The Mike Church Show

Mike Church Show-If You Voted Trump & Refuse The FrankenJab Biden Declares You An Enemy

today08/16/2021 71

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    Mike Church Show-If You Voted Trump & Refuse The FrankenJab Biden Declares You An Enemy LoneRhody

Time Red Pill Topics & Headlines
6:03am cstWelcome to the Mike Church Show on Call the show            844-5CRUSADE

Make Canon212 your first place to get news each day. Canon212 – News of the Church and the World.

 AUDIO/VIDEO: From the Rothschild Digital ID Commercial on the BBC 

  • Who did I tell you this was all to punish?
  • Who GREW during these ‘lockdowns”?
  • Who was CLOBBERED? 
  This Weekend in St Tammany Parish – 

Take Back America Rally

  US Department of Homeland Security – 

  1. Opposition to COVID Measures
  2. Claims of Election Fraud, Belief Trump Can Be Reinstated
  3. 9/11 Anniversary and Religious Holidays
 Crusade Channel Teaming Up With Epoch Times (affiliate link)
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7:15am cst

Welcome back to The Mike Church Show! Call the Crusade Channel at 844-5CRUSADE! Join our FREE LIVE chatroom where you can chat with fellow Crusaders.

 Listen to us on ShortWave – 5850
  US Department of Homeland Security 

  • This 3 things we mentioned in the first hour are NOT in the document verbatim.
  • Did the DOH send out bullet points w/ these specific format?
  • They couldn’t have read the entire document, this is NOT what you would take away from it.
  • So why would they issue this on the news?
1h25m AUDIO/VIDEO: Dr. Peter McCullough – Perspectives on the Pandemic 

Dystopia – 

Medical Misinformation 

 HEADLINE: CDC Approves Internment Camps by Martin Armstrong

Per the CDC Site: “The shielding approach aims to reduce the number of severe COVID-19 cases by limiting contact between individuals at higher risk of developing severe disease (“high-risk”) and the general population (“low-risk”). High-risk individuals would be temporarily relocated to safe or “green zones” established at the household, neighborhood, camp/sector or community level depending on the context and setting. They would have minimal contact with family members and other low-risk residents.”

 State Representative Richard Nelson: There have been many claims recently about the increase in serious complications from COVID-19 in children under 18. I know this has alarmed many parents who have reached out to me for more information. On Monday, 8/2, I requested that the Department of Health provide a breakdown of hospitalizations by age specifically to inform the public on the impact to children. Ten days later, LDH responded they do not track and do not know the actual number of children in the hospital with COVID-19. They could only provide me with the age breakdown of hospital admissions yesterday, 8/11, which shows approximately 3% of total COVID positive admissions were under 18 years of age.

Additionally, LDH’s COVID-19 Dashboard shows that only nine people under 18 have died with COVID in the 18-months of the pandemic. This represents less than .08% of the current total of 11,462 COVID-related deaths in Louisiana. 

I think parents deserve to be informed of the actual risk COVID poses to their children and to decide what is best for their child’s health and well-being. If I am able to obtain more information, I will share it.



HEADLINE: CDC Scaled Back Hunt for Breakthrough Cases Just as the Delta Variant Grew by Drew Armstrong, Rebecca Torrence, and Fiona Rutherford

  • But in the months since, the number of vaccine breakthrough cases has grown, as has the risk that they present. And while the CDC has stopped tracking such cases, many states have not. Bloomberg gathered data from 35 states and identified 111,748 vaccine breakthrough cases through the end of July, more than 10 times the CDC’s end-of-April tally.
  • Why would there be breatkthroughs?
  • Why would the CDC expect these breakthroughs if they thought the vaccines worked?
  • Why isn’t the CDC reporting all these cases?
 THE HIGHWIRE – Episode 228: A Sea of Lies

AUDIO/VIDEO: Dr Kerry Chant Chief Health Officer for NSW, Australia – “Don’t think the mask affords total protection.”

AUDIO/VIDEO: Jefferey Jaxen Investigative Journalist – CDC study says natural immunity doesn’t work

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8:13am cstWelcome to the final segment of The Mike Church Show Call 844-5CRUSADE Join our FREE LIVE chatroom at
 Feast of the Assumption of Mary – 
 HEADLINE: Study Finds COVID-19 Reinfection Rate Less Than 1% for Those with Severe Illness by University of Missouri School of Medicine 
 Back to The Highwire Episode 228: A Sea of Lies
 Twitter: Catholic Bishop Robert McElroy of San Diego sends letter instructing priests that there is no basis in Catholic Teaching to offer a religious exemption to COVID-19 vaccination.

HEADLINE: California Catholic bishop tells priests to decline vaccine exemption requests by Alejandra Molina 

  Caller A-aron from Illinois – 

  • Using a religious exemption from COVID for your employment.
  • Why do you have to use religion?
  • Wouldn’t they just come after you later for that ‘relifious’ aspect you filed back in (X)?
  • Ethanol Free gasoline



HEADLINE: Judge Rejects Attempt to Immediately Block CDC’s Latest Eviction Moratorium by Zachary Stieber


  • Trump nominated 3 turkeys to the SCOTUS.
  • All 3 have turned out to be FLOPS!
  • ACB is yet another example of women not being in places of power. 
  • The Supreme Court followed by refusing to overturn the ban in place at the time, in a narrow 5–4 decision in which Kavanaugh was the only justice to offer his thoughts regarding how he voted.
  • Kavanaugh decided to uphold the ban – concurring opinion that the CDC “exceeded its existing statutory authority by issuing a nationwide eviction moratorium,” and Congress would have to act when the ban expired.
  • Federal Divorce is the only way forward – 
  • A RADICAL SOLUTION – any state whose Governor or Legislature realizes the importance of private property will understand this and should immedicntel do this……TELL THE CDC TO GO POUND SAND. YOU ARE VACATING THAT RULING IN YOUR STATE.
  More out of Afghanistan – 
3h37mThe Highwire: Episode 228: A Sea of Lies (time stamp 1:24)

Catherine Austin Fitts – (Former Federal Housing Commissioner)

  • Federal Accounting Standards 
  • Secret books – legally the Federal Government can keep secret or PRIVATE financial books.
  • Going Direct Reset – takedown of the economy via a pandemic
  • 2020 Annual Wrap Up – Catherine Austin Fitts 
  • Consolidating death into tighter, whiter hands – George W Bush
  • In a highly centralized – we are building our own prison here.
  • Central Intelligence – a spiritual war
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Meta-tags for show

 Del Bigtree, Highwire, Catherine Austin Fitts, Afghanistan, ACB, SCOTUS, CDC, Zachary Stieber, Moritorium, Federal government, Federal Reserve, Kavanaugh, ethanol-free gas, COVID, Dr Fauci, Dr Peter McCullough, Rothschild, BBC, digital ID, green pass, Homeland Security, Donald Trump,  CIA, Martin Armstrong, election fraud, internment camps, Alejandra Molina, Assumption of Mary, Jeffery Jaxsen, University of Missouri, Dr Kerry Chant, Drew Armstrong, Rebecca Torrence, Fiona Rutherford, State Representative Richard Nelson, delta variant

Written by: LoneRhody

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