The Mike Church Show

Mike Church Show- It’s End Game The U.S. Senate Debates The Meaning Of The Word Woman

today03/24/2022 61

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Mike Church Show- It’s End Game The U.S. Senate Debates The Meaning Of The Word Woman

Time Red Pill Topics & Headlines
6:03am cstWelcome to the Mike Church Show on Call the show            844-5CRUSADE

Make Canon212 your first place to get news each day. Canon212 – News of the Church and the World.

 Glory and Shine to the Crusade Channel

  • NOLA Bishop Aymond announced he will consecrate the Diocese of New Orleans to the Immaculate Heart of Mary. 
  • SCOTUS nominee gets questioned 
  • Kennedy Hall – author of Terror of Demons – special guest
  HEADLINE: Residents ‘in shock,’ angry after three killed in shooting, woman killed in carjacking Monday by Jillian Kramer, Carlie Wells and Missy Wilkinson 

HEADLINE: Watch as 4 teens carjack 73-year-old woman at gunpoint moments before her horrific death by Aaron S Lee 




Conservatism Inc Highlight Reel – 

  • According to Senate Rule 26 if the Republicans don’t show for the vote, they don’t have a majority and the nominee dies!
  • PERIOD, end of story.
  • Schumer did it w/ Amy Coney Barrett!

AUDIO/VIDEO: Sen Lindsey Graham & Judge Ketanji Brown Jackson 

Judge – ‘In comes the internet w/ 1 click you can receive & distribute tens of thousands. You can be doing this for 15 minutes & all of the sudden you are looking at 30, 40, 50 years in prison.’

Senator – Good! Good! Absolutely!

 Crusade Channel Teaming Up With Epoch Times (affiliate link)
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7:15am cst

Welcome back to The Mike Church Show! Call the Crusade Channel at 844-5CRUSADE! Join our FREE LIVE chatroom where you can chat with fellow Crusaders.

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  AUDIO/VIDEO: Sen Ted Cruz on Foxasked if he & his Republican colleagues will vote for Judge Ketanji Brown Jackson (but they are the party against CRT) 


 HEADLINE: Jeffrey Epstein’s ‘Pedophile Island’ hitting the market for $125M by Mary K Jacob

  • Do you all remember PizzaGate?
  • Remember the guy that shot at the restaurant door? 
  • He was arrested etc and he was sentenced.
  • The whole thing was wiped off the slate right it was considered a HOAX.
  • QUESTION: Who heard the case?
  • ANSWER: Judge Ketanji Brown Jackson and she gave him the MAXIMUM sentence.
  • We all know, as it is public record, she is light on pedophiles.









Follow Kennedy Hall  on Twitter @kennedyhall

  • Confession is a very private and secret thing, and we are all very thankful for that.
  • We do however do our best to NOT continue to do those bad things.
  • When you descend into things like this, it only makes sense if some of these people become or are seated politicians. 
  • Orthodox Catholic dialogue 
  • Orthodox emphasized different parts, that doesn’t mean it is wrong on either side.
  • We are entrusting and consecrating – he said BOTH b/c he knows that there would have been some backlash from certain Bishops.
  • You want the LUKE WARM Catholics to attend and participate.
  • This language helps that.
  • Bishop of Tuy Spain 
  • Catholic Action was the youth movement but it was actually legit.
  • Expression of her being the Mother of Creation – the new Mass
  • In a Novus Ordo age would you expect anything other than a NO consecration? 

Crusader Monastery – The Veritas Radio Network also have a prayer request line. Send your prayer requests to [email protected]

 Do business with those that do business with us. McClure Tables they have been with us since day one of Veritas Radio Network and the Crusade Channel. Everything is handmade in the USA!
8:13am cstWelcome to the final segment of The Mike Church Show Call 844-5CRUSADE Join our FREE LIVE chatroom at
 ANNOUNCEMENT –  Tickets For The 2022 CRUSADER C O N G R E S S “Fellowship Of The Clans”

  • WE can’t even define what a woman is these days.
  • That’s the state this union is in.
  • We should have the Southern states just go look we are gonna’ pass our own anti-abortion laws, we just don’t recognize you anymore, you can’t even define what a woman is.
  • WE OUT!
  • This is enough to launch 1,000 ships to use the Helen of Troy bit.


 From Brother Andre Marie – question on what mystery to pray tomorrow before the Consecration – It’s not dogma, but our custom is that when a particular major feast-day has a mystery of the Rosary in it, we pray that set of mysteries: E.g., joyful on Christmas (and Annunciation), Glorious on the Ascension (even though it’s always an otherwise “joyful” Thursday). That is our custom.
  Back to the SCOTUS Nominee – 

Pedophilia should never be made normal.

QUESTION: Can I go a step farther with this?

QUESTION: How did she get on the Federal Court of Appeals?

Article 3 of the Constitution: 

  • The judicial power of the US should be in one supreme court. Congress may from time to time ordain and establish a court. 

SIDEBAR – logic would then tell us if you can ordain a court you can dismantle it.

2h45mAUDIO/VIDEO: LIVE from the SCOTUS Nominee Hearing 

Character Witness 

 Caller Bob from Michigan – 

  • Secession and starting small.
  • We aren’t all Job but we can expect some hardship.
  • We can endure it and offer it up. 
3h28mHEADLINE: Biden and his party sign up for the annihilation of mankind by Michael Scheuer  

  • FROM THE ARTICLE: The intent of the New World Order is contained in an old and deadly song that was first written and sung by the French Revolutionaries under the deceitful banner of “Liberty, Equality, and Fraternity”. It involves, of course, the use of lyrics that identify the singers as the saviors of the common folk, but instead, and invariably, their policies and actions result in conditions where the common folk become fodder for war, tenants of concentration camps, victims of poison gasses or lethal vaccines, or targets to be shot down in droves on the streets or starved to death by the millions in the countryside.

AUDIO/VIDEO: Joe Biden at BR“There’s going to be a new world order out there and we have to lead it.”

  • All that can be said is that Biden and his family appear not only to enjoy molesting children, but they also enjoy and approve murdering them. 
 HEADLINE: ‘We Need Accountability’ for Failed COVID-19 Policies: Dr. Scott Atlas by Harry Lee and Jan Jekielek 

“We need accountability of the people who got what they wanted. They got implemented the policies they wanted. Those policies failed.” – Dr Scott Atlas 

  • Atlas also mentioned a Jan. 2022 Johns Hopkins study, which found that lockdowns only reduce mortality by 0.2 percent on average.
  • The BIGGEST BLUNDER: was the closure of the schools

AUDIO/VIDEO: BlackRock CEO Larry Fink – says he believes in “forcing behaviors.” “Behaviors are going to have to change and this is one thing we are asking companies, you have to force behaviors and at Blackrock, we are forcing behaviors.”

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Meta-tags for show

 BlackRock, CEO Larry Fink, Dr Scott Atlas, COVID, Jan Jekielek, Harry Lee, Michael Scheuer, New World Order, French Revolution, SCOTUS, Article 3, Constitution, Federal Court of Appeals, NOLA, Bishop Aymond, Catholic, Pope Francis, Aaron Lee, Jillian Kramer, Carlie Wells, Missy Wilkinson, Senator Lindsey Graham, Senator Ted Cruz, Senator Mike Lee, Judge Ketanji Brown Jackson, Jeffrey Epstein, Pizza Gate, Kennedy Hall, Our Lady of Fatima, Joe Biden, Orthodox Catholic, consecration, Immaculate Heart 

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Written by: LoneRhody

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