Covid Chronicles

Mike Church Show-New Emails Prove That Fauci Was Mastermind Villain Behind The CoronaHoax

today06/08/2021 74

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    Mike Church Show-New Emails Prove That Fauci Was Mastermind Villain Behind The CoronaHoax LoneRhody

Time Red Pill Topics & Headlines
6:03am cstWelcome to the Mike Church Show on Call the show            844-5CRUSADE

Make Canon212 your first place to get news each day. Canon212 – News of the Church and the World.

20mHEADLINE: Massive outage takes websites, including major news sites, offline by Wilson Wong



 HEADLINE: Response To Fauci’s Emails Proves Everything Is Fake, Narrative Management Trumps Reality, And Those In Power Want It That Way by Nebojsa Malic via The Ron Paul Institute 

The NIH research budget is in the $10 of BILLIONS.

QUESTION: Who holds the pursestrings of the NIH?

ANSWER: The one and only Dr. Fauci

  • So it is no wonder the doctors didn’t want to come out against the Napoleon Fauci.
  • He yanks your funding for any reason.
  • The doctors were scared to death of him pulling their funding for LIFE.


 HEADLINE: It’s Clear Now Anthony Fauci Isn’t A Fool, He’s A Villain by Georgi Boorman 

  • It was clear from almost the beginning that Fauci was not just a benevolent science bureaucrat “trying to figure it out,” not just a bumbling idiot, but someone willing to put the entire nation through a punishing social and medical experiment, to gaslight the public time and time again to keep it going, and then bask in the sycophancy of Democratic Party lawmakers and the media while millions suffered needlessly. That’s the sort of thing we expect from the villains of political thrillers, not well-intentioned public servants who are just trying to “follow the science.”

AUDIO: Fauci’s Smoking Gun with Dr. Meryl Nass – RFK Jr./ the Defender Podcast

  • No one is using HCQ and it is all b/c of Dr. Fauci.
  • HCQ would/will save lives.
  • This guy should be taken out and publicly tarred and feathered.
  • HE is almost solely responsible for the thousands of deaths due to COVID-19.
  • This of course will not happen.
  • The Gates Foundation was pumping money into these studies of LETHAL doses of HCQ so this would be the only information coming out.
  • Remdesivir – $3,000 a DOSE!
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7:15am cst

Welcome back to The Mike Church Show! Call the Crusade Channel at 844-5CRUSADE! Join our FREE LIVE chatroom where you can chat with fellow Crusaders.

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 HEADLINE:  Don’t Believe Leftist Lies About A Federal Judge’s End To California’s Gun Ban by Margot Cleveland 

  • States have MORE laws on their books now to protect citizens right to bear arms.
  • Universal rules outside of a militia being called up…you don’t want them making the rules.
  • That would mean Congress could then start making laws.
  • These people NEVER QUIT!
  • You are better off having 50 different firearm regulations per state than just ONE umbrella rule for firearms. 
1h20m Back to Fauci – Georgi Boorman

QUESTION: Who put him in charge of calling the shots?

ANSWER: Trump!

  • Can I just tell you there is an irony to all of this.
  • Fauci under Obama never got away with this, he didn’t even attempt it.
  • Fauci under Clinton did get away w/ killing people w/ the AIDS trials.
  • Fauci under Bush never attempted it.
  • Fauci under Trump – tried it, and succeeded. 
  • Talk about the irony of ironies. 
  • The mini-scamdemic happened under Obama but Fauci didn’t do lockdowns.



Author of Terror of Demons and Family Be Damned

Follow Kennedy Hall on Twitter: @kennedyhall

  • Soft Communism here in Canada
  • I think at the end of the day, too many people simply blindly trust the government.
  • You WANT to trust your government b/c anyone unchecked has the possibility of turning on the people.
  • People forget here in March we had the great toilet paper rush.
  • Never trust the Chinese government b/c they are at the end of the day they are COMMUNIST and Communism is intrinsiqly evil.

HEADLINE: What’s In Store For Your Sons by Alexander Riley  

  • “I have heard people in important positions in my university talk unguardedly (they believe that everyone shares their perspective) with disdain for white male students who are universally assumed to benefit from “privilege” and harbor racist sentiments. Those male students come from all over the country, from different ethnic backgrounds, from different social classes. They adhere to different religious faiths, and they have different political beliefs and make different intellectual and career plans. When they arrive on campus, they are told endlessly that difference and diversity are to be celebrated, recognized, praised in all their forms—except insofar as they might apply to them.”
  • “They are regarded as potential rapists.”
  • Sin makes you stupid – every adulterer gets caught b/c they either get bored or lazy in which their subconscious gets them caught.
  • The Great Reset – 
  • The guy from Sweden said – the problem isn’t locking down people it is getting out.
  • Australia has done very well but only that Victoria Provence did a total lockdown, it has Melbourne in it. They are like the NYC of Australia. 
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8:13am cstWelcome to the final segment of The Mike Church Show Call 844-5CRUSADE Join our FREE LIVE chatroom at

Founder of the Lepanto Institute

Follow the Lepanto Institute on Twitter: @LepantoInst

  • Aliens and UFO’s
  • You can’t believe in UFO’s and little green men if you are Catholic.
  • What about Noah’s Arc?
  • Every single species God created had a male and female on the arc right?
  • Did the Aliens not get an invitation? 
  • The rejection or the embracing of the cross.
  • Assumption College
  • Notre Dame University
  • Celebrating LGBTQ+ month being celebrated at a Catholic University?
  • Start making fun of Jesus’ Mother and see how long you last.
  • International Conference on the Great Apostasy – June 24-26
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Meta-tags for show

Michael Hichborn, Lepanto Institute, Noah’s Arc, Notre Dame University, Assumption College, UFO, LGBTQ, International Conference, Kennedy Hall, Saint Joseph, Great Reset, COVID-19, Australia, lockdowns, Dr Fauci, Wilson Wong, Nebojsa Malic, NIH, Georgi Boorman, RFK Jr, HCQ, Alexander Riley, Communism, Clinton, Obama, Donald Trump, Kamala Harris, border crisis, Margot Cleveland, 2nd Amendment, Gates Foundation, Bill Gates, Melinda Gates

Written by: LoneRhody

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