Mike Church Show-Musk’s Takeover Of Twitter Shows The Demonic Hordes Can Be Beaten!

today04/26/2022 35

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Mike Church Show-Musk’s Takeover Of Twitter Shows The Demonic Hordes Can Be Beaten!

Time Red Pill Topics & Headlines
6:03am cstWelcome to the Mike Church Show on Call the show            844-5CRUSADE

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20m HEADLINE: The Greatest Trick of All by James Corbett 

  • The greatest trick of all is the ruling elitists’ ability to make you desire your own enslavement.
  • There had to be a series of things done that when they pushed the button the people reacted.
  • In late March of 2020 we saw this happen.
  • We also saw parody of the family singing to the Frozen soundtrack – It’s Vaccination Day

AUDIO/VIDEO: It’s Vaccination Day! – “For The First Time In Forever” Frozen Parody 

 HEADLINE: LOOK: UCF football players to sport custom QR codes on jerseys during 2022 spring game by Barrett Sallee  
 Ukraine and Russia

  • This is yet another one of those things that James Corbett talks about.
  • We just went all in on the Support Ukraine!
  • We didn’t know where Ukraine was on a map, we have nothing in common with that culture, we know basically nothing about this country but we went all in with them against Russia.
  • The Italians announced just yesterday, we did the story on the show, they will now not run their heater during the cold and not run the A/C during summer…in support of Ukraine.
  • How dumb is this?
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7:15am cst

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HEADLINE: UK Officials Examining Links Between Adenovirus and Hepatitis in Children by Isabel van Brugen 

  • Why is this an issue now all of the sudden?
  • Adenovirus, a viral infection that usually causes the common cold, was detected in 75 percent of the confirmed cases tested. 
  • Adenovirus, a common group of viruses, is now circulating in children at higher than average levels after dropping to unusually low levels during the pandemic. One avenue of inquiry being explored is that the outbreak may be linked to a surge in common viral infections after COVID-19 restrictions were phased out. Children who weren’t exposed to adenovirus over the last two years may now be getting hit harder when they are exposed to the viruses.
  • So because we isolated these children we actually signed their death warrants.
 Elon Musk and Twitter

  • The left doesn’t like to lose.
  • I mean who does really but when the demons lose a battle they come back w/ their friends and try again.
  • They think the battle is a winner take all.
1h30mAUDIO/VIDEO: Alison McDowell –  “Smart Cities”, the Transhumanist Game and “Lifelong Learning” 

Time Stamp – 1:08:35 Life as an avatar

Time Stamp – 1:38:38 Smart Cities and QR codes

  • This is the elimination of man.
  • Homo 
  • You are now entering a Smart FREE Zone!
  • We could do the same thing as they are but opposite.
  • We need to get serious about this guys because they aren’t clowning around.
  • FROM THE CHATROOM: We have to stop being afraid of these people.  We have life, they sadly choose death.  This whole episode in history will be over relatively quickly.  On the flip side, if God allows the world to continue, Christian life will continue.
  • I think this thing comes to a head quickly. 

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Elon Musk and Twitter

  • Tesla is a publicly traded company.
  • What are his plans with Twitter?

AUIDO/VIDEO: MSNBCnow that Elon Musk owns Twitter, they are all of the sudden worried about the platform being manipulated for political reasons. (goes on to basically explain how they have been using Twitter, projection)

  • So when THEY were doing it, it was perfectly fine.
  • The day after he made his bid, he showed the world what Twitter was all about and what they were up to.
 AUDIO/VIDEO: Jesse Watters – says that when asked who they wanted to run for president, more people said ‘Not Sure’ than they did Biden – ‘We’re not sure who this ‘Not Sure’ guy is, but he sounds kind of like a smart dude.’

  • The assumption that you should be able to say whatever you want whenever you want is nuts.
  • Elon hasn’t even said what he was going to change about Twitter and the left has lost their minds!
  • What are they truly afraid of?
  • They will have to defend their rotten, sinful, diabolical ideas now.
  • It won’t be a space for their craziness unchecked.
  • BREAKING: FINANCIAL TIMES: “Brussels has warned @ElonMusk that #Twitter must comply with the EU’s new digital rules under his ownership, or risk hefty fines or even a ban, setting the stage for a global regulatory battle over the future of the social media platform.”
2h15m AUDIO/VIDEO: WH Briefing 

Reporter – Regardless of ownership will you still continue to have open dialogue with Twitter? 

Psaki – Well we will of course but there are reforms that Congress can look into like Section 230.

  • Misinformation and anti-trust? Have you heard of a little company called….AMAZON?????
  • These people are incapable of truth. 
  • When they experience it they run from it.
  HEADLINE: Musk Takes Twitter. Is Left Is Right to be Terrified? by Jack Dalton

  • I will say this on the free speech issue.
  • Free speech as THEY define it is in large part THE problem.
  • We are going to have a free speech platform but we wish for it to be family friendly.
  • THAT would get them in a serious rage.

Founder of the Lepanto Institute 

Follow Lepanto on Twitter @LepantoInst

Father Martin SJ

  • Free speech and the public square – 
  • Dogmatic truth – at the end of the day under the Social Kingship of Christ – there is a limit to what you can say. You do not have the right to promote error.
  • Error has NO rights!
  • This becomes a sin against charity!
  • An error can be corrected but EVIL has no right.
  • Ukraine and Russia – the old ancient Russian Empire – it is reforming, it is coming back together.
  • Since 2014 – so why shouldn’t we expect to see that Russia will now see all the hate and evil directed at them?
  • Every country down w/ homosexuality and sin are against Russia.
  • There is a reason for this.
  • SBU and Gonzalo Lira in Ukraine – he pointed out how the Ukrainian and the American CIA have been constructing sets showing Russians losing, it is all propaganda. 
  • The alternate sources have been shadow banned and throttled down so badly no one knows.

AUDIO/VIDEO: Russian Soldiers In Battle And Giving Humanitarian Aid In Mariupol by Patrick Lancaster

HEADLINE: My Childhood Memories Don’t Include Mickey Mouse Ears, And I Have No Regrets by Kylee Zempel 

MAP = Minor Attracted Persons

HEADLINE: ExxonMobil Takes Different Tack From Walt Disney Co. On Corporate Policy, Banning Affinity Group Flags 

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Meta-tags for show

Russia, Ukraine, Walt Disney, Kylee Zempel, Exxon Mobil, Patrick Lancaster, affinity group, Mariupol, dogmatic truth, Michael Hichborn, Lepanto Institute, Jack Dalton, Elon Musk, Twitter, free speech, Amazon, Jenn Psaki, humanitarian aid, NATO, MAP, minor attracted person, Jesse Waters, Joe Biden, Alison McDowell, Isabel van Brugen, Metaverse, Facebook, COVID-19, immune system, Hepatitis, Gonzalo Lira, James Corbett, vaccine, Barrett Sallee

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Written by: Justin Redman

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