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Mike Church Show-The Frankenjab As Savior Narrative Is In Complete Collapse

today08/20/2021 88

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    Mike Church Show-The Frankenjab As Savior Narrative Is In Complete Collapse LoneRhody

Time Red Pill Topics & Headlines
6:03am cstWelcome to the Mike Church Show on Call the show            844-5CRUSADE

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 WELCOME – Glory and Shine to the Crusade Channel


Joe Biden interview w/ George Stephanopulos 

ABC makes edits to interview

Beau Biden – The US President Joe Biden’s son, Joseph (Beau) Biden III (46), died of a brain tumor on Saturday, May 30th 2015, after spending a week at Walter Reed National Military Medical Center in Bethesda, Maryland. He was an Iraq War veteran and a Bronze Star recipient who served as the attorney general of Delaware. 

41m Yossi Gestetner Twitter Thread – 

Via the Jerusalem Post – “694 people were being treated in Israeli hospitals for the virus, among them 400 in serious condition, with 64% of those patients defined as serious cases being fully vaccinated. Israel kicks off third shot COVID vaccination campaign among 50+.”

  • We are being kind here by saying the vaccines don’t work like they were promised. 
  • CRUSADER STADIUM IMAGE – Genomic epidemiology of novel coronavirus – Global subsampling
  AUDIO/VIDEO: CDC Director Rochelle Walensky August 6th – ‘what they (COVID vaccines) can’t do anymore is prevent transmission.’

AUDIO/VIDEO: CDC Director Rochelle Walensky August 18 – ‘reports from our international colleagues, suggest incread risk of severe diseases among those vaccinated early. We are concerned that the current strong protection agains, hospitalization & death could decrease in the months ahead.’

AUDIO/VIDEO: Public Health England – ‘Of confirmed Data cases that had ended up hospitalized since July 19, 55.1% were unvaccinated while 34.9% were fully vaccinated.’

52m HEADLINE: New Research Suggests Number of Kids Hospitalized for COVID Is Overcounted by David Zweig

First Study – among the 117 pediatric SARS-CoV2-positive patients hospitalized between May 10, 2020, and February 10, 2021, the authors concluded that 53 of them (or 45 percent) “were unlikely to be caused by SARS-CoV-2.”

 The study also found that 46 (or 39.3 percent) of patients coded as SARS-CoV2 positive were asymptomatic. 

Second Study – out of 146 records listing patients as positive for SARS-CoV-2 from May 1, 2020, to September 30, 2020, the authors classified 58 (40 percent) as having “incidental” diagnosis, meaning there was no documentation of COVID-19 symptoms prior to hospitalization.

 Crusade Channel Teaming Up With Epoch Times (affiliate link)
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7:15am cst

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 HEADLINE: Money for New Orleans projects stalled by Republican leaders by 

  • The State Bond Commission — which includes statewide elected officials, their representatives and legislative leaders — withheld approval for more than $30 million in cash lines of credit for construction work around New Orleans, along with commitments for millions more in future financing.
  • State legislatures – this is [r]epublicanism 
  • You can stop run away Governors and Mayors – with-hold their FUNDS.
  • Hit them in the pocketbooks.
 AUDIO/VIDEO: Patriot GOES OFF On San Diego School Board Over Mask Mandate
  HEADLINE: WHO blasts plans for vaccine booster shots as immoral by Adam Barnes

  • We’re planning to hand out extra life jackets to people who already have lifejackets, while we’re leaving other people to drown without a single lifejacket.” – Mike Ryan
  AUDIO/VIDEO: Tucker CarlsonABC interview of George Stephanopulos and Joe Biden

  • ADR and Jump Cuts to video – 
  • It looks like George is cut off mid sentence as Biden begins to ramble.
  • So it is important to see the full video of the full interview.
 AUDIO/VIDEO: Bret Baier to John Kirby‘If the British can take their paratroopers & get in vehicles and go get their people & get them to the airport, why can’t the US? Why is it left to the Americans outside of that ring to there on their own?’

AUDIO/VIDEO: Bret Baier to John Kirby – Does the US military consider the Taliban an enemy? REFUSES to answer.

 Do you honestly think THIS government, this same government that couldn’t see the Taliban coming could have orchestrated such a successful COVID Coup?
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Crusader Monastery – The Veritas Radio Network also have a prayer request line. Send your prayer requests to [email protected]

 Do business with those that do business with us. McClure Tables they have been with us since day one of Veritas Radio Network and the Crusade Channel. Everything is handmade in the USA!
8:13am cstWelcome to the final segment of The Mike Church Show Call 844-5CRUSADE Join our FREE LIVE chatroom at
 Bee Gees Super Music Medley 
 Pope Francis and the COVID Experimental Shots

Just b/c they did a PSA about how the jab is the ‘good thing to do’ doens’t make it Dogma or magisterial. 



 AUDIO/VIDEO: Katty Kay UK Correspondent/Journalist – ‘If they got that so wrong, what else might they get wrong around the world? Those are the kind of question & conversations I’m having w/ diplomats, some of whom have already been questioning the nation security team of this White House.’

Option 1: they are really dumb and didn’t see this coming

Option 2: this is orchestrated 

  • You cannot say this is possible, there is too much involved here.
  Nurses and Doctors on COVID – 

  • The Nurses are holding the line and refusing to take this vaccine.  
  • The nurses have to hold the line.
  • Doctors are failing b/c they have a tendency to follow the money flow.
 Free Farm Friday – 

Farmer Brian K from TX

Farmer Dan M from NJ

  • Is it too hot to have things producing fruit now? 
  • What is being harvested right now on the Koch Farm? 
  • What is BT? – bacteria ingested by caterpillar or worm that makes it think it is full and it won’t eat anymore so it basically starve to death.
  • Monterey B.t. – 
  • Mustang grape wine – they grow wild around here
  • Muscadine wine is popular here in Louisiana they grow wild here too.
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Meta-tags for show

Free Farm Friday, COVID, vaccine mandates, Katty Kay, Joe Biden, White House, Glory and Shine, Joseph (Beau) Biden III, Tucker Carlson, George Stephanopulos, Yossi Gestetner, Rochelle Walensky, David Zweig, SARS, flu season, Governor Edwards, Mayor LaToya Cantrell, Bee Gees, CDC, mask mandates, Mike Ryan

Written by: LoneRhody

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