The Mike Church Show

Mike Church Show-Will California’s Nazis Actually Starve Themselves To Death For The New Green Deal?

today05/06/2022 81

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Mike Church Show-Will California’s Nazis Actually Starve Themselves To Death For The New Green Deal?

Time Red Pill Topics & Headlines
6:03am cstWelcome to the Mike Church Show on Call the show            844-5CRUSADE

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 Glory and Shine to the Crusade Channel
19mHEADLINE: Feds Take Emergency Action To Delay Water Releases From Lake Powell As Megadrought Sparks Crisis  by ZeroHedge

  • You know it hardly ever rains in California.
  • It snows frequently every single year in the Sierra Nevada.
  • It also snows in the Shasta mountains too pretty regularly. 
  • Such an emergency action is in response to Powell’s water surface elevation at 3,522 feet and quickly dropping. A level below 3,490 feet would mean the Glen Canyon Dam hydropower plant would no longer be operational and could disrupt power and water to millions of people. 
  • This will buy federal and state officials 12 months as it considers additional measures to prevent Lake Powell from slipping under the disastrous level of 3,490 feet. 

HEADLINE: Body found in barrel at Lake Mead could be first of many grim discoveries due to extreme drought and receding water levels by Taiyler Simone Mitchell 

HEADLINE: See all that water flowing into the ocean? Bill by Sen. Hertzberg aims to save it by Kevin Modesti 

  • A similar bill proposed by Bob Hertzberg was shot down in 2015 and then again in 2019 from water companies.
  • The water companies sited ‘extreme costs’ for recycling systems.
 Crusade Channel Teaming Up With Epoch Times (affiliate link)
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7:15am cst

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HEADLINE: White House Defends Planned Left-Wing Protest at Homes of Supreme Court Justices by 


Doocy – Is it the stance of the WH and Biden that it is perfectly fine to posts maps of Justices homes etc for protesting purposes?

Psaki – Peaceful protest is not extreme, our view here is peaceful protest is encouraged. We want peoples privacy to be protected of course but we don’t have an official US gov position on where they should and shouldn’t protest. 

  • When will our leaders come out and stop this?
  • They are brewing a war between the states.
  • They are talking about ‘springing into action’ if Roe v Wade is overturned.
  • At some point and time some statesmen will have to get together, form a compact and say to the Federal Gov – if you try and come into our state and say our citizens must kill babies, you will have a massive problem on your hands.
  • So what does it benefit us to stay in this current union with them?
  • We have NOTHING in common with these baby murders. 
  HEADLINE: Pro-abortion groups target churches for Mother’s Day protests by Tyler O’Neil 

FROM THE CHATROOM: Why do they always go after the Catholic Church?

Maggie Minute – because it is the One True Church!

  • Let these angry things try and come to my local TLM.
  • The men in our congregation won’t let them breach the door!
  • Some of our men conceal carry too.
  Excerpt from The Framework of a Christian State

Page 284 – 

  • If you are going to make killing a baby a ‘right’ then there is NOTHING they can’t make a right.
  • Like the ‘right’ as an adult to ‘love’ a child.
  • MAP – Minor Attracked Person
  • This is where they are heading folks. 
  • In their precious democracy – in a straight up or down vote on Roe they lose.
1h33mAUDIO/VIDEO: WH Briefing 

Reporter – why has the WH not condemned the SCOTUS leak & are there any concerns about further politicization of one of the branches of gov.

Psaki – what is happening here is an effort to distract from the true issue. This isn’t about the leak it’s about women’s healthcare. 

  • The deception here is so profound.
  • You see how she completely flipped that question and ended it as it isn’t about the leak it is about Women’s Healthcare – not dismembering babies.

Crusader Monastery – The Veritas Radio Network also have a prayer request line. Send your prayer requests to [email protected]

 Do business with those that do business with us. McClure Tables they have been with us since day one of Veritas Radio Network and the Crusade Channel. Everything is handmade in the USA!
8:13am cstWelcome to the final segment of The Mike Church Show Call 844-5CRUSADE Join our FREE LIVE chatroom at
 ANNOUNCEMENT –  Tickets For The 2022 CRUSADER C O N G R E S S “Fellowship Of The Clans”
  AUDIO/VIDEO: Bill Gates on COVID  – ‘Too much problem w/o diagnosis, we didn’t understand the fatality rate back in February, we didn’t understand it was a fairly low mortality rate and that it is a disease of the elderly kinda like the flu.’

AUDIO/VIDEO:  Whoopi Goldberg on the View‘You won’t let me make a decision on my body, this decision is b/w my doctor, myself and my CHILD!’ (they know exactly what they are doing, killing their child)

  • The science shows that is NOT your body.
  • The science shows that a brand new strand of DNA at conception.
  • That is what science says!
  • She was a major proponent of ‘just wear the damn mask’ mob too!
  • So the face is NOT yours but the uterus is?
  • She proves that you don’t have to be smart to be successful in Hollywood.
  HEADLINE: Sex Is Never Trivial, It’s A Life And Death Act by Kylee Zempel

  • The design for sex, ordained by the Creator Himself since the dawn of Earth in Eden, is that it belongs in marriage alone in a covenant between one man and one woman until death. Only in that context can sex be what God intended: a mutual self-giving that is complete, unconditional, faithful, and ultimately fruitful. 

HEADLINE: CASTI CONNUBII – Encyclical of Pope Pius XI

On Christian Marriage to the Venerable Bretheren, Patriarchs, Primates, Archbishops, Bishops, and other Local Ordinaries Enjoying Peace and Communion with the Apostolic See  

AUDIO/VIDEO: Dr Cox – Wrong Wrong Wrong Wrong – From Scrubs TV show

 HEADLINE: 2 GOP-Led States Sue Biden Administration for ‘Pressuring and Colluding’ With Big Tech to Censor Free Speech by Katabella Roberts 
2h41m HEADLINE: ‘I can’t feed my son’: Desperate parents cannot get hold of baby formula amid a national shortage as stores ration tins that are selling on eBay for up to $800 after infection killed baby and caused huge recall by Melissa Koeing 

Brian K from Texas

Dan M from New Jersey

Discuss the baby formula shortage.

QUESTION: Where does America get most of it’s baby formula from?


HEADLINE: Russian Sanctions on Europe: Gonzalo Lira II 

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Meta-tags for show

 Free Farm Friday, GOP, Melissa Koeing, Planned Parenthood, Peter Doocy, Jen Psaki, Katabella Roberts, Joe Biden, Bill Gates, free speech, abortion, SCOTUS, Whoppi Goldberg, The View, my body my choice, COVID, baby formula, Kylee Zempel, Casti Connubii, Pope Pius XI, Apostolic See, Lake Powell, California drought, Taiyler Simone Mitchell, Sen Hertzberg, Kevin Modesti, Sierra Nevada, Gonzalo Lira

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Written by: LoneRhody

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