Mike Church Show-Post Covid Vaccine SADS Is Now A Medical Reality And A Moral Tragedy with Dr. McCullough

today06/27/2022 26

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Mike Church Show-Post Covid Vaccine SADS Is Now A Medical Reality And A Moral Tragedy with Dr. McCullough



  • Sudden Adult Death Syndrome – they are simply dying at home or on the athletic fields.
  • There were 1,223 deaths shortly after taking the Pfizer vaccine – it is in their reports but they didn’t come out and verbally say it.
  • Young men – 
  • 18-24 men, young men
  • 90% death rate in men and the rest are of women so it definitely effects the men more so than women.
  • Now most of these deaths can be traced back to LOT numbers.
  • It is possible a lot of people are getting DUDS.
  • If you get a LIVE installation, it is pretty fatal.
  • As a physician is this ethical?
  • YES – I don’t advise any of my patients the COVID vaccine.
  • These 13,000 Americans have DIED form this – there is a global recall in the process now for these vaccines. 
  • 187,000 Americans are estimated to have died from the COVID vaccine.
  • 63% excess death in young people and this is 100% b/c of the COVID vaccine.
  • The virus mutated, several times and there is no way a good doctor could suggest to their patient to take this vaccine.
  • In 2 hours I am testifying to the Texas Senate!
  • Subject is Pandemic Response – spread of virus, current treatment of the virus and what has happened to nurses and patients etc
  • I’m greatly concerned about the AMA – they have lost credibility – they have told pregnant women that the vaccine is safe for them while pregnant.
  • There are women that won’t even drink alcohol during pregnancy but they are pumping an experimental shot forced on these pregnant women.
  • Pfizer trial on children – 
  • This is a genetic code for WhuHan – the spike protein causes all kinds of issues for the baby and mother as it travels through the placenta barrier.
  • Hand sanitizers and masks don’t work the virus is in the nose.
  • Gargle w/ a cleaning solution and clean out the nasal passage.
  • Use the spray bottle – use it right away and it works for the common cold too.
  • QUESTION: What would happen if non-vaccinated people receive vaccinated blood?
  • The way the blood is processed now it won’t mean anything at all to the non-vaccinated people.
  • Only 18% of people haven’t taken the vaccine.
  • 35% of Americans have dug in and say they won’t take any more.

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Written by: Justin Redman

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