The Mike Church Show

Mike Church Show-Republicans In The Senate Just Micturated On Your Future Family

today11/17/2022 415 1

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Mike Church Show-Republicans In The Senate Just Micturated On Your Future Family

Time Red Pill Topics & Headlines
6:03am cstWelcome to the Mike Church Show on Call the show            844-5CRUSADE
 Glory and Shine to the Crusade Channel
 HEADLINE: A Liturgical Cosmos by Andrew Willard Jones




HEADLINE: Same-Sex Marriage Bill Clears Major Hurdle In Senate With GOP Support by Arjun Singh 

  • How did we get here folks?
  • 5th Circuit – Judge Samuel A Alito Jr
  • How many GOP Senate members voted YES to this bill?
  • Blunt
  • Burr
  • Capito
  • Collins
  • Lummis
  • Portman
  • Romney
  • Sullivan
  • Tillis
  • Ernst
  • Young 
  • Murkowski 
  • The arraigned marriage was to the benefit of BOTH families and was done to ensure the tradition of each parties.
  • Could a governing body compel a child into an arranged homosexual marriage now?
  • What would the benefits now be of this ‘union’?
51mHEADLINE: Singles can snuggle this giant emotional support bear — and it doesn’t snore by Brooke Steinberg 

  • What are we doing folks?
  • This is not an Onion or Babylon Bee story.
  • I wonder how many Gen Z peeps actually own one of these.
  • How do they know this bear is a male bear?
  • What if the bear identifies as a non-binary bear?
  • Why is this bear so light in color?
  • Is this bear a racist bear?
  • Does it come in other colors?
  • If not…RACIST! 
 HEADLINE: The Latin Mass Revival by Ruth Graham

  • FINALLY an article that shines a positive light on the Latin Masss!
  • The old rite, the ancient rite = Latin Mass
  • You aren’t small in number any more you just made the front page of the New York Times.
  • The children are all modestly dressed, the families are just happy looking.
  • Is there a counter revolution going on here?
  • We need to keep talking about the FAMILY unit.
  • It is the only unit that matters after God and the Holy Family.
 Crusade Channel Teaming Up With Epoch Times (affiliate link)
 If you have any issues that need to be resolved, please email Maggie O’Connell directly at [email protected] or Candace her personal email [email protected]
 Do business with those that do business with us. BullDog Kia have been with us since day one of Veritas Radio Network and the Crusade Channel. Get your Kia today from the fine folks at BullDog Kia in Atlanta Georgia.
 BRAVE BROWSER: Now you can support the Crusade Channel without spending a DIME! Simply use the url to download the BRAVE browser and WE get credit: We can earn up to $50,000 for the downloads if our listeners use this browser.
7:15am cstWelcome back to The Mike Church Show! Call the Crusade Channel at 844-5CRUSADE! Join our FREE LIVE chatroom where you can chat with fellow Crusaders.
1h26mAUDIO/VIDEO: Farpoint Farms – Terrible Shortwave Radio News 

WTWW has gone dark.

  • It is a sad day in radio news.
  • Clear Channel is in bankruptcy.
  • That is the ONLY reason iHeart radio exists! 
  • It costs them $15,000 to run ONE tower and they simply couldn’t afford it anymore. 
 HEADLINE: The New York Times to Host Annual DealBook Summit on Nov. 30 via New York Times
1h36mHEADLINE: New surgery provides trans patients with BOTH male and female genitals by Mia Ashton 

  • It is the group of “one upers”.
  • It isn’t cool enough to be just plain ole homosexual or lesbian.
  • Now you have to be allowed to be BOTH sexes and have BOTH parts.
  • How does this even happen?
  • How can you keep a vagina and make a penis on the same person?
 HEADLINE: San Francisco launches new guaranteed income program for transgender community by Tim Johns 
1h52mAUDIO/VIDEO: Chuck SchumerNow more than ever we are short of workers. American population is not reproducing on its own with the same level that it used to. We need to get amnesty for all 11 million or whatever number of undocumented migrants US citizenship.

CURRENT ABORTION NUMBERS: US abortions 1973 – 2020 = 63.6million+

 HEADLINE: Germany Preparing For Emergency Cash Deliveries, Bank Runs And “Aggressive Discontent” Ahead Of Winter Power Cuts via ZeroHedge 

  • You won’t be able to buy candles and canned goods w/ your digital currency when the whole country is DARK!
  • To force an entire country to go digital would be a major undertaking.
 HEADLINE: WHAT STATES CAN’T DO by Andrew Willard Jones
 Crusader Monastery – The Veritas Radio Network also have a prayer request line. Send your prayer requests to [email protected]
 Do business with those that do business with us. McClure Tables they have been with us since day one of Veritas Radio Network and the Crusade Channel. Everything is handmade in the USA!
8:13am cstWelcome to the final segment of The Mike Church Show Call 844-5CRUSADE Join our FREE LIVE chatroom at
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FTX – Ukraine – Joe Biden – Russia

  • The American Empire is the source of evil when it comes to military meddling in the world.

AUDIO/VIDEO: Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin III – Preliminary reports are this explosion was the result of a Ukrainian air missile that accidentally landed in Poland. Whatever the conclusion, we all know Russia bears the responsibility for this incident. 

AUDIO/VIDEO: Gen MilleyThe Ukrainians are not asking for anyone to fight for them, they aren’t asking for US troops. All Ukraine is asking for is the means to fight and we are determined to provide that means. 

  • Why are we still sending money to these fools?
 AUDIO/VIDEO: Lee Zurik grills Mayor LaToya Cantrell asking about if she is considering the state & it’s low performance rates – SHE LOSES HER MIND and never answers the question. 

  • A lot of you guys don’t know about this little apartment. 
  • The apartment was there for when Mayor Loriell was Mayor he bought this sex pad b/c he was a hoe.


AUDIO/VIDEO: Rep James Cormer (member of the House Oversight Committee) announcing they are officially investigating Joe Biden – his dealings w/ foreign governments and the benefits that came to his family members.


  • Everything I have been telling you guys about Joe Biden and Ukraine is coming out!
  • I narrated the UkraineGate videos for the French.
  • I’ve known about this for years and now it is coming out.
  • The Biden’s left a MAJOR paper trail. 
  • If they extradite Hunter Biden to Latvia, he’d be done with b/c Latvia indicted him!
  • He laundered money from Ukraine into Latvia and then back out to himself.
 HEADLINE: Millions Suffer as Junk Food Industry Rakes in Profit by Colin Todhunter

  • UPFs are ready-to-eat-or-heat industrial formulations made with ingredients extracted from foods or synthesised in laboratories. These have gradually been replacing traditional foods and meals made from fresh and minimally processed ingredients in many countries.



























Father James Altman

I started out w/ an MBA, then became a lawyer, then got the calling from God.

  • In 2017 I was asked to go to St James the Lesser in Wisconsin. 
  • I was told to shorten up the homilies and tone it down b/c I was in the liberal stronghold in the state. 
  • So I did, I toned it down a little and I realized I wasn’t feeing my flock.
  • I was basically giving them just the veggies instead of a full meal.
  • Then COVID hit.
  • I told my flock they didn’t have to take the jab. 
  • I told them they didn’t need to be a Guinea pig for Big Pharma.
  • Some Bishops only allowed like 10 people in the Church!
  • I was included in that number!
  • Bishop has ONE job – to save your eternal soul!
  • No Pope has the authority to shutter the doors.
  • If you seek Christ, you should NEVER be denied. 
  • No Bishop can contravene in what Holy Mother Church says.
  • The Bishop is not your employer – or my employer. 
  • There are about 2,000 of us.
  • There is no Bishop or Pope on this Earth that can deny a Priest to say a private Mass.
  • If I have a private Mass I will never kick anyone out of my private Mass.
  • EVER!
  • Act outside the scope of your authority. 
  • You lost a parish but your following/congregation grew did it not?
  • Standing on top of the roof w/ Holy Water – Rainbow appeared above my head.
  • APB = All Priest Bulletin 
  • Doug Berry – 
  • I say 80% of these Priests are homosexual.
  • James Martin says only 40% of the Priests are homosexual.
  • To which I say…HOW DO YOU KNOW?
  • How do you know what % of Priests are homosexual b/c we are supposed to be celibate?
  • Cardinal Cupich 
  • One Holy Catholic and Apostolic Church
  • There is ONE truth and ONE truth only!
  • Do not support Notre Dame University – they are no longer Catholic.
  • We let everyone know Jesus is our Lord and Savior. 
  • The most encouraging thing I’ve seen in all the different TLM – is to watch a child be Baptized in the Latin Rite!
  • If your Church isn’t crying, it’s dying.
  • The final straw was – how did they steal this beautiful Latin Mass from us?
  • I was told then that I was ‘Red Pilled’ 
  • When you make the Fatih convenient it becomes not the 
  • When you have to hear the Latin and you read the English there is something that helps you understand and remember it!
  • Father Altman gives the Crusade Audience a FINAL BLESSING
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Meta-tags for showFather James Altman, Cardinal Cupich, Pope Francis, Catholicism, Traditional Latin Mass, Doug Berry, COVID, lockdowns, red pilled, Andrew Willard Jones, same-sex marriage, homosexual, LGBTQ, Judge Samuel Alito, SCOTUS, GOP, Arjun Singh, Lee Zurick, Brooke Steinberg, Onion, Babylon Bee, Gen Z, Ruth Graham, shortwave radio, WTWW, Clear Channel, iHeart radio, puberty blockers, Farpoint Farms, Tim Johns, Mayor LaToya Cantrell, NOLA, New Orleans, Ukraine, Russia, Vladimir Putin, Zelensky, Joe Biden, Colin Todhunter, fast food, Saint James the Lesser, General Milley, Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin III, FTX, Rep James Cormer, Chuck Schumer, immigration, James Martin SJ, Germany, dark winter, Mia Ashton, transgender surgery, GOP, Donald Trump, abortion

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Written by: LoneRhody