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Mandeville, LA – In 2013 my life changed so dramatically that when the smoke cleared I had lost my job, lost nearly all of my “friends” and lost my much unearned status as one of the top radio broadcasters in the United States. What was this dramatic change? I found Saint Thomas Aquinas philosophical teaching on life and life’s most important act: living the Catholic Faith as Our Lord taught and commands us. The primary catalyst for this wonderful realignment of my life was learning Philosophia Perennis from my now mentor, Brother Francis Maluf at the Saint Benedict Center of Richmond, NH.
Many of you have reverted and many have converted to the Faith and have credited me, well, I credit the graces of education and formation I received from the Saint Benedict Center. I also count Brother Francis’s charge, Brother André Marie as a mentor and constant source of spiritual counseling to say nothing of our beloved Sister Maria Philomena and all of Sister Marie Therese’s prayer warriors. Please read Brother André’s email below for the complete details of the grave injustice being done to the Saint Benedict Center and their now fight TO SURVIVE. I am asking you to guarantee the continuation of The Saint Benedict Center’s existence and MATCH the $1,000 donation I have made to them.
May God bless and Mary keep you,
Mike Church
Written by: jadechampagne
Sermons culled from traditional Catholic priests according to the season.
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