The Mike Church Show

Mike Church Show-The Biden Crime Family’s War Against Putin Is Finally Beginning To Sour

today10/19/2022 226

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Mike Church Show-The Biden Crime Family’s War Against Putin Is Finally Beginning To Sour

Time Red Pill Topics & Headlines
6:03am cstWelcome to the Mike Church Show on Call the show            844-5CRUSADE
 Glory and Shine to the Crusade Channel
25mTop Names for Boys and Girls

  • 1880 Census top 5 names for BOTH sexes were Saints names.
  • Boys: John, William James, George, Charles & Frank
  • Girls: Mary, Anna, Emma, Elizabeth, Margaret & Minnie
  • 2020 Census top 5 names for BOTH sexes – 
  • Boys: James, John, Robert, Michael & William
  • Girls: Olivia, Emma, Ava, Charlotte & Sophia 
  • Notice the assault on all thing Mary in the girls list.
  • The war has been declared on women and children but you already knew that b/c you listen to the Crusade Channel.
 HEADLINE: I Am Woman, Hear Me Groom! The War Women Are Waging On Their Children by Mike Church 
 HEADLINE: White House Signals ‘Significant’ Drawdowns From Strategic Reserve Beyond 180 Million Oil Barrels by Caden Pearson
 AUDIO/VIDEO: Nancy Pelosi on MSNBCJoe Biden has done a spectacular job, he’s had a better 2 years than most president that you can name.

AUDIO/VIDEO: Joe BidenThe right that I pushed hard and I finally got changed to marry couples in the privacy of their bedrooms…sorry I’m getting Dobbs confused.

AUDIO/VIDEO: Joe BidenThere’s a thing called the 9th Amendment that says there’s a right to privacy…

AUDIO/VIDEO: Joe Bidenthis Roe decision isn’t just effecting your generation, it is effecting children, moms, grandmas, grandpas and all the entire generations.

AUDIO/VIDEO: Joe BidenGod bless you all and may God protect our troops. Thank you-I’m sorry.

 Crusade Channel Teaming Up With Epoch Times (affiliate link)
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7:15am cstWelcome back to The Mike Church Show! Call the Crusade Channel at 844-5CRUSADE! Join our FREE LIVE chatroom where you can chat with fellow Crusaders.
 The Crusade Channel is about to celebrate 7 years!


AUDIO/VIDEO: Donald Trump in 1987 on CNNNATO, we give more money than any other country, the country is bust. We need to protect our farmers, small businessmen and homeless.

  • Donald Trump hasn’t changed since he came onto the scene back in the 80’s.
  • Every other politician has changed several times.
  • They change w/ the political tides.
  • They have no principles. 
1h27mHEADLINE: FBI Raids Star ABC News Producer’s Home by Tatiana Siegel

  • Emmy-winning producer James Gordon Meek had his home raided by the FBI. His colleagues say they haven’t seen him since. 
  • Meek has been charged with no crime. But independent observers believe the raid is among the first — and quite possibly, the first — to be carried out on a journalist by the Biden administration. A federal magistrate judge in the Virginia Eastern District Court signed off on the search warrant the day before the raid. If the raid was for Meek’s records, U.S. Deputy Attorney General Lisa Monaco would have had to give her blessing; a new policy enacted last year prohibits federal prosecutors from seizing journalists’ documents. Any exception requires the deputy AG’s approval.
  • This isn’t supposed to happen in a free country.
  • This stuff happens in China and North Korea!
 HEADLINE: ‘Abuse Of Power’: Pro-Life Demonstrator Speaks Out After His Indictment On Federal Charges by Laurel Duggan 

  • Geraghty and eight others were accused of forcefully entering an abortion clinic and blocking two doors with furniture, chains, ropes and their bodies while a tenth defendant livestreamed the event. Each of them faces up to 11 years in prison, three years of supervised release and a fine of up to $260,000, according to the indictment.
 AUDIO/VIDEO: Kari Lake150 examples of Democrats denying election results – She holds no punches.

  • She is basically Trump w/ boobs.
  • This is what a citizen candidate looks and sounds like.
1h41m – JUST IN – Putin declares martial law in Ukraine’s Donetsk, Luhansk, Kherson, and Zaporizhzhia regions. 

  • What does this mean exactly?
  • You make a move on these newRussian additions and I will respond.
  • That is what this is saying. 
  • Putin has had enough.

HEADLINE: Putin introduces martial law in former Ukrainian regions 

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8:13am cstWelcome to the final segment of The Mike Church Show Call 844-5CRUSADE Join our FREE LIVE chatroom at


Wisdom Wednesday

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HEADLINE: Saint Peter of Alcantara (1562) by The Slaves of the Immaculate Heart of Mary 

HEADLINE: What’s in That Prayer? The Collect for Saint Peter of Alcantara by Brother Andre Marie 

  • Oration that the Church prays in the Mass and Office for Saint Peter of Alcántara (October 19) – Deus, qui beátum Petrum Confessórem tuum admirábilis pœniténtiæ et altíssimæ contemplatiónis múnere illustráre dignátus es: da nobis, quǽsumus; ut, eius suffragántibus méritis, carne mortificáti, facílius cæléstia capiámus.
  • Translation – O God, who hast deigned to render blessed Peter Thy Confessor illustrious for his gift of penance and highest contemplation: grant us, we beseech Thee, that for the sake of his favorable merits, by the mortification of the flesh we may more easily obtain heavenly things. 
  • We all need to mortify the flesh, at the very least in a way to keep us free from mortal sin, but those who love God want to do more. I have been told that Franciscan Friars, even in very strict communities, are warned not to attempt the degree of severity that their illustrious brother, Fray Pedro de Alcántara, was so famous for. The logic that can be found in some of the works of Saint Alphonsus is, I believe, very helpful for us when considering this question of “how much penance” is for us. After showing several examples of extreme penitence, Saint Alphonsus tends to challenge us, not to copy the specific acts, but to say to ourselves: “If this saint could do so much, surely, I can do X.” Supernatural prudence, charity, and wise spiritual direction can fill in that blank for us. 
  • Meanwhile, if we do nothing by way of penance over and above the very little the Church presently demands of us in Lent (never mind the presently non-binding ember days!), we are assured of two things: (1) a long purgatory, and (2) a very uneasy time of it when we read the life of Saint Peter of Alcántara!
  • In order to keep from falling asleep he would either kneel or remain standing. He took very little sleep. His cell was only 4 1/2 inches in diameter.
  • Underneath his tunic he wore a hair shirt made of tin plates!
  • He only ate every 3rd day!
  • He obviously didn’t know about the Hobbit meal times.
  • In one word…apathy. 
  • Brattle Bookstore in Boston

HEADLINE: Episode 346: Laying the Foundations for the Seventh Beatitude. Guest: Sister Maria Philomena, M.I.C.M. 

HEADLINE: Time and Salvation by Brother Andre Marie 

3h17mAUDIO/VIDEO: Former Israel PM Netanyahu on MSNBC (Trumps American Jew comment)He has a Jewish son-in-law, his daughter converted to Judaism, his grandchildren are raised as Jews, so I don’t think so.

AUDIO/VIDEO: Tucker Carlson on sexualizing kids w/ Drag ShowsJust a few years ago sexualizing children was thought to be a criminal offense and child abuse, not today. It’s certainly a huge moral crime that nobody should accept. 

HEADLINE: Arkansas Library Says Book Teaching Masturbation To Ages 7-12 Will Stay On Children’s Shelves by Joy Pullmann 

  • When did it become fashionable for women to do this to their children?
  • Where are the MEN?
  • Where are the fathers?
  • These women are playing dress-up but w/ their children. 
 HEADLINE: On the simmering fury in the blue states by Alex Berenson

Alex is just wrong with his assessment on the importance of aboriton. 

3h28mAUDIO/VIDEO: Doug MastrianoWe were told to follow the science, except when boys are in a girls bathroom, which is a public safety issue. We have ratings for movies why not books? We have lost all common sense in the world.

  • This is where the disconnect is here – there is a natural attachment to Natural Law.
  • You can abuse your free will to deny nature.
  • Swamp People Snake Invasion – when Chase Michael said the momma’ alligator was ‘coming in hot’ —- why are the HUMAN mamma’s coming in hot over this?
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Meta-tags for showDoug Mastriano, Pennsylvania, John Fetterman, Swamp People, natural law, God’s law, Caden Pearson, Strategic Oil Reserve, Joe Biden, Peter Doocy, Karine Jean-Pierre, Alex Berenson, abortion, Stacy Abrams, Joy Pullmann, LGBTQ, drag shows, Arkansas library, Tucker Carlson, Former Israel PM Netanyahu, COVID, CDC, Brattle Bookstore, Saint Peter of Alcantara, Brother Andre Marie, Wisdom Wednesday, inflation, Kari Lake, Donald Trump, Donetsk, Luhansk, Kherson, Zaporizhzhia, Russia, Vladimir Putin, Ukraine, Nancy Pelosi, Laurel Duggan, NATO, FBI

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Written by: LoneRhody