The Mike Church Show

Mike Church Show-Welcome To Potemkinmuricah, Where Reality And Flourishing Are What Nightmares Are Made Of

today04/21/2022 41

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Mike Church Show-Welcome To Potemkinmuricah, Where Reality And Flourishing Are What Nightmares Are Made Of

Time Red Pill Topics & Headlines
6:03am cstWelcome to the Mike Church Show on Call the show            844-5CRUSADE

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 Glory and Shine to the Crusade Channel
  AUDIO/VIDEO: Gonzalo Liralast video posting on the Daily Beast doxxing him to the Ukrainian government. 

HEADLINE: How a Sleazy American Dating Coach Became a Pro-Putin Shill in Ukraine by Mark Hay  




 HEADLINE: Easter bunny appears to direct Biden away from Afghanistan question on White House lawn by Oliver Browning 

  • This is what our Secret Service has been reduced to, dressing up like the Easter Bunny to prevent Biden from talking to the Press.
  • Jill Biden and the reading of the Easter book to the kids.

AUDIO/VIDEO: First Lady Jill Biden Reads to Children at the White House Easter EGGucation Roll 

53m HEADLINE: It’s Not Just Joe Biden. The United States Has A Potemkin Government by Joy Pullmann 
  HEADLINE: 26 Governors Create Border Strike Force ‘In the Absence of Federal Leadership’ by Charlotte Cuthbertson

  • I think the Biden Regime is so bad they are bringing about compacts between themselves to solve state problems.
  • So what does this mean exactly?
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7:15am cst

Welcome back to The Mike Church Show! Call the Crusade Channel at 844-5CRUSADE! Join our FREE LIVE chatroom where you can chat with fellow Crusaders.

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 HEADLINE: It’s Not Just Joe Biden. The United States Has A Potemkin Government by Joy Pullmann  

What is a Potemkin Village? 

  • “Potemkin village” arose in Russia to describe empty buildings set up as propaganda, to give a false impression of industry and life. The fake villages were intended to hide the regime’s mass mismanagement and infliction of suffering upon its own people. 
  • Potemkin as: “Sham, insubstantial; consisting of little or nothing behind an impressive facade.”
  • VIDEO: Easter bunny appears to direct Biden away from Afghanistan question on White House lawn
  • My state grants an entire month for early voting w/o a reason requirement. 
  • Secession is not going to get you there folks.
  • What exactly do we do?
  • Disseminate, reorganize and to counter act.
  • That is what we do.
  • QUESTION: So why haven’t we seen the food supply shortages we keep talking about?
  • ANSWER: more people saw this coming and have been producing on their own thus helping the supply chain. Especially in the rural areas. You will see these shortages in the big cities though. 
  HEADLINE: Hillary Clinton’s Campaign Moves to Intervene in Case Brought by John Durham by Zachary Stieber 

  • What you need to know about this is Biden and Obama have been conspiring w/ CIA and the child abusing cabal. 
  • This was all the start of The War on Terror.

Crusader Monastery – The Veritas Radio Network also have a prayer request line. Send your prayer requests to [email protected]

 Do business with those that do business with us. McClure Tables they have been with us since day one of Veritas Radio Network and the Crusade Channel. Everything is handmade in the USA!
8:13am cstWelcome to the final segment of The Mike Church Show Call 844-5CRUSADE Join our FREE LIVE chatroom at
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  AUDIO/VIDEO: Chris Wallace and Psaki – 

Wallace – why has Biden been so sheltered from the press? (gives other Presidential stats)

Psaki – He takes questions from reporters at the WH almost every day.


  • April Fools joke – we were gonna’ do an entire break w/ a ‘hot mic’ just for our listeners!


 AUDIO/VIDEO: Chris Wallace and Psaki – on the Don’t Say Gay bill in Florida

  • Children at that age do not even think about those things unless they are groomed into thinking about them.
  • Hey Jen, Sally doesn’t have 2 moms, she has a mother with a mental disorder. Sally’s mom needs Jesus!

Jen Psaki  on the CDC – The White House’s decision to appeal the CDC travel mask mandate is to ‘preserve that authority for the CDC to have in the future’. 



 HEADLINE: ‘My Money Is On The Disney Lobbyists, Honey’: Symone Sanders Says Florida Won’t Go After Disney, Finds Out Seconds Later They Already Did by Virginia Kruta 

HEADLINE: Florida Senate Passes Bill to Eliminate Disney’s Special Tax District by Robbie Whelan and Arian Campo-Flores 

  • Republican-led House expected to approve measure, as state takes aim at company’s opposition to gender and sexuality legislation.
  • When you go against your customer base and their little princess parties, you are going to see a backlash and profit loss.
  • You know what is the first thing that is going to happen now?
  • The state of Florida doesn’t have income tax but they have PROPERTY taxes out the butt!
  • The state of Florida will now say…go assess that property and send them a bill.


 90 Days in Ukraine – TLC new documentary

  • How did they manage to get in Ukraine and film this w/ all the war and destruction? 

HEADLINE: President Biden to Announce Uniting for Ukraine, a New Streamlined Process to Welcome Ukrainians Fleeing Russia’s Invasion of Ukraine by US Department of Homeland Security 

HEADLINE: ‘Black Hole’ – White House Doesn’t Know Where US Weapons Go After Entering Ukraine by Kyle Anzalone 

  • Our MSM is not portraying what is really happening in Ukraine.


 HEADLINE: Democracy Is Under Attack!…Or Is It? by Aaron Debusschere 

  • Have you seen the signs in your town? 

SIGN – Democracy is under attack! 

  • The obvious meaning implied by the billboard is that Ukraine represents democracy, freedom, and equality, while Russia represents some old-fashioned autocratic conservative ideal that seeks to oppress and enslave.

FROM THE ARTICLE: I suppose the reality, then, is that democracy is under attack after all, at least if we take democracy to mean what the Left would have it mean, which is exactly what its name denotes: “the rule of the mob.” As Aristotle notes, such democracy is the corrupted form of the republic, and I might further note that socialism is the corrupted form taken to its extreme. The democracy of the Left is one representing not liberty but license; not order but chaos. It is the rule of the disordered, of the vicious, of those with no sense of reality. Ultimately, it is no rule at all; it is a society without a head. It is a society built on principles of Godless self-destruction; a revolt against patriarchy which can do nothing else than decay.

  AUDIO/VIDEO: Tucker Carlsonmontage of liberal media discussing how free speech shouldn’t be allowed on Twitter b/c people shouldn’t be allowed to just say whatever they want.

  1. It must be morally good
  2. It must be a true common good, not just self serving in all facets
  3. It must respect a correct reaction to other values (material, ethical, spiritual etc)
 3h35m AUDIO/VIDEO: Pskai interview on News Not Noise podcastI weep over the cruelty of Florida’s parental rights education bill. This bill is harsh and cruel to kids. (she actually starts weeping)
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Meta-tags for show

 Jen Psaki, Tucker Carlson, Gonzalo Lira, Aaron Debusschere, Russia, Ukraine, Aristotle, TLC, Kyle Anzalone, Walt Disney, LGBTQ+, Joe Biden, Robbie Whelan, Arian Campo-Flores, Disney, Gov Ron DeSantis, Mark Hey, Oliver Browning, Afghanistan, Jill Biden, Joy Pullmann, Charlotte Cuthbertson, Potemkin village, Hillary Clinton, Zachary Stieber, Symone Sanders, CDC, mask mandates, Chris Wallace, Virginia Kruta, Anthony Weiner, Charlotte Cuthbertson, immigration, Southern border, Barack Obama, G W Bush, Bill Clinton

Written by: LoneRhody

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