The Mike Church Show

Mike Church Show-The Cabal’s “New World Order” Has Arrived-We Are All Vendee Now

today09/09/2021 149

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    Mike Church Show-The Cabal’s “New World Order” Has Arrived-We Are All Vendee Now LoneRhody

Time Red Pill Topics & Headlines
6:03am cstWelcome to the Mike Church Show on Call the show            844-5CRUSADE

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 WELCOME – Glory and Shine to the Crusade Channel
20mPRAYER REQUEST – Please pray for our chatroom admin who is in the hospital w/ pneumonia – Shannon S
40mHEADLINE: The Rising of the Vendée by Anthony Esolen 

  • They sent nuns to the scaffold, their only offense that they would not offend.  They laid hands on the kindly King Louis himself and his innocent wife and children.  Their enlightened hatred knew no bounds.
  • Do not think these people are here to protect you.
  • They will absolutely send you to the modern guillotine.
  • Wake up folks –
55m HEADLINE: Stop Pretending the COVID Jab is Morally Equivalent to Other Meds by Suzan Sammons  

  • Catholic jab promoters tell us opponents that if we forgo the injection because of its derivation from Johanna, then we better boycott aspirin, Tylenol, Aleve, Advil, Tums, Maalox, and a host of other common medications because they were also tested on Johanna or other fetal stem cell lines.
  • However, aspirin was invented in 1897 when a scientist modified the naturally occurring plant compound salicylic acid. 
  • Fr. Matthew Schneider, LC article published tried to say just that, that all the medications we take are somehow linked to aborted fetal cells.
  • This isn’t true, I spot checked several of the medications he linked.
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7:15am cst

Welcome back to The Mike Church Show! Call the Crusade Channel at 844-5CRUSADE! Join our FREE LIVE chatroom where you can chat with fellow Crusaders.

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  UPDATE on Shannon – Just talked to the military hospital that Shannon is at, she is doing much better today. They gave her Remdesivir and another COVID treatment medication w/ a steroid infusion. 


HEADLINE: Stop Pretending the COVID Jab is Morally Equivalent to Other Meds by Suzan Sammons 

  • Would this be happening if 80% of us refused the injection? No, it’s happening because most people are accepting it. So much for the “moral duty to continue to fight and to employ every lawful means in order to make life difficult for the pharmaceutical industries which act unscrupulously and unethically” that was highlighted in PAL’s 2005 document. How can the Vatican both encourage us to fight the evil of the use of Johanna and her peers while also telling us it’s some kind of moral duty to get the injection? 
  • BINGO – and those that say – “I got the jab but don’t think others should be forced to get it” – THANKS FOR NOTHING!
  AUDIO/VIDEO: Dr. Julie Ponesse ethics professor at University of Western Ontariothreatened w/ dismissal if she doens’t take the jab.

AUDIO/VIDEO: Jen Psaki asked by CBS Weija Jiang about Biden’s 6 steps – 

Reporter – Will this affect people’s day to day lives?

Psaki – It depends on it you’re vaccinated or not

 Caller Farmer Mundy from NJ – 

  • Someone he put in the Crusader Directory may not actually be on our side.
  • We may actually have to take him off the directory.


HEADLINE: What Do You Have To Lose, Trump? by Samantha Strayer 

  • These are not merely interesting times to be alive. They are diabolical. 
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8:13am cstWelcome to the final segment of The Mike Church Show Call 844-5CRUSADE Join our FREE LIVE chatroom at
 General Lee – Final statue removed yesterday.


BACK to What Do You Have To Lose, Trump? by Samantha Strayer 

  • I’m not advocating Trump running again.
  • He gave us ACB, Kavanaugh and Gorsuch.
  • And Operation Warp Speed – child please!
  • The same people that stole this last Presidential election is not going to relinquish the power it stole. 
  • People don’t relinquish power especially government. 
  AUDIO/VIDEO: Acosta on CNN talking about Tucker Carlson – ‘Over on Fox, human manure spreader Tucker Carlson has floated yet another race-baiting conspiracy theory..’

  • An Afghanistan person is not the RACE of the person.
  • Sharia Law Taliban is a RELIGIOUS enemy. 
  • He practices a religion that makes rules up as it goes along b/c Allah wills it.
  • That is what THEY believe, not me.













Special Guest Laurie Calhoun – 

Author of We Kill Because We Can

  • Certainly Jennifer Anniston is NOT your doctor neither is Joe Biden or Kamala Harris.
  • What we are seeing is that by redefining all the terms of the debate, they have been able to push their agenda.
  • Like redefining what a vaccine is.
  • Medical Ethics – have been completely abandoned.
  • People are now being THREATENED – 
  • If Canadians don’t get rid of Trudeau it will become the next Australia. 
  • He speaks to Canadians like they are children that can’t make their own choice.
  • COVID Shots : all that needs to be said…

1. can STILL get it

2. can STILL pass it on

3. supposedly keeps you from getting sicker

4. can die from it

  • Vaccine Passport – 
  • Look at the reality of the jab – it is worthless, it doens’t protect anyone against anything.
  • The jab inserts DNA altered to attach to the spike protein.
  • The injection of the mRNA – 
  • Adverse reactions – childs DNA is different from the mother’s DNA.
  • Spike Proteins – blood clots, heart issues…this is an experiment

AUDIO/VIDEO: Gov Ron DeSantis on COVID vaccine mandates‘My job is to protect your individual freedom. My job is not to protect corporate freedom. We have a society in FL where people can make the best decisions for themselves & their families. And that’s what we’re doing by protecting against these vaccine mandates.’ 

  • Remember when the lockdowns first started, we told people to NOT go outside, we closed gyms and we KNOW that obesity is a major factor. 
  • What did we do? We told them to get the jab and get a FREE DOUGHNUT.
  • Insulin was the highest bought or prescribed drug in America before COVID.
  • QUESTION: What does insulin do and why is it needed? 
  • Big Pharma –
 AUDIO/VIDEO: National Economic Council Director Brian Deese – ‘If you take out (beef, pork & poultry), we’ve actually seen prices increases that are more in line w/ historical norms.’



QUESTION: What is in this vaccine exactly? 

  • Understand what they are doing here – the medical industry gave in principle to ObamaCare.
  • Why do you think so many hospital chains donated to Hillary over Trump?
  • He promised to end ObamaCare.
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Meta-tags for show

National Economic Council, Brian Deese, Laurie Calhoun, big pharma, mRNA, DNA, Ron DeSantis, vaccine, Anthony Esolen, Vendee, Suzan Sammons, Fr. Matthew Schneider, Taliban, Acosta, Tucker Carlson, Samantha Strayer, Afghanistan, Joe Biden, General Lee, Donald Trump, ACB, SCOTUS, Justin Trudeau, pneumonia, Zelenko Protocol, Jen Psaki, Dr. Julie Ponesse, Weija Jiang, Tylenol 

Written by: LoneRhody

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