The Mike Church Show

Mike Church Show-The TrannyMammy Cult Shows First Signs That God Given Genderpeeps Have Had Enough

today10/17/2022 211

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Mike Church Show-The TrannyMammy Cult Shows First Signs That God Given Genderpeeps Have Had Enough

Time Red Pill Topics & Headlines
6:03am cstWelcome to the Mike Church Show on Call the show            844-5CRUSADE
 Glory and Shine to the Crusade Channel
 HEADLINE: How Biden is hammering your 401k: Soaring inflation has wiped $2.1 TRILLION – an average of 25% – off American workers’ retirement savings by Alex Hammer and Stephen Lepore
27mHEADLINE: The Same Day SCOTUS Squashes PA’s Illegal Ballots, Secretary Of State Tells Counties To Break The Law by Victoria Marshall

  • 1964 – there was no such thing as a mail-in ballot, that is a FACT.
  • While Justices Sonia Sotomayor and Ketanji Brown Jackson said they would have denied Ritter’s appeal and left the 3rd Circuit ruling in place, the majority decision means the 3rd Circuit’s ruling can no longer act as election precedent in Pennsylvania, Delaware, and New Jersey, the states under the jurisdiction of the lower court. 
  • “Today’s order from the U.S. Supreme Court vacating the Third Circuit’s decision on mootness grounds was not based on the merits of the issue and does not affect the prior decision of Commonwealth Court in any way,” Chapman wrote. “It provides no justification for counties to exclude ballots based on a minor omission, and we expect that counties will continue to comply with their obligation to count all legal votes.”
  • So she states this is a MINOR issue – the year the ballot was cast is NOT a minor issue ma’am.
  • The vote is NOT legal if you don’t have a date on it, PERIOD.
  • The people don’t get a say-so in this.
  • The courts don’t get a say-so in this.
  • This is a Constitutional Crisis make no mistake about it.
 HEADLINE: Rightly, it’s suddenly going wrong for the trans zealots by Laura Perrins



HEADLINE: Makeup Giant Ulta Goes Woke Highlighting ‘Trans Girl’ Dylan Mulvaney, Customer Base of Real Women Revolts by Megan Fox 

  • When will women revolt totally against this?
  • Maggie is tired of being portrayed as a Characakture of a woman.  
  • ‘Dr Jacob Breslow was a graduate student in gender research at the London School of Economics when he gave a presentation at an event for the US-based B4U-ACT in 2011. According to its website, B4U-ACT promotes services and resources “for self-identified individuals . . . who are sexually attracted to children and desire such assistance”. Breslow’s presentation appeared to be a critique of how paedophiles were understood.’
  • MAPS = Minor Attracted Persons
  • So he’s been a pervert for a long time now.
  • Evil plays the long game b/c evil never sleeps. 
  • Vanderbilt University Medical Center announced that they are ‘pausing gender-affirming surgeries’ for minors in order to review their practices. This refers to operations that mutilated the bodies of young people suffering from gender dysphoria and its child-chemical castration services. In a 2018 video one VUMC doctor said that these ‘types of surgeries bring in a lot of money’ and later said that female-to-male bottom surgeries are ‘huge money-makers’.
 Crusade Channel Teaming Up With Epoch Times (affiliate link)
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7:15am cstWelcome back to The Mike Church Show! Call the Crusade Channel at 844-5CRUSADE! Join our FREE LIVE chatroom where you can chat with fellow Crusaders.
 FOX News 

Kiev rocked by Russian Kamikaze Drone Strikes – 

  • A Kamikaze is a human, thus it can’t be done by a drone.
1h18mHEADLINE: Why Is the Toy Market Targeting Adults? by John Horvat 

  • Years ago people criticized the tendency of young people to defer adulthood and live as eternal adolescents. Youth were encouraged to engage in “adulting” by assuming at least some of the duties and responsibilities expected of fully developed individuals. Now a new word is circulating describing another postmodern absurdity: the “kidult.”
  • We have first hand experience with this.
  • We have raised generations that simply refuse to grow up, they live in their parents homes for YEARS after they turn 21.
 TKD tells story of eating out at Habeneros yesterday – 
 HEADLINE: Michigan Bill Would Make Gender Reassignment Procedures for Minors First-Degree Child Abuse by Rita Li 

  • Transgenderism is a subject of Queer Theory.
  • We all know there is male and female, that is how God made it.
  • He doesn’t put anyone ‘in the wrong bod’. 
1h40mAUDIO/VIDEO: Dave RubinRented wombs, discarded 18 embryos to get two perfect babies, froze milk for the babies, considered his sister as a donor. He destroyed life to have a baby. What is a marriage? It is man and one woman as God created it to be.

  • He knows what he did was wrong.
  • Him describing it makes it sound even MORE disturbing.
  • He is ‘swiping’ through potential wombs based on looks.
  Louisiana Politics
 AUDIO/VIDEO: Dave Rubin and Megynn KellyThe MAGA crowd loves Trump and they like DeSantis but they believe he deserves another shot and they won’t get behind DeSantis. The hardcore Trump people are unshakable! 
 HEADLINE: Alaska Republicans Call On Kentucky GOP To Censure Mitch McConnell Over Party Interference by Tristan Justice 

QUESTION: Why does Alaska stay in the Union?

ANSWER: We bribe them to stay.

  • Alaskan Independence Party 
  • Why is McConnell not defending the Trump back candidate?
  • He is a never Trumper that’s why.
  • He is a product of the post patronage government era.
 Crusader Monastery – The Veritas Radio Network also have a prayer request line. Send your prayer requests to [email protected]
 Do business with those that do business with us. McClure Tables they have been with us since day one of Veritas Radio Network and the Crusade Channel. Everything is handmade in the USA!
8:13am cstWelcome to the final segment of The Mike Church Show Call 844-5CRUSADE Join our FREE LIVE chatroom at
  AUDIO/VIDEO: Joe Biden in an ice-cream shop, are you worried about the economyI’m not worried about our economy it is strong as hell. 

Translation:  (I’m not concerned about the strength of the dollar, I’m concerned about the rest of the world. Our economy is strong as hell.)

AUDIO/VIDEO: Jailerman: An American Sea Shanty by Louie Verrecchio

 HEADLINE: How Biden is hammering your 401k: Soaring inflation has wiped $2.1 TRILLION – an average of 25% – off American workers’ retirement savings by Alex Hammer and Stephen Lepore



HEADLINE: What Are the Odds of an Inflation Inferno After the Midterm Elections by Mish 

  • Biden is out there already saying if Republicans are elected you’re gonna’ see much higher inflation.
  • This is what leads me to believe that it is going to be a massacre at the polls.

HEADLINE: Biden Threatens Saudi Arabia With Unspecified Consequences for Slashing Oil Production by Mish 

  • “There will be consequences,” says president Biden. It’s time to rethink our relationship with Saudi Arabia says the president.
  • Key Facts of the Matter 
  • It does not matter the administration or the political party. US presidents believe they can demand the world bow to their wishes. 
  • No matter what party is in power, the US never sees its own huge role in the ongoing mess, no matter what the mess is.
  • Biden aims to kill the entire fossil fuel industry. 
  • For political purposes only, Biden engaged in reckless drawdowns of the Strategic Petroleum Reserves then demanded the Saudis aid him in the midterm elections.
2h49mHEADLINE: FBI to Investigate ‘Hate Speech’ Attack on School That Banned Girls from Their Own Locker Room via Arizona Sun Times Staff  

  • The website attack comes after Randolph Union High School allowed a 14-year-old biological male and player on the female volleyball team to change in the women’s locker room. Members of the volleyball team said the male sharing their locker room made them feel uncomfortable, and the school banned the team from the facility.
  • So this boy fully undresses in the girls locker room and so the schools reaction to this is to ban the GIRLS from their own locker room?
  • Where are the feminist at?
  • Where are the parents of these girl volleyball players?
  • Where are the FATHERS of these girl volleyball players?
3h21mAUDIO/VIDEO: Gov Ron DeSantisI can report that we now have over 300,000 more registered Republican than Democrats in the great state of Florida.

  • Look we know that BOTH parties stink, we hate the red vs blue.
  • Both parties hate the American people, they only seek their own self-interest. 
  • Marjorie Taylor Greene is running against Sgt Marcus Flowers – 

AUDIO/VIDEO: Rep Marjorie Taylor Greene on debate stageThe things I say in public are the truth & that’s why they’re so offensive to Democrat activists and the media.

HEADLINE: Saint Margaret Mary (1690) by The Slaves of the Immaculate Heart of Mary 

AUDIO/VIDEO: Rep Marjorie Taylor Greene on debate stageThe Democrat party is the party of child abuse, of grooming and for genital mutilation for children that are too young to vote, get a tattoo etc

AUDIO/VIDEO: Rep Marjorie Taylor Greene on debate stage asked about January 6th supportI care about the 2 tiered justice system that is happening now in America. I won’t stand by and watch Merrick Garland and the DOJ go after parents that speak up in school board meetings.

AUDIO/VIDEO: Shemeka Michelle at the #WalkAway DebateShowdown Debate Topic: Culture  

 HEADLINE: Jeffrey Dahmer: The Penitent Criminal by Scott Ventureyra 

Dahmers Father: A Father’s Story cannot claim to have discovered the ultimate solution to the enigma of either a criminal or his [Jeffrey Dahmer’s] deeds. It is, in fact, not the story of Jeffrey Dahmer at all, but of a father who, by slow, incremental degrees, came to realize the saddest truth that any parent may know: that following some unknowable process, his child had somewhere crossed the line that divides the human from the monstrous.

This memoir is not a refutation of the charges, an attempt to change the record. It is both a touching family memoir and a haunting confession—the searing account of a man who never relented in his effort to fathom the deepest quarters of his son’s affliction, even as they pointed to his own. It is an important document on the nature of fatherhood, the origins of madness, and the role of kinship in the legacy of evil.

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Meta-tags for showScott Ventureyra, Jeffrey Dahmer, Rep Marjorie Taylor Greene, DOJ, Merrick Garland, Saint Margaret Mary, Shemeka Michelle, Gov Ron DeSantis, FBI, Randolph Union High, Mish Shedlock, Joe Biden, inflation, Victoria Marshall, SCOTUS, Jill Biden, Megan Fox, illegal ballots, Pennsylvania, John Fetterman, Laura Perrins, Dylan Mulvaney, Ulta, transgender, LGBTQ, Vanderbilt University Medical Center, MAPS, pedophilia, groomer, John Horvat, Alex Hammer and Stephen Lepore, mortgage rates, Dr Jacob Breslow, Dave Rubin, Megan Fox, Donald Trump

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Written by: LoneRhody