The Mike Church Show

Mike Church Show-The Handmaid’s Tale Is Fiction, Desecrating Our Lord “For Abortion” Is A Real Ticket To Hell

today05/09/2022 67

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Mike Church Show-The Handmaid’s Tale Is Fiction, Desecrating Our Lord “For Abortion” Is A Real Ticket To Hell

Time Red Pill Topics & Headlines
6:03am cstWelcome to the Mike Church Show on Call the show            844-5CRUSADE

Make Canon212 your first place to get news each day. Canon212 – News of the Church and the World.

 Glory and Shine to the Crusade Channel
 Kentucky Derby – 

Rich Strike (horse name) The overhead view makes Rich Strike’s comeback for the upset @KentuckyDerby win look even more incredible. 



Mother’s Day – Pro-Choice 

  • Why are these abortion lovers only going to Catholic churches? 

HEADLINE: ‘I’m killing the babies!’ Swimsuit-wearing pro-choice protester called Crackhead Barney screams and dangles doll as she and others target NYC Catholic churches after leaked document suggested Supreme Court will end Roe v Wade by Natasha Anderson 

  • Why didn’t we see anything like this in the South?
  • Why did all these protests only happen in super liberal states?
  • It was however extremely uplifting to see men protecting their churches w/ rosaries in hand.
 Ukraine/Russian Conflict

  • The Russians don’t have designs of taking over the Donbas. 
  • It was simply to liberate those Russians from the corrupt Ukrainian government that has been tormenting them.

HEADLINE: Biden Cynically Uses Ukraine To Cover Food Sabotage by F. William Engdahl

 Crusade Channel Teaming Up With Epoch Times (affiliate link)
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7:15am cst

Welcome back to The Mike Church Show! Call the Crusade Channel at 844-5CRUSADE! Join our FREE LIVE chatroom where you can chat with fellow Crusaders.

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 Kentucky Derby Recap –

The exacta paid $4,000!

Rich Strike – 

  AUDIO/VIDEO: New Star Trek – the show appears to suggest that WWIII began with January 6th Capitol Riot 


 First Things Magazine

HEADLINE: On Overruling Roe by Hadley Arkes 

  • The lawyers in the Texas case – the ones that represented Wade had the argument correct in 1972 and Blackman completely ignored it and made the fiction the Law of the Land.
  • The baby has its own blood, the child and mother do NOT exchange blood.
  • The 42 day is the first day of reflexes! 
  • At 5 1/2 weeks the fetal heartbeat is similar to the adult! 
  • There is no belief in these statements – these statements are FACT they are SCIENCE based.

Crusader Monastery – The Veritas Radio Network also have a prayer request line. Send your prayer requests to [email protected]

 Do business with those that do business with us. McClure Tables they have been with us since day one of Veritas Radio Network and the Crusade Channel. Everything is handmade in the USA!
8:13am cstWelcome to the final segment of The Mike Church Show Call 844-5CRUSADE Join our FREE LIVE chatroom at
 ANNOUNCEMENT –  Tickets For The 2022 CRUSADER C O N G R E S S “Fellowship Of The Clans”
2h32m BACK to First Things Magazine 

HEADLINE: On Overruling Roe by Hadley Arkes

  • There is nothing that becomes a 75 year old man or woman that isn’t present at 17 weeks.
  • You can clearly see a human at 6-8 week ultrasound.
  • Abortion is the single issue that will divide this country.
  • The admission that life begins at conception will be the undoing of this union.
  • It will pit brother against brother.
  • This is the church in a major turning point here.
  • The Church’s leaders must come out on this.
  • Abortion has to be made to be known the SIN it is!
  • Solomon – the real mother wasn’t going to allow death to her child, she gave up the baby over seeing the baby being cut in half.
  • The story of Abraham and Isaac what makes it so important?
  • A RIGHT implies the implication that no man may go against the right.
  • The implied result is that you may not impede the woman right to exercise it.
  • FROM THE ARTICLE: The matter could be left then to citizens and their representatives in the states to reach their own “value judgments” on this question. Let us suppose that one state, trying its hand at the problem, came up with a “color wheel,” with the premise that black people become more fully human as they become lighter in skin-tone. And let’s say that the test was offered with the notion that black people become more fully human as they move from a 12 to a 13 on a scale of lightness—or in ­another variant, from a second to a third “trimester” in shading. We would not suffer a moment of doubt on how judges in our own day would deal with claims of this kind: They would acknowledge the existence of different degrees of white and black skin tone, but they would demand to know why any difference in shading could ­justify the removal of a whole class of human beings from the circle of “rights-bearing ­beings” and the full protections of the law.
  • This is a great example – the Color Wheel for black people – they become ‘more human’ the lighter they become.
  HEADLINE: Clarence Thomas Delivers a Message to Roe v. Wade Leaker by Tom Ozimek

FROM THE ARTICLE: “We can’t be an institution that can be bullied into giving you just the outcomes you want. The events from earlier this week are a symptom of that.” – Justice Thomas 

HEADLINE: Reports: Justice Samuel Alito Moved to Undisclosed Location by  Ken Klukowski 

2h56m AUDIO/VIDEO: US Attorney General Merrick Garland – discusses the creation of ‘Office of Environmental Justice’ – we will launch 1st ever office like this to oversee the DOJ wide-ranging  environmental justice efforts. 
  HEADLINE: Elon Musk’s Tesla to Cover Travel Costs for Employees Seeking Out-of-State Abortions by Alana Mastrangelo 
  AUDIO/VIDEO: Chet Hanks (Tom Hanks son) – proudly tells social justice warriors to ‘go kick rocks’ in cringe interview w/ Ziwe. 
 HEADLINE: Marjorie Taylor Greene Won’t Be Barred From Holding Office, Georgia Official Rules by Zachary Stieber 
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Meta-tags for show

 Zachary Stieber, Marjorie Taylor Greene, Ken Klukowski, US Attorney General Merrick Garland, DOJ, Justice Thomas, SCOTUS, Planned Parenthood, OEJ, Office of Environmental Justice, Justice Alito, Hadley Arkes, Tom Ozimek, Star Trek, F. William Engdahl, Kentucky Derby, Rich Strike, WWIII, Tom Hanks, Chet Hanks, Elon Musk, Alana Mastrangelo, abortion, pro-life, Mother’s Day, Roe v Wade, Russia, Ukraine, Joe Biden, Jen Psaki 

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Written by: LoneRhody

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