist and Socialist.
  • That is all.
  • Chivalrous Catholic Man
3h31mHEADLINE: Homeschooling Doubled This Last Year by Micah Meadowcroft

Census – nationwide homeschool rates grew the most among black Americans (3.3 percent to 16.1 percent)

HEADLINE: The Drama of Holy Week by Brother Andre Marie
 BRAVE BROWSER: Now you can support the Crusade Channel without spending a DIME! Simply use the url to download the BRAVE browser and WE get credit: We can earn up to $50,000 for the downloads if our listeners use this browser.
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Meta-tags for show

Brother Andre Marie, Holy Week, Micah Meadowcraft, Communism, Socialism, Christopher Chantrill, Jen Psaki, Kennedy Hall, Saint Joseph, President Trump, Joe Biden, Nancy Pelosi, Mitch McConnell, heroic virtue, rugby, Lent, fasting, Alex Jones, Rochelle Walensky, Kamala Harris, VP Pence, Dr Birx, Dr Fauci, AIDS, vaccine, COVID-19, Palm Sunday, solar panels, William Briggs, CDC, Vaccine Passport, Governor DeSantis, Constitution, Thomas Jefferson

Written by: LoneRhody

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