
165 Results / Page 18 of 19


AP-NORC poll: Voters See The Nation As Fundamentally Divided

AP-NORC poll: Voters See The Nation As Fundamentally Divided Via AP News: The overwhelming majority of voters believe the nation is deeply divided over its most important values, and many have doubts about the health of the democracy itself. And supporters of President Donald Trump and Joe Biden alike think the opposing candidate will make things even worse if elected, according to a new poll from The Associated Press-NORC Center […]

today10/17/2020 6

Presidential Town Halls

What Voters Thought Of The Dueling Presidential Town Halls

What Voters Thought Of The Dueling Presidential Town Halls Via YouGov: A snap poll conducted by YouGov immediately after the Donald Trumpand Joe Biden town halls sheds light on how voters felt about the dueling televised events. Overall, 14% of registered voters said they watched President Trump’s town hall in Miami on NBC, 17% said they watched Biden’s on ABC in Philadelphia, and 15% of voters watched portions of both […]

today10/16/2020 5

COVID19 Vaccine

Americans’ Readiness To Get COVID-19 Vaccine Falls To 50%

Americans' Readiness To Get COVID-19 Vaccine Falls To 50% Via Gallup: Americans' willingness to be vaccinated against the coronavirus has dropped 11 percentage points, falling to 50% in late September. This sharp decline comes after the percentage dwindled from 66% in July to 61% in August.   Meanwhile, according to Gallup Panel data from Aug. 17-30, the percentage of Americans who are inclined to delay returning to their normal daily […]

today10/15/2020 14


Three-Quarters Of Voters Say Faith Is Important In Their Personal Lives

Three-quarters of voters say faith is important in their personal lives Via Justthenews: The vast majority of U.S. voters say their religious faith plays an important role in their personal life, according to a new Just the News Daily Poll with Scott Rasmussen. A full 72% of voters say that their "religion or faith" is either somewhat or very important to them. Just 24% of voters said religion holds little to no significance […]

today10/05/2020 34


What Americans Think About Trump Catching COVID19

What Americans Think About Trump Catching COVID19 Via YouGov: President Donald Trump announced via Twitter late last night that he and the First Lady, Melania Trump, have both tested positive for COVID-19.   A YouGov snap poll conducted this morning finds that nearly all registered voters (92%) had heard at least a little about the news.    There are many questions about what President Trump’s diagnosis will mean for his campaign, just 31 days out from the […]

today10/03/2020 5


Just Over One-Third Of Voters Consider Themselves ‘Woke’

Just Over One-Third Of Voters Consider Themselves 'Woke' Not everyone is as woke as you have been led to believe  Via JustTheNews: Just over one-third of registered U.S. voters consider themselves "woke" – while substantially more either don't know what the term means or don't think it applies to them, according to a new Just the News Daily Poll with Scott Rasmussen. Thirty-four percent of voters said they identified with the label, which denotes […]

today10/02/2020 10

Mass Media

Gallup Poll: Americans Remain Distrustful of Mass Media

Gallup Poll: Americans Remain Distrustful of Mass Media Via Gallup: At a time when Americans are relying heavily on the media for information about the coronavirus pandemic, the presidential election and other momentous events, the public remains largely distrustful of the mass media. Four in 10 U.S. adults say they have "a great deal" (9%) or "a fair amount" (31%) of trust and confidence in the media to report the […]

today10/01/2020 24


Gallup: 54% Want Government To Solve More Problems in U.S.

54% Want Government To Solve More Problems in U.S. Via For the first time in Gallup's 28-year trend, a majority of Americans think the government should do more to solve the nation's problems. As the U.S. continues to struggle with the coronavirus pandemic, the resulting economic downturn, and racial injustice issues, 54% of U.S. adults favor increased government intervention, while 41% think the government is doing too much that […]

today09/29/2020 9

Gen Z

Gen Z Less Likely Than Public To Identify As Sports Fans

Gen Z Less Likely Than Public To Identify As Sports Fans Via YouGov: The millennial generation’s coming-of-age coincided with massive growth in the North American sports industry. Between 2010 and 2018, the North American sports market grew more than 40 percent from $49.9 billion to $71.1 billion, according to PricewaterhouseCoopers, fueled primarily by skyrocketing media rights and sponsorship revenue. With more access than ever to a wider range of competitions, […]

today09/28/2020 10