Mike Church Show-If Congress or SCOTUS Lay Another Glove On 2nd Amendment It’ll Be Time To Use It As Intended.

today06/09/2022 138

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Mike Church Show-If Congress or SCOTUS Lay Another Glove On 2nd Amendment It’ll Be Time To Use It As Intended.

Time Red Pill Topics & Headlines
6:03am cstWelcome to the Mike Church Show on Call the show            844-5CRUSADE

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 Glory and Shine to the Crusade Channel
37mHEADLINE: House passes performative anti-gun bills despite little chance of Senate approval by Cam Edwards 

  • The House passed this folks.
  • I see many people saying we should take solace in the fact the Senate won’t pass it but still.
  • We have elected officials that were willing to pass this bill.

AUDIO/VIDEO: Street video of NOLA, New Orleans – young black men waving guns around in broad daylight on the streets of NOLA.

  • So do you think these young black men purchased these guns legally? 
  • Do you think any of them would pass a background check?
 HEADLINE: “A Well Regulated Militia….” by Mike Church

  • If The Congress or Court Lay Another Glove On The 2nd Amendment, It Will Be Time To Use It As Intended.
 AUDIO/VIDEO: Nancy Pelosi, Jim Jordan, Matt Geatz and Jerry Nadler on the floorGun Control
 Crusade Channel Teaming Up With Epoch Times (affiliate link)
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7:15am cst

Welcome back to The Mike Church Show! Call the Crusade Channel at 844-5CRUSADE! Join our FREE LIVE chatroom where you can chat with fellow Crusaders.

 AUDIO/VIDEO: Alex Jones on Drag Queen Story Hour back in 2017

AUDIO/VIDEO: The View Joy Behar Once black people get guns in this country the gun laws will change, trust me.

  • When you live in a rich white bubble you can say things like this because you actually don’t know any black people. 
  • You actually don’t know any white people w/ guns.
1h30mSPECIAL GUEST – Kennedy Hall

Host of the Kennedy Profession

Follow Kennedy on Twitter – @kennedyhall

  • The attitude that the Consecration needed to see immediate results like this is some magic show.
  • This isn’t a sacrament but a sacramental – it doesn’t happen immediately like confession offers immediate cleansing/forgiveness. 
  • So Bishop Athanasius Schneider 
  • Russia return to the church – the term conversion, return to Catholic unity not the Catholic faith.
  • There are a couple of sticking points….we are talking Russian Orthodox, which hold beliefs that are very similar to ours.
  • Do you know the author Naomi Wolf?
  • Are you seeing what I’m seeing, we reported on her sub stack just the other day at Lifesite.

HEADLINE: Dear Friends, Sorry to Announce a Genocide by Naomi Wolf 

JP Sears – 

AUDIO/VIDEO: I Was Wrong About Abortion! – Why I Changed My Mind 

World Economic Forum 

Klaus Schwab – he seems like a complete plant b/c his German accent is just so over the top.


Crusader Monastery – The Veritas Radio Network also have a prayer request line. Send your prayer requests to [email protected]

 Do business with those that do business with us. McClure Tables they have been with us since day one of Veritas Radio Network and the Crusade Channel. Everything is handmade in the USA!
8:13am cstWelcome to the final segment of The Mike Church Show Call 844-5CRUSADE Join our FREE LIVE chatroom at
 AUDIO/VIDEO: Alex Jones on Drag Queen Story Hour back in 2017


Mike Church Substack – “A Well Regulated Militia…”
 TV Series – Evil written and produced by Robert and Michelle King (married and Catholic)
2h38mAUDIO/VIDEO: Rep. Mondaire Jones (D-NY): “You will not stop us from passing [gun control]. If the filibuster obstructs us, we will abolish it. If the Supreme Court objects, we will expand. We will not rest until we’ve taken weapons of war out of our communities.”

  • That is a Nancy Pelosi promise right there.
  • Just like in August 2019 she promised Trump would not be President again.

HEADLINE: Former Democrat Congressman Pleads Guilty To Rigging Elections In Pennsylvania by Jordan Boyd

  Pro-Child Facilities are being vandalized – 

HEADLINE: Will The FBI Do Anything About The Alarming Number Of Attacks On Pro-Life Centers Following SCOTUS Leak? by Jordan Boyd 

3h04m AUDIO/VIDEO: Flashback Sen Schumer on Brett KavanaughYou have released the whirlwind, and you will pay the price. You won’t know what hit you if you forward w/ these awful decisions. 

  • This sounds a lot like violent rhetoric. 
  • This sounds like in-sighting violence agains all SCOTUS that would oppose abortion.
 HEADLINE: Poll: Nearly Half Of ‘Younger Democratic Men’ Think Assassinating A Politician Is Okay by Dylan Housman 

  • Maybe the old people know something the young people don’t.
  • Maybe they have ‘wisdom’ in their old age.
  • 15% + 32% = 47% of Democrat women think it is okay to kill someone if they don’t agree with you.

AUDIO/VIDEO: Tucker Carlson on Brett KavanaughIt was only a matter of time before something like this happened. (small montage of Liberals approving of the protesting of SCOTUS homes)

AUDIO/VIDEO: Rep Stefanik on the Jan 6 committeeThis committee is unconstitutional, it doesn’t serve any legislative purchase. It is designed to punish Nancy Pelosi’s political opponents. 




HEADLINE: Parents of Transgender Children Sue Texas to Block ‘Child Abuse’ Investigation by Caden Peason

  • There is NO MEDICAL necessity to cutting a healthy body part off.
  • Do you know what a cutter is?
  • That is a person that uses sharp objects to cut themselves. 
  • What if mommy knocks little Susie out and performs the double mastectomy on the daughter?
  • Are you going to defend that?
 HEADLINE: Half of the traditional Catholics on the Chartres pilgrimage were under 20 by Jeanne Smits Paris Correspondent
 HEADLINE: G.K. Chesterton on the Family by Chuck Chalberg
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Meta-tags for show

 Chuck Chalberg, Jeanne Smits, Chartres pilgrimage, Caden Peason, Rep Stefanik, Jan 6 Committee, Justice Brett Kavanaugh, Dylan Housman, Tucker Carlson, SCOTUS, NOLA, New Orleans, gan violence, Jordan Boyd, Cam Edwards, Nancy Pelosi, gun violence, well regulated militia, Rep Jim Jordan, Sen Schumer, FBI, Pennsylvania, 2nd Amendment, Rep Mondaire Jones, Robert and Michelle King, Naomi Wolf, pro-life centers, transgender surgery, LGBTQIA+, GK Chesterton, TLM, Paris, Notre Dame, Evil TV series, Alex Jones, Drag Queen, Jerry Nadler, Matt Geatz, The View, Joy Behar

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Written by: candacechurch

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