The Mike Church Show

Mike Church Show-Tranny Mammy Madness: Target And Wall Street Have Targeted Your Children

today05/10/2022 132

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Mike Church Show-Tranny Mammy Madness: Target And Wall Street Have Targeted Your Children

Time Red Pill Topics & Headlines
6:03am cstWelcome to the Mike Church Show on Call the show            844-5CRUSADE

Make Canon212 your first place to get news each day. Canon212 – News of the Church and the World.

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HEADLINE: Target Launches Collaboration with Two Queer-Owned, Female-Founded Brands by Anita Dolce Vita

HEADLINE: Target Dropped *Two* New Fashion Collabs With Queer-Owned Brands by Dominique Norman 

30m HEADLINE: Dating app Grindr is set to go public via a SPAC merger valued at $2.1 billion by Huileng Tan
38mHEADLINE: Fighting the Cathedral by Paul Gottfried 

Would our situation look different if National Review and the rest of the legacy conservative media had not surrendered on issues they should have championed? 

  • The claim of Catholic integralists at the conference to be for “social democracy” against the “libertine” free market is a move in the wrong direction. Calls for surrendering economic and political power to a leftist bureaucracy to shuffle around our earnings won’t exactly weaken the Left. Advocating a Catholic social democracy is also an obvious nonstarter in America, and it has been that way since our country’s Protestant capitalist beginnings as a federal republic. Focusing on that position also diverts the Right away from sticky social issues, such as opposing gay marriage, feminism (in all its phases), and (need I bring this up?) the trans movement. 

AUDIO/VIDEO: Firing Line with William F. Buckley Jr.: The Playboy Philosophy

QUESTION: Who was Hugh so terrified of back then?

ANSWER: the Catholic church and the Indecency Laws that were on the books.

  • The whole American porn industry is built off the fraud that was Alfred Kinsey! 
  • Tell me how and in what instance premarital sex is MORAL?
  • You could hear right there Hefner quoting Kinsey as if he was some type of morality expert.
 Crusade Channel Teaming Up With Epoch Times (affiliate link)
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7:15am cst

Welcome back to The Mike Church Show! Call the Crusade Channel at 844-5CRUSADE! Join our FREE LIVE chatroom where you can chat with fellow Crusaders.

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 AUDIO/VIDEO: WH Briefing 

Reporter – we are seeing a massive baby formula shortage and while it could be partly and FDA issue, it could also be a Biden administration issue.

Psaki – the FDA while a separate entity it is still part of this administration, they are working around the clock to increase productivity all while ensuring the formulas are safe for baby consumption.

  • The baby/infant formula market is largely dominated by three players Nestle, Danone and Reckitt Benckiser (Mead Johnson). These three companies together control more than 45% of global market share.

HEADLINE: World’s Top 10 Infant Formula Manufacturers by Market Research Reports 

1h17m HEADLINE: Target Dropped *Two* New Fashion Collabs With Queer-Owned Brands by Dominique Norman 

  • Brands toting inclusion and acceptance must practice this within their company culture year-round.
  • See folks, they don’t want just a MONTH to celebrate their sinfulness they want you to celebrate them YEAR round!


 Special Guest Alexander Tschugguel

LIVE from Austria 

Abortion and Russia Today 

  • The Austrian parliament – an entity not voted in – has decided that it is a 50,000 Euro fine if you publish or share anything from the RT.
  • Zelensky is a terrible man and I’m not a fan of Putin either but Zelensky is a terrible terrible pro-abort, pro-homosexual, pro-vaccine mandate man etc.
  • The Ukrainian crisis has become a large humanitarian crisis here in Austria, we have shot ourselves in the legs w/ all these sanctions.
  • This has been used as an excuse to raise all our prices and taxes here!
  • The Catholic answer is very clear ——
  • Rosary Rallies are continuing to ask God for the graces we need to fight the fight we have before us now. Defending life, the family, the traditional liturgy and ask God for guidance that they can find jobs since COVID etc.
  • We also heard about the SCOTUS Roe v Wade – it isn’t done yet but we know it is coming and we pray for that to happen.
 QUESTION: Do you believe there was an illness/virus called COVID-19?

ANSWER: It has never been isolated to this day.

  • Do you think it was just a normal flu season? 
  • Over the last decade it is estimated that anywhere between 20,000 and 51,000 annual flu related deaths occur in the United States alone.
 HEADLINE: Target Should Become A Target For Bankruptcy by Mike Church 

Crusader Monastery – The Veritas Radio Network also have a prayer request line. Send your prayer requests to [email protected]

 Do business with those that do business with us. McClure Tables they have been with us since day one of Veritas Radio Network and the Crusade Channel. Everything is handmade in the USA!
8:13am cstWelcome to the final segment of The Mike Church Show Call 844-5CRUSADE Join our FREE LIVE chatroom at
 ANNOUNCEMENT –  Tickets For The 2022 CRUSADER C O N G R E S S “Fellowship Of The Clans”


HEADLINE: Seeds Of Destruction by Sohrab Ahmari 

  • Will Americans continue to permit an order that treats certain forms of lawlessness as untouchable, even praiseworthy?
  • Why is it legal in the public square that in a Republican congressional square like we live in, for the Target down the street to sell the LGBTQ+ grooming clothing line?
  • Why isn’t our local Sheriff down there at Target and telling them we see this as child abuse, we have obscenity laws on the books and we will arrest the managers if this is allowed to be displayed here in this local Target? 

HEADLINE: French Hero, Dreher Goat? by Rod Dreher 

  • These are “people who really want to tightly entangle church and state,” said David French, a conservative writer and senior editor of the Dispatch. French has begun a formal effort to persuade American Christians, especially those on the conservative end of the political spectrum, to reject these ideas. 
  • These are the ideas that we are putting INTO our Crusader Congress!
  • We believe that the Catholic faith is how we should all be living and how government should work.
  • If we all had charity, love, faith, and hope – the Kingship of Christ should be the foundation of ALL MEN’S AFFAIRS!!!!
  • So us one democracy that is flourishing. Just one!
  1. Disseminate among the masses of the people a better knowledge of Catholic Social principals and ideals.
  2. Reorganize public life of the nation in accordance with Catholic Standards. 
  3. Counteract suitable measures, in harmony with the teachings of the church, the poverty, insecurity, and material misery of the labouring population. 
  4. Strictly non- political.

BACK TO Dreher – 

  Office of the Louisiana Attorney General Jeff Landry

For the first time in nearly a decade, the sTate of LA is no longer in litigation against June Medical Services. This is a victory for the health and safety of women and the unborn.

In my office’s successful appeal, the US 5th Circuit made clear that LA abortionists can no longer hide behind pseudonyms and sealed documents. It’s telling that the abortionists dropped their suit rather than have their practices exposed for Louisiana women to see and judge for themselves. 

Louisiana remains the most pro-life state in the country, and the pro-life movement can continue its mission to make Louisiana an abortion-free state. 

  AUDIO/VIDEO: Melina Wisecup from Capitol Report interviews Mark Meckler  co-founder/President of Convention of States Action (on abortion and Roe v Wade)I think the whole country is heading this way, we don’t like each other, the Northern states don’t like the Southern states etc the way you solve that problem and become more harmonious is we were formed on a Federalist basis and go back to allowing the states to decide for themselves. There will be 26 states that outright outlaw abortion.

QUESTION: What is left for the abortion lovers?

Secession and/or War

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Meta-tags for show

 Melina Wisecup, Mark Meckler, Roe v Wade, abortion, Pro-Life, AG Jeff Landry, Rod Dreher, Federalism, Kingship of Christ, Sohrab Ahmari, LGBTQ+, Target, David French, Anita Dolce Vita, Dominique Norman, Huileg Tan, SPAC, Paul Gottfried, National Review, William F Buckley Jr., Playboy, Hugh Hefner, Jen Psaki, Ukraine, Russia, Zelensky, Putin, Alexander Tschugguel, COVID-19, flu, CDC, FDA, baby formula shortage, Nestle, Danone, Reckitt Benckiser

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Written by: LoneRhody

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