The Mike Church Show

Mike Church Show-Our CoronaDoom Future Is Controlled By The Echo Chamber Of Experts

today08/19/2021 92

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    Mike Church Show-Our CoronaDoom Future Is Controlled By The Echo Chamber Of Experts LoneRhody

Time Red Pill Topics & Headlines
6:03am cstWelcome to the Mike Church Show on Call the show            844-5CRUSADE

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  • Afghanistan Crisis
  • Biden w/ George Stephanopoulos
  • COVID-19 boosters coming soon
  • Extraction Teams 


 AUDIO/VIDEO: Joe Biden w/ Stephanopoulos ABC News 

George – What happened last week, a failure fo judgement or planning? We’ve all seen the images.

Joe – Yeah but that was 5 days ago! It couldn’t have been handled a better way. There was no way to get out w/o chaos. 

  AUDIO/VIDEO: Joe Biden w/ Stephanopoulos ABC News – 

George – In July you said a Taliban takeover was highly unlikely. You didn’t put a timeline on it, now you just did.

Joe – There wasn’t a consensus that would happen. 

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7:15am cst

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 HEADLINE: Workers Have Strong Views on Vaccine Mandates; More in Favor by Jeffrey M Jones 

  • Let’s break these numbers down b/c at first glance this is very deceiving. 
  • 44% of those working from HOME think those working on-site should be mandatory vaccinated. 
  • If you add favor to strongly favor to those working from home, you get 62%. 
  • This is sick!


HEADLINE: CDC Director: ‘Concerning Evidence’ Shows COVID-19 Vaccine Effectiveness ‘Waning’ Against Delta Variant by Jack Phillips 

  • Where did this Delta Variant come from?
  • The vaccinated, this is documented, there is no denying this. You can claim it isn’t but you’d be living in a fantasy world. 
  • The two vaccines, the most widely used in the United States, were pegged at 95 percent and 94.1 percent effective, respectively, when granted emergency use authorization in December 2020. 
  • But the efficacy against infection has plummeted to 53.1 percent for both vaccines.
  • By their own admission, this isn’t a vaccine – the CDC
  • QUESTION: How many people do you know will line up for 3 doses per year COVID jabs? 
 AUDIO/VIDEO: Dr Ryan Cole – Health Freedom Idaho 

  • No experimentation on human beings for medical experiments. 
  • The US signed this!
  • We promised Americans we would NEVER do this again! 
  • The Nuremberg Trials – 
  • These doctors are actively lying to you if they are telling you to get the jab.
 HEADLINE: Hospitals Overwhelmed by Flu Patients Are Treating Them in Tents by Amanda Macmillan 
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8:13am cstWelcome to the final segment of The Mike Church Show Call 844-5CRUSADE Join our FREE LIVE chatroom at


 AUDIO/VIDEO: CDC Rochelle Walensky– “reports from Israel suggest INCREASED RISK OF SEVERE DISEASE amongst those vaccinated early”

Summary – 

  • Vaccine effectiveness against infection (symptomatic and asymptomatic) is decreasing over time.
  • Vaccine effectiveness against sever disease, hospitalization and death remains relatively high.
  • Vaccine effectiveness is decreased for the Delta variant.
  • Anticipating further waning immunity and the ongoing Delta surge, we are preparing for a booster vaccine.
  • So MARCH  would have been the moth you would have gotten your 2nd dose. 
  • We heard from the Highwire back in April about ADE.
  • The Israelis are starting to sound the alarm with this vaccine.
  • They want to know why their citizens are still getting sick and dying.
  • QUESTION: Whatever happened to FIRST DO NO HARM? 


 HEADLINE: Israel, Once the Model for Beating Covid, Faces New Surge of Infections by Isabel Kershner 

This is the final sentence of this piece: “The vaccinations were supposed to solve everything,” he said. “We now understand that the vaccines are not enough.”

  • They are tipping their hand. 
  • They are telling you they are about to ramp things up on us.
  • The vaccines aren’t working and they are about to go all DICTATORSHIP on your butt.


 HEADLINE: Will the Unvaccinated Be Saved? by Jane Stannus

  • Pope Francis said the other day in a public service ad that getting vaccinated against COVID is “an act of love”. 
  • Show me where it is okay to pump something made off the back of dismembered babies? 
  • Show me the entire Catholic teaching on medical procedures. 
  • Show me where I am under compulsion to participate or accept. 
  • A Man For All Seasons – bit where Duke of Norfolk pleads with his friend Sir Thomas More to take the Oath of Supremacy, pointing out all the names of the great and good who have taken the Oath. “Can’t you do what I did, and come with us, for fellowship?”
  • ANSWER – “And when we stand before God, and you are sent to Paradise for doing according to your conscience, and I am damned for not doing according to mine, will you come with me, for fellowship?”
 AUDIO/VIDEO: Jeffrey Zients (Counselor to the POTUS) – ‘Pending FDA approval, booster shot will be available starting the week of September 20th. The plan is to get the booster 8 months after the 2nd shot.’
 HEADLINE: The Propaganda War (Part II ) by CJ Hopkins 
3h18mAUDIO/VIDEO: Lara Logan w/ Tucker Carlson – crisis in Afghanistan  

  • The NSA collects every single piece of digital data in the world.
  • They have algorithms and all manner of ways to store and analyze this information.
  • To say they ‘didn’t see this coming’ isn’t believable to anyone.
  • This is the outcome the US WANTED!
  • Look at the Southern border, look at Big Tech…they WANT these outcomes.
  • The US government is NOT incompetent. 
  • This was intentional it was absolutely planned. 
  • QUESTION: What was the sin of the American citizens trapped in Afghanistan? 
  • ANSWER: They trusted the American sitting President. 
 BREAKING NEWS: JUST IN – U.S. Capitol Police orders the evacuation of the Cannon House Office Building after a report of possible explosives in a vehicle nearby.






BESE – Board of Education – The Louisiana State Board of Elementary and Secondary Education (BESE) is the administrative body for all Louisiana public elementary and secondary schools; it also performs certain administrative functions for the state’s non-public elementary and secondary schools. BESE adopts regulations and enacts policies governing the operations of the schools under its jurisdiction, and exercises budgetary oversight of their educational programs and services.

  • An open forum and debate on whether or not the board could tell the Governor that it should be up to the teachers and parents on the mask mandates.

HEADLINE: Louisiana state school board meeting collapses in chaos of anti-mask parent protests by Greg Hilburn Lafayette Daily Advertiser

AUDIO/VIDEO: BESE meeting adjourned as audience refuses to wear masks (FULL MEETING VIDEO)

  • Keep doing this type of stuff Liberals in Louisiana.
  • Keep slapping these parents across the face with these mask mandates.
  • You are waking a sleeping ANGRY GIANT.
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Meta-tags for show

BESE, Greg Hilburn, anti-mask, COVID-19, Israel, CDC, US Capitol Police, Lara Logan, Tucker Carlson, Afghanistan, NSA, CJ Hopkins, Joe Biden, George Stephanopoulos, Jeffery M Jones, FDA, Jack Phillips, Delta variant, Dr Ryan Cole, Dr Zelenko, Rochelle Walensky, Taliban, Isabel Kershner, Jane Stannus, A Man For All Seasons, Jeffery Zients, POTUS, ADE, Amanda Macmillan

Written by: LoneRhody

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